Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 301 Success, the desire to become a god!

Standing on the edge of the abundant energy environment provided by the [Botanical Garden], bathed in the rich energy of heaven and earth, Lu Feng and others watched the advancement process of Wizard Tia.

Although the surrounding environment is extremely suitable for cultivation, no one present dared to distract himself from cultivation, for fear of affecting the tower master's promotion breakthrough.

Under the gaze of everyone, the news of Wizard Tia's breakthrough became louder and louder.

Brilliant golden light bloomed from the golden tree behind Wizard Tia, like a lit firewood, selflessly releasing golden light and heat.

Sitting under the giant golden tree, Wizard Tia fully absorbed the light and heat emanating from the golden giant tree. His whole body was engraved with countless mysterious witchcraft lines as if it were poured with gold. The aura on his body gradually became vast, and slowly A powerful aura that was powerful enough to crush Lu Feng and others spread out from the body of Wizard Dia.

Ms. Natasha had some difficulty resisting the aura exuded by Wizard Tia. Her face was full of ecstasy and she lost her voice:

Successful, Tia finally succeeded, so many years of hard work finally paid off!!

Lu Feng also smiled lightly when he heard this.

Teacher Tia's success also means that Lu Feng's backing has become a little stronger.

As for the other wizards in the green tower, they all behaved very badly under the terrifying aura of the Tia wizard. They were weaker and could not resist such a powerful aura. They could only laugh and retreat in embarrassment and left. It's a long way to go to watch Tia Wizard's breakthrough promotion.

The process of Wizard Tia's promotion lasted for more than ten days. During this process, many wizards from surrounding Wizard Towers heard the news and came to watch from a distance on the edge of the green tower's territory.

After being promoted to a fourth-level wizard, such a sight is not something that ordinary wizards can watch.

If it were so easy to advance, fourth-level wizards would not be the dividing line between low-level wizards and middle- and high-level wizards, blocking countless low-level wizards from the door.

For the powerful [Botanical Garden], low-level wizards are the grassroots and soil of the organization. Starting from the fourth-level wizards are the core members of the Botanical Garden.

More than ten days have passed, and the giant golden tree behind Wizard Tia has been consumed by the golden light. When the last bit of golden light submerged into Wizard Tia's body, his aura reached its peak in an instant.

Suddenly, Wizard Dia opened his eyes, and a golden light emerged from his eyes. The people watching around him felt their hearts palpitate, as if they were looking at some majestic and powerful existence.

This feeling only existed in everyone's hearts for a moment, and then Wizard Tia slowly stood up. In the process, the aura on his body completely restrained, and finally he was completely like a normal person.

But at this moment, no one present dared to look down upon Wizard Tia, who looked like an ordinary person in front of him.

Congratulations to the teacher for your successful promotion and becoming the first Morning Star Wizard in the Green Tower!

Seeing that Wizard Tia was successfully promoted, Lu Feng quickly stepped forward to congratulate him.

Congratulations to the tower master...

Behind Lu Feng, Ms. Natasha and other official wizards from the green tower congratulated happily.

Behind him, tower owners from nearby wizard towers came forward to congratulate him with smiles on their faces.

To be able to produce a fourth-level Morning Star wizard in their area is almost a blessing after eight lifetimes of training.

The tall green tower where the four-star wizards sit radiates to the surrounding area. They and the wizard towers can't get enough of it because of their past friendship.

Related to their own interests, the tower owners of these wizard towers are naturally extremely enthusiastic.

Wizard Tia responded to everyone's congratulations with a smile on his face. After some greetings, Wizard Tia declined the banquet invitations from other wizard tower owners on the grounds that he had just made a breakthrough and needed to consolidate.

And asked Ms. Natasha to set a date later and prepare a celebration banquet in the green tower, so that we can celebrate together.

Wizard Tia entered the green tower and consolidated her retreat.

The people who stayed behind did not leave in a hurry.

Some found an empty seat and sat down, practicing on the spot. The rich energy of heaven and earth gathered due to the breakthrough of the Dia wizard had not yet dissipated, and the residual power of the various breakthrough assistance provided by the [Botanical Garden] was still there.

Coupled with the remnants of the aura that Wizard Tia inadvertently released when he broke through, the area near the green tower is now almost like a holy land for training, which is even more useful than their best training room.

Others were chatting with the wizards of the Green Tower, trying to establish a good relationship with the wizards of the Green Tower to facilitate future communication.

Some people also approached Lu Feng, but Lu Feng didn't like the excitement, so he said a few perfunctory words and then turned around and left.

Lu Feng also gained some insights of his own from watching Dia Wizard's breakthrough this time.

His strength is now second only to Wizard Tia, and when Wizard Tia broke through, it did not hinder Lu Feng's prying eyes, so when observing, he saw more than other wizards.

When Wizard Tia advanced, all the energy and mental power in his body were concentrated in his mental space, condensing into a chaotic thing.

Having understood the Golden Law for a long time has become the core of this chaotic thing, which looks like a chicken that has not been opened in chaos.

At the last moment of Wizard Tia's transformation, this chaotic cock suddenly exploded, as if the world was created, and turned into a void within his body.

The current wizard Tia seems to have a special space in his body. In Lu Feng's eyes, his own current state is quite similar.

The earthly immortal method and the way of the wizard seem to open up a space of one's own in the body once one has practiced it to a certain level.

It's just that the Earth Immortal Method opened up the spiritual space earlier, and the method was quite gentle.

The way of the wizard is to gather all the power in the body and forcibly create the world at the moment when the third level breaks through to the fourth level.

In this process, Lu Feng didn't know who was stronger or weaker.

But after opening up the void in his body, it allowed the wizard to embark on the path of becoming one of the most powerful professions in the starry sky.

With a human body, he fights against gods, dominates the starry sky, and conquers countless alien planes.

This is also the basis for the wizard civilization to be so powerful.

Is this what is called different destinations?

As he watched this process, Lu Feng reflected on himself, and he suddenly had a lot of insights in his heart, and he also made a lot of progress in controlling the Aoki Spiritual Realm.

For a time, the green tower was in an atmosphere of joy.

However, Wizard Dia was still in retreat to consolidate her cultivation. Ms. Natasha received the visiting wizard in the green tower. After celebrating for three to five days, she returned to the ancient plane and continued to complete the work. The mission of Green Tower.

Lu Feng was not in a hurry to return to the ancient plane. He first stayed in the green tower for a few days, sold some of the resources from the ancient plane that he had recently collected, exchanged them for magic stones, and threw them into the Green Wood Spiritual Realm for digestion and absorption.

After the outpost in the ancient plane was established, Lu Feng resumed the transaction of selling resources once a month, constantly earning magic stones and purchasing resources to fill the Aoki Spiritual Realm.

The processing industry chain in the Cyanwood Spiritual Realm has also increased in scale with the increase in the population in the Cyanwood Spiritual Realm over the years. Now Lufeng's monthly shipment output is almost as high as a green tower.

There are so many powerful tribal totems, and they can learn all kinds of money-making skills very quickly, and they can work as fast as one out of ten, which greatly improves the efficiency of the factory in the Qingmu Spiritual Realm.

If Lu Feng hadn't been afraid of getting into trouble, the output of his spiritual realm factory could have doubled.

But now Lu Feng also has a fourth-level Morning Star wizard as his backer, and he has a small background. There is no problem in getting more goods and magic stones.

The annual magic stone income of the Green Tower is only one or two billion magic stones. This income is naturally out of reach for a single wizard.

But for a wizard tower or an organization, it is not high, and for a fourth-level Morning Star Wizard, it is even less worthy of mention.

Lu Feng heard that the fourth-level Morning Star wizards seemed to have begun to use another higher-quality energy as a trading currency. One or two million magic stones were really nothing.

Of course, Lu Feng is still not qualified to say this. With the expansion and growth of the Qingmu Spiritual Realm, more and more magic stones are consumed every day.

The dividend income from the green tower alone is not enough to support the Qingmu Spiritual Realm for a month.

If it weren't for the wizard Tia who opened up the ancient barbaric plane and gave him a lot of magic stones, plus he collected a lot of resources during the battle in the ancient barbarian plane, and the factory production capacity in the spiritual realm was growing day by day, Lu Feng would have really The huge resource consumption of the Aoki Spiritual Realm cannot be maintained.

I rested in the green tower for a while, and occasionally went to the ancient plane for a walk to suppress any dissatisfaction.

Not long after these relaxing days passed, Lu Feng's peaceful life was broken again.

What happened this time was not the ancient plane and the green tower, but the Western World and the Earthly Immortal World on the other side.

News came from the Hongye Club that Lu Feng had left in the Earthly Immortal World and the Western World. More than ten years later, the God of Steam and Mage in the Western World and the head of the Taiyi Sect now seemed to have accumulated enough knowledge. Ready to take the final step.

The God of Steam and Mage in the Western World and the Taiyi Sect Master in the Earthly Immortal World did not know what secret agreement they had reached. After Lu Feng came forward to disrupt the war between the two worlds, they have been peacefully guarding their respective world territories, with peace of mind. Develop the land and gather resources.

Now it seems that the time has come, they have completed the final accumulation, the God of Steam and Mage wants to complete the final transformation, ignite the divine fire and become a true god.

The master of the Taiyi Sect wants to upgrade the spiritual space into a blessed land and become an earth master.

The former enemy now wants to go further, and Lu Feng cannot tolerate even temporarily leaving the Western World and the Earthly Immortal World.

Since they wanted to be promoted first, how could Lu Feng let their wishes come true? He would definitely turn it into a disaster on their way to promotion and block their path.

Lu Feng had already regarded the Earthly Immortal World and the Western World as his private territory. How could he let the God of Steam and Mage and the Master of the Taiyi Sect pick the peaches?

When they become gods and earthly immortals, Lu Feng will no longer be able to enter the world of earthly immortals for a long time.

Lu Feng also hoped to obtain some follow-up Earth Immortal Dao cultivation methods in the Earth Immortal World.

If there is no way to go back, how will he live in the future?

Therefore, Lu Feng would never allow such a thing to happen.

I have accumulated a lot of knowledge over the years, and with the growth of the Aoki Spirit Realm, it should not be difficult for me to deal with a late third-level or even a peak master now...

Lu Feng had the confidence to defeat the God of Steam and Mage and the leader of the Taiyi Sect.

However, before activating the [Space Gate] and heading to the Western World, Lu Feng still spent some magic stones to get himself some good things to protect his life and defend himself against enemies.

The familiar feeling reappeared, the scenery around him changed, Lu Feng had returned to the Western World.

Western World, Voorhees City.

This place used to be the territory of a great mage.

But now, the once glorious mage tower has been replaced by a gorgeous and mechanical wild style cathedral.

This is the church of the God of Steam and Wizards.

The church was very busy with people coming and going, and the sound of prayers continued.

Many workers after work will come to the church to pray and complain about the fatigue of today's work, the mentally ill boss and the income of Weibo.

Cursing those big factory owners in Voorhees City who deserved to be thrown on the street lamps in the church seemed to be their only spiritual comfort after their busy lives.

Strolling along the streets of the Western Region covered by black smoke and the sun, Lu Feng looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar sight without much emotion in his heart.

However, Voris City has now become a world ruled by the Church of Steam and Mage.

Lu Feng also spied on the priests behind the church. In a sense, these priests were former mages.

It's just that they made their spiritual labyrinth look like a cathedral. The former mage in charge of the labyrinth has become the statue of the god of neatness and wizards worshiped in the spiritual labyrinth.

Various changes all show the desire of the God of Steam and Mage to become a true god.

At this time, in order to cooperate with the promotion of the God of Steam and Mage, the church in Voris City is busy preparing for a huge celebration on the day of becoming a god, to gather the power of faith and help their gods become true gods.

There are three days left, and I came just in time! The location is located in Thomas City, the holy city of the church! It's not far from Voris City, and I'm just in time to meet the God of Steam and Mage!

After collecting the information he wanted, Lu Feng's eyes flashed, as if he was planning some terrifying plan.

Three days flew by.

This day is destined to be an important day that will be remembered in the history of the Western Regions.

Early in the morning, the believers of the Steam and Mage Cult who lived in Thomas City walked out of their homes one after another. Under the guidance of church priests one by one, they came to the square in the Holy City in an orderly manner, waiting for the most critical moment of the day to arrive. .

Become a god!

Lu Feng did not rush into Thomas City. In his field of vision, the holy city of Thomas had already been shrouded in a dark golden light of faith.

This is the area of ​​faith where the power of faith has been gathering for a long time.

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