Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 309 Tree Ancestor, City Lord

Lu Feng had a conversation with Wizard Tia.

It was related to the Starry Sky Source Crystal, the core material for building the plane gate. To be honest, Wizard Tia was also very excited.

But Wizard Tia has always done things carefully and will not easily get involved in such dangerous adventures.

Especially since this adventure also involves his disciples, he not only has to be responsible for himself, but also takes into account Lu Feng's safety.

Lester, I'm going to look for information about this alien plane. If I can find some clues, the risk of this adventure can be greatly reduced. If we are really unsure, we will directly reject Blanco and Caffrian. It would be great if you receive an invitation! We have all just been promoted to Morning Star Wizards. Although things like plane gates are precious, we will have them sooner or later, so don’t worry!

Wizard Tia warned Lu Feng seriously, fearing that he would put himself in danger because of the temptation of the Starry Sky Abyss Crystal.

Teacher, I understand what you mean! I have also seriously considered it, don't you know who I am? Hehe! Lu Feng nodded towards Teacher Tia and said with a smile.

Relieving some of the tension in Wizard Tia's heart.

Lu Feng remembered Teacher Tia's concern in his heart.

However, Teacher Tia didn’t know that Lu Feng had a treasure like the [Space Gate] and could easily go to the alien plane mentioned by Blanco and Evelyn to explore and understand the dangers of the alien plane.

Well, that puts me at ease. I'll look for clues first!

Seeing the laughing Lu Feng, Wizard Tia felt confident and felt a lot more at ease. When he was about to leave, he turned around and told Lu Feng:

By the way, you have just been promoted to Morning Star Wizard, and you should still be unfamiliar with many places and confused. After being promoted to Morning Star Wizard, a lot of knowledge in the Great Library in the Emerald Dream is basically open to us. If you have time, When you have time, read more books and improve your knowledge accumulation! You can also choose some methods that suit you to establish yourself!

I understand, teacher! I will go!

Hearing this, Lu Feng's eyes lit up.

Knowledge is power, and Lu Feng is very familiar with it.

After seeing off Teacher Tia who was going to look for information and clues, Lu Feng returned to his training room when he saw that there was nothing he needed to do in the green tower.

With a thought in his mind, Lu Feng connected to the Emerald Dream in the [Botanical Garden] and entered it.

After being promoted to the Morning Star Wizard, Lu Feng has strong mental power. He no longer needs all the cumbersome means to communicate with the Emerald Dream. He can freely enter and exit the Emerald Dream with a single mental thought.

Entering the Emerald Dream, Lu Feng came to the core of the Emerald Dream, in front of a huge building that occupied almost one-tenth of the area of ​​the Emerald Dream.

This is the most important library in the Emerald Dream.

Lu Feng looked towards the building and saw that the building was huge and bright inside. He could feel the aroma of Zhishi even before he entered it.

A green light flashed, and a petite guiding spirit appeared beside Lu Feng, leading Lu Feng into the big library.

This is the largest library in the [Botanical Garden]. It collects various first-level to third-level witchcraft models, as well as various knowledge from countless alien planes, and many secret techniques. Since you are a Morning Star wizard, third-level and third-level witchcraft models are collected here. The various witchcraft model secrets below will be open to you free of charge. You can borrow them at will, wizard, but if you need to spread them or teach them to your disciples, please pay!

In addition, Lord Wizard, since you are a Morning Star Wizard and have not yet chosen a suitable fundamental secret method to practice, here are several Solar Wizards jointly recommending to you the fundamental secret method of the Botanical Garden [Tree Ancestor]. This is the most powerful secret method of the [Botanical Garden]. ! You can now practice the fourth-level [Tree Ancestor] secret method, and after you advance, you can continue to obtain higher-level secret methods!

Lu Feng entered the large library while guiding the elf's introduction.

In the center of the Great Library, there is a huge, azure witchcraft crystal ball suspended in the void, engraved with countless mysterious lines.

The guide elf introduced: This is the index crystal of our big library. It is also the director of the big library. It is a high-level witchcraft secret treasure that gave birth to life. You can find the big library quickly and easily through the index crystal. The specific usage of any information in it is also very simple. Use the spiritual link index crystal where the light of the index crystal shines, and you can find the information you want!

Lu Feng found a quiet place in the big library and separated a spiritual link to the index crystal:

Apply to view the fundamental secret method [Tree Ancestor]

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed, and an illusory book composed entirely of energy flew directly from the huge bookshelf of the large library and landed in Lu Feng's hands.

Seeing that Lu Feng had learned how to use it, the guiding elf smiled and said, Master Wizard, I won't disturb your study. If you need it, you can call me at any time!

Lu Feng nodded and guided the elf to turn into a swath of emerald green starlight and disappear beside Lu Feng.

After guiding the elf away, Lu Feng opened the book in his hand and began to study it carefully. At the same time, Lu Feng was also multitasking, communicating with the index crystal, and asking for books that recorded various alien plane knowledge to recharge his batteries.

In this large library, Lu Feng spent almost all his time studying the secret method of [Tree Ancestor] and memorizing the knowledge of various alien planes.

He is very clear that this information is related to his future life safety and development.

Even the Morning Star Wizard must have something in mind to survive in the dangerous starry sky and see a better future.

Seven days later, in the training room of Lu Feng, a tall green tower.

Lu Feng returned from the Emerald Dream, his mind filled with all kinds of knowledge. His mind was still a little confused after reading too many books.

Although he still wanted to continue soaking in the large library of the Emerald Dream to learn more knowledge, half of the half month promised by Wizard Dia and Blanco had passed. Lu Feng still stopped studying and prepared to explore first. Find out the details of that alien plane.

I won't go to the alien plane at this location. I'll just send a fire dragon Taoist soldier there to test the waters first!

Lu Feng thought for a while, but after all, he did not dare to take risks himself.


A light of fire fell to the ground in the Aoki Blessed Land, and the pure white flame the size of a soybean swelled in the wind. In the blink of an eye, it had grown into a fire dragon Taoist soldier with a majestic head and horns and a blazing body, standing on the ground of the Aoki Blessed Land.

This fire dragon Taoist soldier has a good foundation. With Lu Feng's advancement in strength, he is now in the middle of the third level and can stand alone.

Go away!

Lu Feng communicated with the [Space Gate] and connected to the alien plane. In an instant, a silver-white door opened in front of the Fire Dragon Taoist Soldier, revealing a broad, deep alien plane with an edge that could not be seen at a glance.

The Fire Dragon Taoist soldier stepped directly into the silver-white portal opened by the [Space Gate].

Lu Feng separated a ray of energy to pay attention to the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers who walked into the portal.

The scenery in front of the fire dragon Taoist soldier suddenly changed, and he was already on a barren hilltop.

The fire dragon Taoist carefully looked at it for a while, and after confirming that the landing point was safe, he breathed a sigh of relief. This intelligent fire dragon Taoist had been following Lu Feng for so long, and he had developed a cautious temperament.

The unknown plane is filled with all kinds of dangers.

Even though the Fire Dragon Taoist had the strength of the third level, he did not dare to be arrogant. He carefully restrained the scorching flames on his body, leaving only a strong body with scales like a dragon descendant.

Looking into the distance, the fire dragon Taoist soldier's eyes lit up quickly: I found it, there is a city over there!

Putting on simple clothes, the Huolong Taoist soldier walked forward along a simple dirt road that he had stepped on. After walking for more than ten kilometers, a city with a wall of ten meters high appeared in the eyes of the Huolong Taoist soldier.

At the gate of that city, there was a group of tall warriors carrying swords on their backs and wearing plate armor patrolling. Seeing the arrival of the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers, this group of warriors with swords were extremely wary.

Dragonborn, why would a Dragonborn come to this remote place like ours!

Seeing the arrival of the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers, the plate-armored warriors on the city walls quickly sounded the alarm, and the sound of dang-dang-dang spread throughout the city. Then under the gaze of the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers, a short, fat, middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes appeared. People walked up the city wall.

Lord, that dragonborn has been wandering outside the city wall for an hour. He doesn't seem to be hostile to us. Sir, please see if we can find a way to communicate with him!

Seeing the short, fat middle-aged man walking up the city wall, Les, the captain of the plate-armored warrior team, quickly stepped forward and introduced to the short, fat middle-aged man in a low voice the situation of the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers wandering outside the city.

Listening to the words of the plate armor warrior captain Les, the short and fat middle-aged man known as the lord carefully lay on the city wall and looked outside. At a glance, he saw the strong and muscular body of the fire dragon Taoist soldier, and his The breath of suffocating terror.

Hiss! I'm afraid this dragonborn is not that powerful! We can't afford to offend him!

The short, fat middle-aged man known as the lord took a deep breath. Just by looking at it, he felt that the dragonborn outside the city was enough to destroy his small city.

The terrifying strength made the pudgy middle-aged man unable to resist.

The short, fat middle-aged man adjusted his emotions for a while, stood up from the city wall, and shouted to the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers outside the city:

Dear Sir, I am the lord of this small town. My name is Dunes. I come from the Mad Lion family of the Holy Empire. I don't know what needs I have for wandering outside the city. Please feel free to ask. I will definitely try my best to satisfy you.

Lord Dunes forced himself to smile, hoping to give the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers a satisfactory performance.

The fire dragon Taoist soldier glanced at the enemies appearing on the city wall, and found that none of them were strong.

The strongest one was just a first-level warrior wearing plate armor, and a short, fat middle-aged man with a strange aura.

There might be something special about people in this city calling middle-aged people lord.

However, the Fire Dragon Taoist Soldiers were already in the middle of the third level, and there was an insurmountable gap between them and these little Karami in front of them.

The fire dragon Taoist soldier jumped up the city wall with a slight leap and came to Lord Dunes.

I want you to lead the way and explain your city to me!

The Fire Dragon Taoist directly used his powerful mental power instead of speaking to deliver the message to Dunes.

Yes Yes Yes!

Lord Dunes trembled in front of the powerful fire dragon Taoist soldiers and responded quickly.

He didn't dare to disobey the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers' orders at all.

Under the leadership of Dunes, the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers entered the city.

In the city, the roads on the ground are muddy, animal excrement can be seen everywhere, and there is a lot of dust. Most of the buildings in the city are made of wood, exuding a backward and ancient atmosphere of the Western Middle Ages.

Using the water mirror method to project all the scenes seen by the Fire Dragon Taoist Soldiers, Lu Feng, Elio and other subordinates looked at the backward city and had a question in their hearts.

A city like this, with its level of civilization development, can really pose a threat to the four Morning Star Wizards!

Such a city is not even as good as the haphazardly built residences for residents in Lufeng Qingmu Blessed Land.

This city is full of dangers, and Elio and his subordinates are eager to take action, wishing they could all join in and explore.

However, Lu Feng himself was not in a hurry to end the situation personally. He was still waiting for more news from the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers.

Soon, the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers discovered something interesting in Dunes' city.

A tall masonry building filled with a rough and fighting atmosphere, it is incompatible with the surrounding buildings in the backward city of Duns. Its uniqueness can be seen at a glance.

Although Dunes was a little surprised that the Fire Dragon Taoist Soldier did not recognize this building, under the power of the Fire Dragon Taoist Soldier, he still honestly introduced it to the Fire Dragon Taoist Soldier:

Sir, this building is the only military building in my city, the Warriors Guild. It can train city residents into qualified warriors!

Listening to Dunes' words, Lu Feng thought of some warriors wearing plate armor and carrying long swords that the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers had seen on the city wall just now.

Their bodies are powerful, and looking at them wearing plate armor and carrying long swords on their backs, their strength is not much weaker.

Those warriors were all created by this lord called Dunes through this [Fighters Guild].

A building can actually train people to become powerful warriors and extraordinary professionals.

It's amazing.

It has the same purpose as Lu Feng's Golden Skeleton King Dolu, a military building that cultivates undead creatures.

Are these lords also a special group of people?

Lu Feng thought of more things, and immediately ordered the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers to further understand and study this lord named Dunes.

Lord, maybe this is what makes this world special! Lu Feng said with deep meaning in his eyes.

Following Lu Feng's order, the Fire Dragon Taoist soldier stretched out his hand and captured the short, fat, middle-aged man Dunes. The powerful strength of the Fire Dragon Taoist soldier made the short, fat, middle-aged man Dunes completely unable to resist.

Facing the fire dragon Taoist soldiers who suddenly took action, Dunes felt a bad feeling in his heart and howled emotionally:

What do you want to do? I am a god-given lord of the Holy Empire who is favored by the gods. Even the nobles of the empire have no right to kill me.

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