Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 307 Morning Star Wizard, two methods combined into one!

In the [Botanical Garden], in the Emerald Dream that Lu Feng was unaware of, his application for promotion also attracted the attention of some powerful wizards.

Several powerful spirits converged in the Emerald Dream, focusing on Lu Feng's promotion.

If Lu Feng could see the intersection of these spirits, he would definitely find that each of these spirits exudes incredibly powerful spiritual fluctuations, as if they were like a sun walking in the world.

Each of them has the power of the Succubus Queen Yula who is worshiped by the three succubus sisters of Licoris. If they say that they can penetrate into the abyss and defeat the Succubus Queen, Lu Feng probably won't have many doubts after seeing them. .

In the illusory Emerald Dream, the spirits of these powerful wizards transformed into majestic figures. The terrifying aura and coercion emanated from them. When they gathered here, they formed a powerful spirit even without deliberate control. Attack, if an ordinary wizard was exposed to this place, his spirit would probably collapse on the spot, and he would die.

The powerful wizards looked at each other, and there was a tacit understanding without saying anything. Where many powerful eyes converged, Lu Feng's various information and intelligence were displayed in detail for the powerful wizards to evaluate and comment.

At this time, they were watching Lufeng's promotion.

The green tower is located on top of the giant energy-absorbing ancient tree leaves. Lu Feng did not choose the venue where Tia Wizard was promoted last time, but chose a closed training room in the green tower.

After the Qingmu Spiritual Realm was promoted to a Blessed Land, Lu Feng's promotion to the fourth level Morning Star Wizard was a matter of course without any difficulty.

Compared with the publicity of the Tia wizard, Lu Feng prefers to keep a low profile. Apart from arousing the surprise of onlookers, Lu Feng does not bring any substantial benefits to him.

Lu Feng never did anything that was not beneficial.

In the training room, the promotion assistance Lu Feng applied for is gradually in place.

An extremely rich energy of heaven and earth surged out from the void and poured into the practice room. In just an instant, the energy of heaven and earth in the practice room was so rich that it began to liquefy and atomize, making the practice room full of clouds and mist. Every breath , are full of energy from heaven and earth.

Moreover, these rich energies of heaven and earth are not as violent and violent as the energy in the magic stone, which is not conducive to absorption and requires distraction to refine. It is filled with the natural life vitality of trees. As soon as the body and spirit come into contact, Just actively integrate into the body.

If ordinary people can be exposed to this kind of energy of heaven and earth for a long time, cultivation will definitely be like divine help. It will not be difficult for them to live a life without illness and disaster, and to die in peace.

Lu Feng guessed that this energy of heaven and earth may be the treasure of the [Botanical Garden]. The energy generated by the super giant energy-absorbing ancient trees can be called great, even if it is emitted unintentionally. A breath of it can be a good nourishing food for wizards like Lu Feng.

Lu Feng greedily absorbed the rich energy of heaven and earth in the training room. In order to assist the third-level wizard to advance to the Morning Star Wizard, the supply of this energy of heaven and earth was almost unlimited. As long as Lu Feng could absorb it, he could absorb it infinitely.

Given this opportunity, Lu Feng was like a mouse that fell into a rice vat. He immediately opened his belly to absorb and devour the energy of the world like a buffet.

Using all his strength to move his energy, Lu Feng's body was like a black hole. All the energy of the world that was close to him was swallowed up by his body. The energy of the surrounding world was briefly evacuated, and the energy from other places in the training room flowed over.

The speed was too fast, and a small energy vortex was formed around Lu Feng, making a whistling wind sound.

About 30% of the energy of heaven and earth that poured into Lu Feng's body was absorbed by Lu Feng's body, and the remaining 70% was secretly poured into the Aoki Blessed Land by Lu Feng, nourishing all living things in the blessed land.

Anyway, during his promotion period, there is an unlimited supply of such heaven and earth energy. It would be a waste of resources not to make full use of it.

Absorbing abundant energy from heaven and earth, Lu Feng's physical condition gradually returned to perfection. At the same time, witchcraft blessings to assist breakthroughs fell on Lu Feng's body.

Improve wisdom, get rid of distracting thoughts, concentrate, improve comprehension ability, improve luck, stay away from bad luck, invigorate the body, and strengthen the spirit.

With the blessing of a set of witchcraft, Lu Feng felt that his spirit was extremely active, his consciousness was extremely clear, and his physical condition was also strengthened to the limit.

With so many buffs, the probability of a general third-level wizard's success in promotion increases by at least two levels! Every wizard who advances can have this kind of treatment. [Botanical Garden] is really wealthy!

Lu Feng sighed after experiencing the changes in his body.

After his physical and mental state was adjusted to the best, Lu Feng concentrated on starting to advance to the Morning Star Wizard.

At the late third level, the wizard begins to understand the secrets of the laws. The most critical point for advancing to the fourth level Morning Star Wizard is to engrave the comprehended laws on the soul core of the wizard's spiritual space, and to combine the natal witchcraft and witchcraft on the soul core. The realms are completely integrated, evolving the realm of witchcraft into a real plane space.

It's like the creation of heaven and earth, with a plane space of its own.

Enjoy the blessing of the power of heaven and earth in a plane space, and the power of heaven and earth in the plane space will accompany you every time you move. You are not fighting alone, but in a plane space. Facing the enemies of the Morning Star Wizard, you will only feel despair, and Incompetent and powerless.

It is the specialness and power of this wizard's cultivation method that allows the wizard civilization to compete with the civilization of the gods, the endless abyss, and many powerful races in the starry sky, and even dominate the surrounding starry sky. It can be called the strongest practice in the starry sky. One of the professions.

When Lu Feng was preparing, he had kept in mind all the knowledge and secrets required to advance to the Morning Star Wizard, and he had already made complete preparations.

The Qingmu Spiritual Realm was promoted to the Blessed Land, and his mind and body reached the fourth level. The difference was the realm of wizard magic, and he did not complete the final step of transformation into a Morning Star Wizard.

As for the laws that need to be engraved on the core of the soul when advancing to the Morning Star Wizard, Lu Feng has the Aoki Blessed Land and has learned a huge amount of laws along the way.

Five elements, stars, yin and yang, light, darkness, nature, evil.

In the ancient plane, Lu Feng gathered a large number of tribal totems who had stepped into the path of gods. They enjoyed the power of faith and worshiped them. One or two were not strong enough, and they may not have much divinity in their bodies, but after the number was accumulated, they gave Qingmu blessed land The various laws that have been contributed are countless.

As long as they continue to practice and understand the laws, Lu Feng, as the master of Qingmu Blessed Land, will continue to gain insights into various laws.

This is also one of the benefits of Aoki Paradise.

Under such circumstances, it was difficult for Lu Feng to specialize in the understanding of one law. He could only pile up quality with quantity and build himself into a barrel template that understood all laws without any shortcomings or outstanding points.

As time passed, Lu Feng's aura gradually reached the top in the training room.

In his mental space, the emerald green soul core that was originally imprinted with the Ling Cui Realm of his natal witchcraft domain has slowly turned into a chaotic color.

In these days, Lu Feng used his will as his pen and his spirit as his ink, imprinting the many laws he understood with the help of Qingmu Paradise on the core of his soul one by one, creating the current chaotic soul core.

When the last bit of law understanding was engraved into the core of Lu Feng's soul, Lu Feng felt a sense of joy in his heart, and a feeling of perfection came to his heart.

The law imprint is completed, it's time! Soul core, open!

Maintaining mental composure and using the method of breakthrough, Lu Feng shouted loudly and with a bang, his chaotic soul core exploded.

In this explosion, invisible space power was born from the center of Lu Feng's soul core, and a fragile space was born in the soul core, expanding rapidly toward a real plane space.

The wizard method and the earth immortal method are indeed very similar. When I became the Morning Star Wizard, a plane space was born. If it is strengthened all the way, it is estimated that a huge plane space can be cultivated in the core of the soul. !”

Lu Feng inspected the expanding new plane space in his soul core and thought to himself.

However, I have used the earth immortal method to refine the Aoki Blessed Land. Along the way, countless resources and energy have been spent on the Aoki Blessed Land. Now there is a new plane and space, and I can't afford it!

Lu Feng compared the new plane space in the soul core with his own Aoki Blessed Land. The new plane space in the soul core was small and fragile, completely incomparable to the mature Aoki Blessed Land.

The resource consumption of cultivating the plane space is terrifying, and Lu Feng has long experienced it.

After thinking for a few breaths, Lu Feng gritted his teeth and made a decision in his mind.

It's better to concentrate on cultivating two Aoki Blessed Lands than to concentrate on cultivating two! I have been greedy for too much in the laws, but I must not be distracted anymore in cultivating the space plane!

Lu Feng's eyes flashed, and he immediately urged the Aoki Blessed Land in his body to hit the soul core in the spiritual space.

Merge! Combine two into one! I only need one! Lu Feng whispered with firm eyes.

The huge Aoki Blessed Land squeezed into the soul core, and the new plane space in the soul core was as small as a chicken in front of Aoki Blessed Land. Under Lu Feng's efforts to control, Aoki Blessed Land quickly occupied the new plane space in the soul core. The space is swallowed up, and the dove takes over the magpie's nest and settles in it.

After half a day, Lu Feng slowly opened his eyes and felt a sense of relief in his body.

Aoki Blessed Land was integrated into the core of his soul, and with the help of his promotion to Morning Star Wizard, it baptized half of Lu Feng's body again, greatly strengthening his body.

At this time, his physical body was even stronger than the fourth-level starry sky beasts, full of vitality and power.

At this time, there was already a witchcraft bath filled with boiling hot water and various precious alchemical potions in the training room.

Lu Feng smiled slightly and stepped directly into it. Under the service of Succubus Liklis and others, he took a refreshing hot bath and quietly realized the changes in power within his body.

Lu Feng felt the almost endless power in his body, smiled slightly, and said happily:

The Aoki Blessed Land refined by the Earth Immortal Method has now perfectly replaced the new dimension space in the soul core refined by the Wizard Method. At present, the two cultivation systems have been integrated extremely well, and the Aoki Blessed Land has perfectly become the soul. The source of power in the core! According to the strength of Aoki Blessed Land, I should have passed the most difficult period in the early stage of Morning Star Wizard.

After becoming a Morning Star Wizard, the subsequent series of fighting methods and power movements are inseparable from the plane space in the soul core.

Just like the true gods in the civilization of gods cannot live without their divine kingdom, the demon lords in the endless abyss cannot live without their demon territory.

For wizards, the plane space in the core of their souls is the wizard's god's kingdom and devil's territory.

It's just that the gods rely on the kingdom of God on the alien plane, the demon lord relies on the endless abyss, and is particularly powerful with the help of external objects, while the wizard can only rely on himself to cultivate the plane space in the core of the soul.

However, after becoming independent, the Morning Star Wizard also gained mobility that far surpassed that of gods and demon lords. His body is carried in the plane and space, and he can survive freely in any environment and exert his most powerful combat ability.

The gods and demon lords are limited by the location of their territory. They are powerful and invincible in their own territory, but once they leave their comfort zone, they are like snails that have shed their shells, at the mercy of powerful wizards.

Therefore, gods and demons generally do not leave their own territory easily. Making clones and abyss projection are their main means of exploring and fighting. After all, clones are not as good as the main body, and their general strength is one level weaker than the main body. Outside the territory, I met wizards, gods and demon lords of the same level who were all giving away treasures to the boy.

In the bath, Lu Feng stretched out his hand a little, and the aura of the Aoki Paradise spread out from his body, forming an extremely powerful plane projection around him, which was within his control within an inch.

Seeing the power of Qingmu Paradise, Lu Feng smiled with satisfaction.

After bathing and relaxing, Lu Feng sent Licoris and others back to the Aoki Paradise and walked out of the training room of the green tower.

As soon as he opened the door, Lu Feng saw many familiar faces in the green tower. Teacher Tia, who was practicing in seclusion, was also standing at the front of the team, waiting for him to leave seclusion with a smile on his face.

Seeing Lu Feng and feeling the strong aura on Lu Feng's body, wizard Tia's eyes flashed with surprise.

'Lester has just been promoted to the Morning Star Wizard. His aura is so powerful. He is much stronger than my teacher. Just facing him, I feel like I can't beat him. I really don't know how he practices! Could it be that the sub-profession he practiced is so powerful?'

Wizard Tia thought about this and felt a little depressed. After all, she was still his teacher, but he was surpassed by his own student so easily. How could this make sense!

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