Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 822: Brazilian overtime lore

() Whether Marcelo is today's first left-back or not, the answer is not clear. The flatterer belongs to him. He wants to say that he is the first. There will be other people who will not agree, such as Bayern Alaba and Barcelona Alba, and possibly Liverpool Robertson. Moreover, Manchester City Mendy and Atletico Hernandez are not necessarily worthy. Lower than flattery.

But if the flattery humbly says that he is only second, I am afraid that no one would dare to claim that he is the first.

The flatterer is Real Madrid's "team favorite". It seems to be smiling and heartless all day long. The whole world thinks that his youth is going to be smooth sailing. Only a person like Zhuo Yang who really understands knows that Marcelo is not easy.

Eleven years ago, he came to Real Madrid as Gago’s transfer addition. In the 11 years, Real Madrid had many players on the left back, such as Drenthe, Abeloa, Coentron, Nacho, Danilo, Special Olympics..., each of them has been amazing at left-back and has put Marcelo back on the bench.

But Real Madrid's left-back was ultimately Marcelo's, and everyone else became his passing.

Even Zhuo Yang ranked Marcelo second in the left back of the'Teammates' team. The first is the Cavaliers. In fact, Maldini was a central defender in the last three seasons of his teammate with Zhuo Yang, so in Zhuo Yang's mind, the flatterer is actually number one.

Zhuo Yang’s sixteen-year career so far is not long compared to a hundred years in football, but he has also experienced "Bacchus" Zhirkov, "Piece" Grosso, "Shuttle" Serginho, There are many left-back masters such as Karadze, Jankulovsky, Coffee Maxwell, Abidal, and so on. There is no mediocrity, so Marcelo's gold content is still very high.

Marcelo is undoubtedly the successor of Brazil's god-level left-back Roberto Carlos, but compared to Carlos, Marcelo's biggest shortcoming is not his defense, nor set-piece, but the gangster temperament. There is nothing to say about his skills, but even if he is 100 years old, Marcelo still feels like a treasure, full of urgency.

Therefore, the left backs of Carlos' contemporary era regarded him as an idol or professional pursuit target, but nowadays, all left backs who are a bit similar want to replace Marcelo, especially those ‘Emperor’s Dream’ and the Brazilians.

Including today and the Chinese team, Brazil's Marcelo started four in five games, but his performance can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. A full-back like his winger style does not have outstanding performance in the game even if he fails.

In the last match of the group match against Serbia, Marcelo voluntarily left the game because of back pain after only ten minutes of playing. It is said that the hotel mattress was too hard.

Atletico Madrid full-back Felipe, who replaced Marcelo, was very eye-catching in this field and the 1/8 with Mexico. If Felipe had not been 33 years old, the Brazilian media had long called for a change of regime.

The biggest threat to Marcelo is not Felipe and Danilo, but Juventus Sandro, who was not selected this time. But the most threatening opponent in this game is Maro, the right back of the Chinese team.

Maro and Marcelo are the same years old, and they were both young heroes in Brazilian football, but they have almost no intersection in Brazil, because Maro became famous earlier than Marcelo more than ten years ago, and they were more mixed than him. good.

Of course it will be different now after ten years. Who is Marcelo? Real Madrid's deputy, the top left in the world, Maro in the super mixed to the sky can not be the same as him.

But today Marcelo took Maro’s medicine very much. Today, the Chinese team scored three goals. Excluding Fei Bird’s own, Zhuo Yang scored the first two times. The origin was that Marcelo slipped the bottom line and was killed by Maro. One is that Maro sneaked behind him and couldn't escape the big ties.

Don't talk about him, even Neymar can't play any monkey besides performing a few times on this side.

Maro is in good shape today, and it is also true that Marcelo is not in good shape. Brazil means that the entire attack on the left side is abolished. It can also be said that Maro and Youdeshui completed the exchange with Neymar and Marcelo on the right, and the Chinese team is obviously more worthwhile.

Neymar can go to the center or even the right if he doesn't work on the left, but Marcelo can't go anywhere. In order to save the face of the world's number one, he can only find Maro on the left over and over again.

The Chinese team, which evened the score, continued the tactical thinking of the first half of the overtime game. They guarded the middle and drove the Brazilian team's ball to both sides, forcing them to play the cross, giving the wing a lot of opportunities for thunder.

Cardazzi was injured. Although Sean who replaced him was once Schalke 04's right back, his defense and the ability to assist with Maro are still far away from Cardazzi. These factors have made Marcelo more active in overtime.

In the 109th minute, Marcelo gave birth to Maro and was breached from the sideline. The out-of-bounds ball continued to burst after being thrown, and was destroyed again, but the location was a little lower.

With such three consecutive sideline shots, even the Brazilian commentator complained that Marcelo had a narrow vision and was too arrogant to handle the ball. He finally made a corner kick.

It is hard to say that this is the responsibility of Dazhi, just as it cannot be said to be the credit of Marcelo. Zhuo Yangtie was dead, the iron egg withstood Fimi, Xiao Jiang did not leave a gap for Ao Gu, but after Neymar took a corner kick, Dazhi and Tixi competed one-on-one, and the Brazilian captain scored with a header. .

It's that simple, there is no routine, no conspiracy, the most basic offensive and defensive like 1+1, Brazil leads again 4:3.

The whole world is in an uproar. What about a penalty shootout?

Pengpeng, Aogu, Fei Niao, Ti Xi, Brazil's four goals today are all the simplest demonstration of football strength, relying on personal ability and traditional skills. On the other hand, Zhuo Yang's two goals, can't wait to play the tricks, it's too difficult.

Such a Brazil does make people feel that they can never be defeated.

However, by this time, the morale of the Chinese team is no longer a problem. Being able to fight Brazil to this point is a great achievement in itself. Even if they lead again, the Chinese players no longer feel that the Brazilian has three heads and six arms.

The scores are staggered repeatedly, then we will die, there is nothing to be afraid of, and there is nothing to lose. In order to bring the score back to the track of the penalty shootout, with ten minutes left, the Chinese team came out all over the place.

Not only did Wang Dalei warm up, but Wu Lei and Wu Xi were also active on the sidelines, ready to reinforce their lives at any time.

But this is obviously very risky, and it is very easy to be missed by the Brazilian in a short But Zhuo Yang and the Chinese team can no longer take care of that much.

In the 112th minute, Xiao Jiang’s long pass from the back line was very stinky and was intercepted by Marcelo, and then moved diagonally to instigate a counterattack. Augusto jumped to a small angle and nearly single-handedly shot too much for the angle, rubbing the far end. Stand out.

One minute later, Douglas, the dog, got the opportunity to force the kick under the interference of Dazhi. The quality was high, but it was a little bit higher than the beam.

The fatal is coming. In the 115th minute, Brazil’s today’s thigh and assists hat-trick maker Kubird Coutinho made a direct pass. Neymar penetrated the Chinese team’s ribs to get the ball in the penalty area, facing Xiao Jiang and Dazhi in time. On defense, Neymar stopped pulling the ball and drew away, and then sent a nanny ball to the penalty spot.

Kuniao slapped his horse and killed him. What he faced was the empty gate of the Chinese team and the goalkeeper Yan Junlin, who had been seriously out of position.

For Coutinho, who is worth 150 million, this kind of ball is not difficult.

Zhuo Yang's heart has fallen into the ice cellar.


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