Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 306 Aoki Blessed Land, the first newborn baby! (Six thousand!)

The blessing from the wizarding world can have a certain auxiliary effect on fourth-level Morning Star wizards like Wizard Tia.

Although the blessing obtained by Lu Feng was as big as that, the blessing could not bring any powerful effect to Wizard Tia.

But the world's blessings originate from the wizarding world and are extremely precious. Wizard Tia can never have too many.

Of course, if Wizard Tia is allowed to fight in the ancient plane again, he will definitely choose to understand the rules of the Golden Law and advance to the fourth level of Morning Star Wizard.

His realm is as great as the sky. With his current strength as the Morning Star Wizard, it is easy to obtain the blessings of the Wizarding World.

To achieve this level of achievement, Lu Feng still needed to sweep through the entire ancient plane and put in a lot of work.

Nowadays, Wizard Tia can find any alien plane and do whatever he wants, and he can achieve more achievements than Lu Feng.

The Morning Star Wizard has stepped into the middle level of the wizarding world. He can be regarded as a strong person. He is also a powerful existence that can compete with the gods in the vast starry sky. He is no longer the same as the third-level wizard such as Karami.

The ability to obtain various resources is greatly enhanced.

With the distribution of these blessings from the wizarding world, the task of conquering the ancient plane taken by the Green Tower has been completed. What is left are some small matters that need to be solved by Ms. Natasha. Lu Feng can be regarded as starting from the ancient plane. Freed from the task ahead.

Waiting for the ancient plane to be completely integrated into the wizarding world, everyone watching the wonders of the starry sky also left one after another. They were all eager to go back to digest and absorb this hard-earned blessing of the world.

It is easy to obtain a fourth-level Morning Star wizard like Wizard Tia, but it is even more difficult for ordinary wizards in the green tower. After all, good special tasks such as conquering the ancient plane are not so easy to obtain. Taken.

If it weren't for the Green Tower's rich heritage and outstanding people, hehe, they wouldn't even be qualified to touch the world's blessings.

When the song ended and everyone dispersed, Lu Feng returned to the green tower with his huge world blessing.

In the training room, Lu Feng looked at the fragments in front of him that were as big as a pot lid and as bright as a lamp, with a look of joy on his face.

Lu Feng had just understood the Heaven-Mending Technique, and was still worried about how to obtain the Origin of Heaven and Earth. Who knows how long it had taken before a ball of Origin of Heaven and Earth was automatically delivered to his door.

To other wizards, this fragment is a blessing from the wizarding world, but to Lu Feng, who possesses the Heaven-Mending Technique, it is a piece of the origin of heaven and earth.

This group of fragments is the most fundamental thing from the wizarding world. With the help of this group of blessings, Lu Feng is 100% sure that he can obtain a piece of the origin of heaven and earth from the wizarding world that is enough for him to advance to the Aoki Spiritual Realm.

Staring at the fragments in front of him, Lu Feng took a deep breath and made a decision.

The wizarding world is too powerful, and there is no existence that Lu Feng can touch. With the Heaven-Mending Technique in his hand, Lu Feng only dares to use the mildest method.

As for plunder! Lu Feng didn't even dare to think about it.

The Wizarding World is not like the garbage in the Earthly Immortal World that does not have absolute power. The number of original artifacts that the Wizarding Civilization has been refining into the Wizarding World for a long time is a shocking number.

In this world, even becoming a god is not allowed. As long as the divine fire is lit, divine punishment will come down, annihilating the divine fire and shattering the soul.

His soul was shattered, and there was no chance of resurrection.

Lu Feng estimated that if he dared to use the Heaven-Mending Technique to plunder the origin of heaven and earth in the Wizarding World, he thought evilly in his heart. The powerful Wizarding World would probably take action and kill this little loser.

Fortunately, Lu Feng had already thoroughly studied the Heaven-Mending Technique, and knew that there was a roundabout way to save the country.

Lu Feng cut a thick branch from the branch of an energy-absorbing ancient tree sapling. It was several meters thick and more than ten meters long. He trimmed and chopped it to create a three-story altar made of pure wood.

In the training room of the green tower,

An altar exuding a strong aura of life and nature stood in the center of the training room. Lu Feng carefully took the fragment as big as a pot lid floating around him in his hand, held it up solemnly and held it up, as bright as a lamp, and placed it On a three-story altar made of energy-absorbing ancient tree sapling branches.

Lu Feng stood solemnly in front of the wooden altar, and suddenly sang an ancient sacrificial song. It was strange, difficult to pronounce, and difficult to understand. His body also danced exaggeratedly with the movements of the ancient sacrificial song, sometimes exaggeratedly twisted, and sometimes Fierce and powerful, there is a unique charm contained in it.

As Lu Feng sang and danced, the entire training room was filled with a solemn, solemn, and mysterious ancient atmosphere.

This is the heaven-sacrifice ceremony recorded in the Heaven-Mending Art. It evolved from the witchcraft of the ancient world of the earthly immortals and is a special ceremony that can restore heaven and earth.

The heaven-sacrifice ritual is used in the wizarding world. Lu Feng also made some localized transformations based on the foundation of the Heaven-Mending Technique in order to adapt to the world of the wizarding world and play the role that the heaven-sacrifice ritual should have.

After Lu Feng sang and danced three times, he gradually felt something different.

As he sang and danced, the special lines engraved on the wooden altar in the center of the training room were gradually filled with an invisible energy, and slowly lit up with a faint fluorescence, as if there was a special existence filling the wooden altar. able.

Not only was the wooden altar changing, but as Lu Feng was singing and dancing, his spiritual power spread around, and he gradually seemed to be in contact with a vast and great existence.


In front of this great existence, Lu Feng was as small as the sand in the vast sea. After coming into contact with this great existence, his spiritual consciousness seemed to have stagnated. It was extremely difficult to even turn around and have an idea.

At the same time, Lu Feng also felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

This is the wizarding world that his heaven-sacrifice ritual aims to communicate.

Lu Feng tried his best to stimulate his spirit, trying to seize this rare opportunity to express his inner thoughts, and exchange the achievements earned in the ancient plane for the origin of the wizarding world.

But in front of this great being, the thoughts in Lu Feng's heart had just arisen, and they were displayed in front of this great being like a naked buttocks.


A thought came to Lu Feng, and it was like a bell in Lu Feng's consciousness. The sound of nature shocked Lu Feng into a trance. He lost consciousness in an instant. His unconscious body swayed like a piece of wood, and he fell down in a daze. In front of the wooden altar in the center of the training room.

After a long time, Lu Feng gradually woke up from his coma. His body and mind were extremely exhausted, as if he had been drained dry by countless succubus goddesses.

Fortunately, the Aoki Spiritual Realm in his body was still supplying energy continuously to help him recover. After regaining consciousness, he actively activated the Aoki Spiritual Realm to recover faster.

Not long after, Lu Feng sat up unsteadily, holding on to the floor.

Looking forward, the place where the wooden altar was placed in the center of the training room was empty, leaving only ashes.

The wooden altar made of energy-absorbing ancient tree sapling branches is extremely hard. Without the attack power of a third-level fire wizard, it would be impossible to destroy it. However, at this moment, there is only a piece of ashes left in this hard wooden altar.

At the same time, the fragments enshrined on the wooden altar, as big as a pot lid, also disappeared without a trace.

I, did I succeed? Or failed? Lu Feng murmured in confusion.

Seeing the messy place, he was puzzled. He quickly stood up and approached, groping with all his strength in the ashes, looking for the results of the heaven-sacrifice ceremony.

Although Lu Feng is now a little weak and confused, he still clearly remembers the great consciousness he came into contact with just now, as well as the voice of agreement from that great being.

It should be a success, Lu Feng felt like this in his heart.

But after waking up, Lu Feng himself was extremely weak. The altar made of energy-absorbing ancient tree saplings and branches disappeared together with the fragments as big as a pot lid. According to his own request, he should be able to exchange a little bit of the origin of heaven and earth from the wizard world's world will.

But where are the results of this deal now?

Lu Feng groped for a long time, but could not find the source of heaven and earth among the ashes. Instead, he found a bright light in his own spiritual space.

In the spiritual space, although the origin of heaven and earth from the wizarding world is as small as the sand in the vast sea, it is like a bright sun, suspended above his spiritual space, above the emerald green soul core.

This, this is the origin of heaven and earth from the wizarding world!

Looking inside his own spiritual space and observing the origin of heaven and earth in his spiritual space, Lu Feng was extremely shocked.

In the Heaven-Mending Art, there is also a description of the origin of heaven and earth in the earthly immortal world.

The source of heaven and earth in Lu Feng's spiritual space is as panicked as the sun, but the source of heaven and earth in the earthly immortal world is estimated to have the same mass as a star in the starry sky. Put together, all the light will be eclipsed by the source of heaven and earth in the wizarding world. Covered, no trace can be seen.

According to the Tian Mending Jue, when the spiritual realm is promoted to a blessed land, no matter how good the quality of the refining heaven and earth origin is, the greater the potential of the promoted blessed land, the further it can go in the future. In the world of earth immortals, there is currently the only cave of heaven. Lord, the first refined source of heaven and earth was the most powerful source of heaven and earth during the period when the Earth Immortal World was completely victorious. The origins of heaven and earth plundered by latecomers became increasingly poor in quality as the Earth Immortal World declined, and they ended up in the blessed land one by one. .”

Lu Feng recalled the content recorded in the Heaven-Mending Jue, and looked at the source of heaven and earth in the spiritual space, his heart became increasingly hot.

The stronger the refining origin of heaven and earth, the better the prospects and future of the Qingmu Spiritual Realm.

The source of heaven and earth in the Wizarding World that I had luckily obtained was at least tens of thousands of times more powerful than the source of heaven and earth in the Earthly Immortal World.

When he uses the Heaven-Building Technique to digest this bit of the origin of heaven and earth and make up for the innate shortcomings of the Green Wood Spiritual Realm, how powerful will his Greenwood Spiritual Realm be?

The future is promising, the future is promising!

Lu Feng was ecstatic and roared loudly.

After a long time, Lu Feng managed to calm down his excitement. Being too excited would be detrimental to his subsequent training and expected advancement.

He rested in the green tower for another half month and accompanied Luo Ke and others to play around.

There are also many wonders and wonders in the [Botanical Garden], a place of great beauty. During the visit, Lu Feng relaxed and felt happy.

Slowly breaking away from the joy of getting the treasure, I returned to my normal state of mind.

After his emotions stabilized, Lu Feng asked all his men to return to the Green Wood Spiritual Realm. Instead, he applied to Wizard Tia for maximum permission to use the green tower energy pool, and then entered the training room to practice in seclusion.

In the training room.

Lu Feng sat cross-legged, meditating, and put his spiritual consciousness into the Qingmu spiritual realm.

Under his tug, the source of heaven and earth in Lu Feng's mental space suddenly fell into the Qingmu spiritual realm. The source of heaven and earth suddenly disappeared from his mental space, and he felt a sense of loss in his heart.

The origin of heaven and earth is the most precious thing in the world. The Green Wood Spiritual Realm can absorb the origin of heaven and earth, and Lu Feng's spiritual power can also absorb the origin of heaven and earth to strengthen his spirit.

During these days of transition, Lu Feng has been restraining his instinctive desire and greed for spiritual power, otherwise this bit of the origin of heaven and earth would have been swallowed up completely by his own spiritual soul.

The origin of heaven and earth from the wizarding world fell into the Aoki Spirit Realm. Lu Feng controlled the instinctive greed and desire to devour the Aoki Spirit Realm, and then slowly operated the Aoki Spirit Realm and used the Heaven-Mending Technique.

As Lu Feng activated the Heaven-Mending Technique, he saw the original space of the Aoki Spirit Realm.

Under the effect of the Heaven-Building Technique, the original space of the Aoki Spirit Realm slowly squirmed, opening a hole and swallowing the origin of heaven and earth that fell into the Aoki Spirit Realm into the original space.


Compared with this origin from the wizarding world, the origin space of the Aoki Spiritual Realm appears to be very fragile. As soon as it enters, the origin space is illuminated to pieces by the brilliance of the origin of heaven and earth.


Intricately connected to the Aoki Spiritual Realm, when the original space was shattered, Lu Feng couldn't help but groaned, and red blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Faced with such a serious injury, Lu Feng felt calm and calm.

If it is not broken, it cannot be established; if it is broken, it will be established!

This is one of the core mysteries of the Heaven-Building Art. The Green Wood Spiritual Realm was artificially created by Lu Feng. Compared with the real heaven and earth, the innate nature is insufficient. Without ruthless means, it is simply not enough to change the innate foundation of the Green Wood Spiritual Realm.

Sure enough, under Lu Feng's indifferent gaze, the source of heaven and earth from the wizarding world bloomed, and the original space of the Aoki Spiritual Realm, which was on the verge of collapse, greedily absorbed the source of heaven and earth.

With the support of the power of the origin of heaven and earth, the broken Qingmu spiritual realm regained its vitality, repaired itself quickly, and returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

Then the newly repaired original space was burst under the radiance of the original source of heaven and earth, and it collapsed to pieces.

Repair, break, repair, break.

Under the effect of the Heaven-Building Technique, the original space of the Green Wood Spiritual Realm is constantly being tempered and strengthened through the repeated processes of fragmentation and repair, and becomes tougher visible to the naked eye.

Repeating the process again and again, the time becomes longer and longer, showing the continuous strength of the original space of the Qingmu Spiritual Realm.

During this process, the source of heaven and earth that shines and generates heat is constantly being absorbed and refined by the original space of the Aoki Spiritual Realm. The brilliance becomes weaker, and the essence is absorbed by the original space of the Aoki Spiritual Realm.


The last bit of radiance from the origin of heaven and earth in the wizarding world has dimmed, and the origin space of the Aoki Spiritual Realm has grown to its limit.

In the process of the collapse and growth of the original space, the Green Wood Spiritual Realm was trembling, and the millions of residents living in it were also frightened. Under the comfort of Lu Feng's many subordinates, and with no real harm to the fallen To them, the residents in the Green Wood Spiritual Realm gradually adapted to the changes in the spiritual realm.

After getting used to the movement of the Green Wood Spirit Realm, these residents of the Green Wood Spirit Realm also found that when the Green Wood Spirit Realm trembled today, it seemed to be particularly suitable for practicing, comprehending the techniques, and practicing spells, just like God's help.

They were immersed in the carnival of cultivation and immediately forgot about the abnormality of the Qingmu Spiritual Realm.

From Lu Feng's perspective, after using the Heaven-Building Technique to digest and absorb that bit of the origin of heaven and earth, the Qingmu Spiritual Realm still has a radius of ninety-nine kilometers, and the volume has not expanded at all, but the spiritual realm space has become countless times thicker.

If the previous Aoki Spiritual Realm is compared to a balloon, then the current Aoki Spiritual Realm is a hard rock, and quality and quantity are not the same.

He stretched out his hand to hold it, and all the dirt from the injury on Lu Feng's body was removed, and every move he made was carried with great strength.

Lu Feng felt that his current self could beat a hundred of his former self.

After using the Heaven-Building Technique to digest that bit of the origin of heaven and earth, my promotion to the Green Wood Spiritual Realm has been stable. The next step is to advance to the Blessed Land from the Green Wood Spiritual Realm. My wizard way breaks through the bottleneck and becomes the Morning Star Wizard! Lu Feng savored the feeling in his body. Change, plan.

With his current background in the Aoki Spiritual Realm, Lu Feng is already 120% sure of being promoted to the Blessed Land.

If this happened, he wouldn't be able to advance, so Lu Feng might as well contribute the Earth Immortal Technique to the consciousness of heaven and earth in the wizarding world, and then retire to his old age.

However, digesting the origin of heaven and earth just now consumed Lu Feng a lot of energy.

Lu Feng simply gave himself a few days off and had a good rest. After his energy and spirit returned to peak condition, he returned to the training room and started to advance to the Aoki Spiritual Realm.

As his eyes fell into the Aoki Spiritual Realm, Lu Feng thought, and the advancement to the Aokiwood Spiritual Realm officially began.


The Qingmu Spiritual Realm began to tremble again, and the sky at the edge of the spiritual realm space seemed to be torn apart by a huge force, split into two halves. l

During the tearing, the dirty air sank and turned into barren land; the light and spiritual air rose up and turned into the deep sky.

A large number of magic stones, various five-element essences, and precious materials stored in the Aoki Spiritual Realm disappeared like running water, consumed in the expansion of the edge of the Aoki Spiritual Realm.

The entire Aoki Spiritual Realm is like an inflated balloon, expanding rapidly.

The radius of the earth directly broke through the spiritual space limit of ninety-nine kilometers and began to expand toward hundreds of kilometers.

This kind of expansion lasted for nine days and nine nights, and then came to a halt after the inventory in Lu Feng's Qingmu Spiritual Realm was exhausted.

After some expansion, the radius of the Greenwood Spiritual Realm, oh no, it should be called the Greenwood Blessed Land, stopped at 365 kilometers, which coincides with the number of Zhoutian Perfection.

The advancement of the Qingmu Spiritual Realm is not only reflected in the expansion of the body, but also the birth of many mysteries that are not found in the spiritual realm.


The sound of a baby crying echoed through the Qingmu Spiritual Realm, attracting Lu Feng's attention.

Looking down, in a tube building, a capable female doctor was holding a newborn baby upside down, patting the baby's butt several times, making the newborn baby cry loudly.

It's born, it's born, it's a baby! It's alive!

The strong voice of the capable female doctor resounded throughout the Tongzi Tower. The mothers, parents and husbands waiting anxiously outside the door burst into tears after hearing the doctor's words.

It is a well-known fact in the Aoki Spiritual Realm that new life cannot be born in the Aoki Spiritual Realm.

Even if Lu Feng had powerful subordinates who could suppress such a major event with force, there was no way he could hide it.

So he simply adopted a channeling approach to solve this trouble that affected people's hearts.

At a fixed time, send a group of qualified couples who want to have children to the Tlandi subcontinent in the wizarding world to breed life crystals in a hidden place. After the babies are born, they will be brought back to the Aoki Spiritual Realm. among.

This method works well, but it can only solve the needs of some residents of the Aoki Spiritual Realm.

There are also some unqualified couples who cannot bear the passion and fail to take safety measures, resulting in deaths. Even though they have learned from the past, they are unwilling to give up the fetus in their belly. Generally speaking, they will give birth to a stillborn fetus on the day of delivery, and they will be sad again.

However, today, with the transformation of the Aoki Spiritual Realm into the Aoki Blessed Land, this phenomenon has fundamentally changed.

When the baby fell to the ground, Lu Feng saw a little bit of heaven and earth flowing out of the original space of Qingmu Blessed Land, pouring into the newborn baby's spiritual space, and then with a loud cry, became a living life .

At the same time, some residents in the Aoki Blessed Land who had reached the end of their lifespan died today.

After their death, their souls returned to heaven and earth, and their spiritual souls dissipated to the end. A little bit of the origin of heaven and earth stood out and merged into the origin space of Aoki Blessed Land.

One exit and one entry, one life and one death, the origin of Qingmu Blessed Land continues to grow in the process of life, old age, illness and death.

The origin of heaven and earth circulates and grows between life and death. Is this the role of the creatures in heaven and earth? Lu Feng observed the circulation process of the origin in the Aoki Blessed Land, his eyes sparkling.

It seems that countless insights are flooding into his heart. With the help of the power of Qingmu Paradise, Lu Feng is touching the mystery of life and death.

However, these contents were too profound. After Lu Feng studied them for a while, he was exhausted and exhausted.

After being promoted to the Blessed Land in the Qingmu Spiritual Realm, Lu Feng felt that his strength had reached the level of the Morning Star Wizard, but he was still a little behind in understanding the mysteries of life and death.

Aoki Fuchicheng, it's time for me to advance to the fourth level of Morning Star Wizard!

Lu Feng shook his head and chuckled. On the other hand, he branched out a ray of spirit and entered the Emerald Dream. He contacted the senior management of the [Botanical Garden] and applied for promotion to the Morning Star Wizard's assistance.

The promotion of Wizard Tia and the active assistance provided by the [Botanical Garden] made Lu Feng's memories fresh at the time.

This time he was promoted. Lu Feng had already researched the application process and methods in advance, as well as various auxiliary effects.

Lu Feng's application was sent through the Emerald Dream and he received a reply soon.

Leister, the peak wizard of the late third level of Green Tower, Morning Star Wizard's application for promotion has been approved! All kinds of support are ready and blessings will begin soon. Please choose the right place to complete the promotion, Wizard Lester!

I went back home and saw the target. Now I’m coding fast! Try to bring the update up, come on, Oli!

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