Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 302 God Becoming Ceremony! Profanity!

The power of faith is a very special power, which is the condensation of the spiritual power of intelligent beings.

In the ordinary world, such power from the human heart may not appear.

But in the wizarding world and the Western World, this power born from the purest desire of the human heart is an existence that cannot be ignored.

Especially in the hands of a strong person with divinity, it is the cornerstone for them to gather their divine power and move towards a stronger god.

During his short observation, Lu Feng had already discovered the steam in the Western World and the ambition of the Mage God.

He spread the faith in the Western world.

Since the last war with the Earthly Immortal World, the two worlds have maintained apparent peace.

In the Western World, both the archmage and the gods were defeated by Lu Feng in the last war.

Without the obstacles of fellow believers and the competition of faith from other divine creatures, the Church of the God of Steam and Mage has expanded rapidly, and has already brought the entire Western World under its control.

In every city and every village, there is a church of the God of Steam and Mage, with priests spreading faith for their gods and herding lambs.

In a sense, Lu Feng's actions during the last war cleared the way for the God of Steam and Mage to escape from the Western World.

However, Lu Feng has never regretted this matter. After all, he gained no less benefits from the last war, and the benefits he received helped him get through a difficult time.

Lurking in the distance from the Holy City of the Church of the God of Steam and Mage, Lu Feng broke into it without taking any chances.

The belief in the God of Steam and Mage in the Western Regions gathers here, coupled with the various arrangements of the church, and the guidance of the God of Steam and Mage,

Thomas City, this holy city has become to some extent a land kingdom where the God of Steam and Wizards stands on the earth.

It is impregnable, like an impenetrable barrier.

In this holy city on earth, which is like a terrestrial kingdom, the God of Steam and Mage can exert his most powerful power.

It's like the third-level wizards are in their own domain, which is their most powerful moment.

Lu Feng's rash intrusion could easily disturb the arrangement of the God of Steam and Mage in the Holy City, leaving traces behind and being noticed by him, thus losing the advantage of being the first mover.

Lu Feng, who has always been cautious, would never take risks when facing powerful enemies like the God of Steam and Mage, so he would not waste his first move advantage.

Don't let the shooters enter the village secretly.

On an ordinary hilltop far away from the Holy City of Thomas, Lu Feng concealed his aura and observed the Holy City through various means.

Calculate the layout of forces, energy nodes, and operation centers in order to facilitate Lu Feng's sneak attack later.

At the same time, in the land at Lu Feng's feet, a flesh-and-blood warship piloted by Lycoris was condensing all its aura and lying dormant in the earth.

In Likolis's spiritual space, countless demons of various shapes were kneeling before a statue of a god with a solemn expression and a hint of Qinghe in its solemnity.

This statue was clearly carved from the God of Steam and Mage. In order to add some spice to the God of Steam and Mage's becoming a god, Lu Feng borrowed this rather precious statue from the church in Voorhees City.

Countless demons knelt before this statue, none of them showing any respect or piety to the God of Steam and Mage.

Even though Lycoris made them kneel down, she couldn't change their evil hearts.

As countless demons knelt down, they murmured various filthy words against the God of Steam and Mage. Thousands of words formed a blasphemous language full of evil and filth.

Compared to the past when Anne drove the barbarians who believed in mountain giants to use the secret technique of blasphemy, these demons from the endless abyss are more proficient in using blasphemy, as if it were instinctive.

With the help of all the demons in the Licoris Spiritual Mirror space, they collectively condensed the blasphemous words, converging on the statue of the God of Steam and Mage.

The originally sacred and solemn statue now looked like it had been fished out of a stinking ditch. It was full of stench and the smell of decay. The hard material used to make the statue also seemed to have experienced thousands of years of wind and frost, and was as decayed as rotten wood. generally.

An evil and chaotic energy of blasphemy converged within the statue.

The function of the idol is similar to that of the huge totem established among the barbarian tribes in the ancient plane.

If Lycoris hadn't used the power of the demon lord to forcibly suppress this blasphemous language.

The power of blasphemy has long been transmitted to the God of Steam and Mage through the divine power channel between the idol and the God of Steam and Mage, causing tons of damage.

The power of the blasphemy on the statue is still building up. This is Lu Feng’s gift to the God of Steam and Mage.

He wanted to see the expression on the God of Steam and Mage's face when he accepted this gift three days later when he lit the divine fire.

Three days passed by in a flash.

Early in the morning, the morning sun just rose, dispelling the darkness of the night.

In the Western World, where the glory of the God of Steam and Mage shines, all factories and commercial activities have stopped. Countless believers of the God of Steam and Mage walked out of their homes and came to the streets in an orderly manner.

Priests from the Church of the God of Steam and Mage were at the forefront of the believers, guiding and managing this massive godhood ceremony.

The sun shines from the sky onto the earth,

In the holy city of Thomas,

A young man with blond hair, blue eyes, exquisite appearance, slender and muscular figure, exuding the aura of a wise and well-informed scholar like the sea, walked slowly over the broad square in the center of the Holy City.

This young man is the strongest man standing on top of the world in the Western World, the God of Steam and Mage.

It is also the sworn enemy that Lu Feng must get rid of if he wants to occupy the Western World.

Behind the God of Steam and Mage, followed twelve young men and women with powerful auras, all of whom looked stunningly handsome and beautiful, making it difficult for anyone to take their eyes off them.

Each of these twelve handsome men and beauties exudes the aura of a powerful mage, and the shadows of the mental maze behind them are clearly visible, showing their power to everyone.

The auspicious time has arrived,

The God of Steam and Wizards glanced at the countless believers kneeling on the ground in the square, and said loudly:

Pious believers, I am the god you believe in, the god of steam and wizards, Ryan!

My great lord, Ryan!

My great lord, Ryan!


Fanatic shouts began to spread outward from the square at the feet of Ryan, the God of Steam and Mage. Each one was louder than the other, and each one was louder than the other.

All the believers looked at the God of Steam and Mage, their eyes full of fanaticism and piety.

My dear believers, steam has brought us a better life, brought about changes in the times, and also brought us the power to protect ourselves. The Master is our guide and practitioner in exploring and studying the world, Originally, our world could develop steam civilization in peace, and let mages lead us to explore the unknown. However, now the devils from the earthly fairy world have invaded, occupying our land, enslaving our people, and destroying our happy life. ! Now, it’s time for us to fight back! As long as I, your God of Steam and Mage, ascend to the throne of God, I will use my supreme power to protect you, protect your private property, and protect your lives. Safe, and even lead you to counterattack, attack the earthly fairy world, and plunder the wealth of the demons!

Now, pray! Pray with all your strength! I need your strength to help me ignite the divine fire, ascend to the throne of God, and become a true god. I will protect you!

Ryan opened his hands and embraced the void. The image of the development of steam civilization behind him complemented the glory of the mage. Bathed in the golden sunshine, his whole body revealed a sacred aura.

My great lord Ryan, you are the founder of steam civilization, the leader of steam civilization, and the beacon on the way forward for civilization...

Praise be to the great Lord Lion!

My great lord Ryan, you are the creator of the mage profession. You are the supreme wise man who understands everything. Your wisdom is unmatched...

Praise be to the great Lord Lion!

We dedicate our most devout faith to you. From now on, after death, we will return to your kingdom of God, become your shield, resist all harm for you, and become your sword, crushing all enemies!

My great Lord Ryan, may you exalt the Kingdom of God and turn it into a star in the sky!

Not only in the square under Ryan's feet, but also on other lands in the Western Region, wherever the Church of the God of Steam and Mage stands, countless believers shout loudly, and all the voices gradually become unified and turn into a sacred prayer. Voices.

There were even many devout believers who respectfully took out a statue of Ryan from their arms and placed it on their chests.

These statues are covered with a strong layer of faith, which is the result of their prayers day and night and thousands of murmurs.

I will become the God of Steam and Wizards and protect you forever!

Ryan's eyes flashed with fierce longing. He stepped forward, opened his hands, and a loud voice spread throughout the holy city.

Like his most devout believer, he declares his existence, his goals, and what he desires most in his heart!

All over the Western Region, the power of countless faiths was extracted from the same statue by Ryan, and gathered around Ryan's side, forming a sacred golden light cloud that enveloped Ryan's body.

Waves of powerful faith poured into Ryan's body, pushing his momentum to soar.

Suddenly, the aura in Ryan's body reached its peak, and then a spark flashed across the darkness.

There was a Puff sound, as if something was ignited.

A golden, somewhat illusory flame took shape in the center of Ryan's eyebrows, and his aura instantly underwent an extremely terrifying transformation. Suddenly, the transformation was extremely close to that of the Tia Wizard who had just become the Morning Star Wizard.

Ryan only felt extremely comfortable all over, and a power that seemed to be able to destroy the world emerged from his body. His mind became extremely clear, and countless knowledge emerged in his mind, automatically becoming clear.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ryan's mouth, gradually becoming exaggerated, and finally turned into a frightening laugh:

Haha, I have ignited the divine fire and become a demigod. Who else in the earthly immortal world can stop me? Who is my opponent?

I'll kill you!

In the quiet sky, a loud declaration suddenly sounded from all directions.

After Ryan lit the divine fire, at his most arrogant and joyful moment, Lu Feng took action.

At this moment, a group of dark and evil blasphemous words poured directly into Ryan's body along the channel of the power of faith.

In just an instant, Ryan's body turned golden under the light of the divine fire, and a lot of dark filth appeared, and countless demonic resentments and curses appeared in his ears.

This blasphemous language detonated the power of faith that Ryan had collected, and there were also a lot of negative emotions caused by people who were unwilling to believe in him. Mixed with the blasphemy, it became the first disaster after Ryan lit the divine fire.

The sudden outburst of profanity and a large amount of negative emotions caught Ryan off guard:

What, what's going on? Didn't I light the divine fire? Why is there still such trouble?

Ryan felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and quickly tried to find ways to remove the profanity and ignited negative emotions from his body.

These things were in his body, like maggots attached to his bones. The mage methods that he was proud of before were completely difficult to shake. Only by mobilizing the power of divine fire could the filth of these evil forces be slowly removed.

However, Ryan knew that the newly born divine fire between his eyebrows was at its weakest, somewhat illusory and unstable. If the divine fire was used to remove the evil and filth in the body, it might affect the stability of the illusory life and thus affect subsequent landings. The process of the throne.

Just when Ryan was struggling, Lu Feng directly helped him make a decision. The flesh and blood warship hidden outside the Holy City of Thomas emerged from the ground. Terrifying energy condensed in the center of the flesh and blood warship, and suddenly sprayed out a stream of endless energy. A thick beam of light that destroys the atmosphere.

Destroy the Death Ray!

In the core cabin of the flesh and blood warship, Lycoris controlled her layer of endless abyss, pouring a large amount of energy into the launch port of the destructive death light. Her eyes were full of excitement and madness.

For demons, they naturally like destruction and destruction, even relatively rational succubi are no exception.

Thinking about the damage that destroying the Death Light could cause in this sacred city, Licoris was so excited that she almost rolled on the floor and had an orgasm inside her head.

The terrifying, thick destructive death light streaked across the sky and shot through the air. In the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of Ryan, who was still struggling.

Faced with this terrifying blow, Ryan felt the fear of death in his heart, so he made a prompt decision and activated the divine fire between his eyebrows.

The divine fire was dazzling and exuded endless sacred aura. With just a light shine, it quickly removed the evil aura from Ryan's body.

However, after dealing with these filth, the illusory divine fire became obviously much darker, and it felt like a candle in the wind.

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