Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 821: Do you know

() Fernandinho is very emotional, not the abuse of Marchinhos, nor the waywardness of Zhuo Yang. He is Zhuo Yang, who is qualified to do anything to anyone on the football field.

Fei Niao said with emotion that Lao Zhuo is a particular person.

Fei Niao was moved to a cameo at right back by coach Titt, and he is no stranger to this position. Before the double insurance of Walker + Debuich in this position of Manchester City was formed, Fei Niao often played, and other people often played. The right back was once Manchester City's best place to change its face.

Today, I played for 100 minutes in the midfielder. He had some merits and experience, and he had a solid fight with club teammate Zhuo Yang for 100 minutes.

In this more than an hour, Zhuo Yang used many methods to compete with Fei Niao, which made him very hard, but he was definitely not purely molested and abused like he is now dealing with Marchinhos.

Fei Niao knew very well in his heart that if Zhuo Yang wanted to target him like this, he would definitely not be able to handle it. Moreover, he is not like Little Ma, who is just a young man. The 33-year-old famous figure is also considered a big brother. Being engaged by Zhuo Yang like this, his life will be difficult in the future.

The media is the master of licking hooks. No one will say that Zhuo Yang is wrong, and will only praise and trample. People who are bullied by Zhuo Yang will live in the story from now on.

Lao Zhuo is really particular about people! It's because I and he are teammates. It's because we have been in a good relationship over the past two years. He didn't give me this set of show operations. He was too particular about it.

Fei Niao's psychology represents the current mentality of most Brazilian players. They all sympathize with the little horses deeply, but they don't have the slightest feeling of injustice. Instead, they admire Zhuo Yang for his exquisiteness and kindness.

People, things didn't fall to my own head, after all, I was just a spectator, I felt fortunate for myself.

As for the little pony..., you are still young, so forbearance will pass, come on!

The game completely changed its flavor and became the Encyclopedia of Zhuo Yang's Millennium Fox Demon. Once a character like him goes to show off for Sao, it is called a fragrance of ten miles.

The red Kou Kou on the stands pouted with a smile. She likes Zhuo Yangsao, but only likes him to show her to her alone. Today, she is so jealous of the whole world, even though this is not a show.

Except for the little pony, there is a cheerful atmosphere in the stadium. Zhuo Yang is not only the first person in football today, but also the first person in the prestigious fancy showmanship, but he usually tightens up.

Don't think that you are Brazilians and you have seen everything. Not only are the Chinese fans fascinated by it, even Neymar wants to applaud on the spot, and the Brazilian fans are already full of applause.

The tense atmosphere of the Rostov Stadium relaxed, and the Chinese team relaxed due to the tension of the reversal.

The Brazilian team's cautious defensive heart has also relaxed.

It's not that Maruo understood Zhuo Yang's diligence, but he saw the gesture.

The determined little pony is bowing and waiting for continuous bullying. For Brazil, he is not afraid of death, nor is he afraid of death. In just five or six minutes, he has endured as long as five or six hundred years, but for Brazil, he can endure another five or six thousand years and become a Brazilian old tortoise.

But Zhuo Yang suddenly passed it.

Obviously dribbling the ball towards the little pony has approached another one. He is already ‘looking forward’ to another crotch cold or dog-eating, but the football flies in the opposite direction from Zhuo Yang’s feet and heads straight to the right side of Maro’s sprint.

Surprised, Marcelo was a little late to start, and when he tied Maro, he crossed again.

The Brazilian defense line jumped, and swooped to the left with a swish, and swarmed to the center again with a swish. However, the ball caught in the center by You Deshui also passed the ball, and the pass went diagonally to the other side and pierced the ribs. .

c Zhe appeared behind Fei Niao, pressed the waist line of the penalty area and cut inward, and pushed the Brazilian defense line to this side.

c Zhe is not greedy for gong. To be honest, he doesn't have the ability to be greedy for gong at this moment. It is the greatest contribution he can make when he goes over the top and returns to the top of the arc.

The Brazilians turned their heads together, but saw that the bomber had taken off.

In the distance, Marchinhos was demented and watched Zhuo Yangyu jump up and glide: Why did you run away? I have started to enjoy your abuse, how do you go and leave?

This grandson is a masochist.

The thousand-year-old fox fairy disappeared. At this moment, Zhuo Yang was the wishful golden cudgel of thousands of years. He touched the football ball, and suddenly felt a tearing feeling.

Alisson tried to move, but his face was hurt by the wind wrapped in football.

3:3, before the end of the first half of overtime, the Chinese team stubbornly tied the score and Zhuo Yang scored twice.

When the Brazil team scored a 3:2 lead, the Chinese team’s defense did not actually make a mistake, but was overwhelmed by the top Xiaokuai life skills.

The Chinese team's equalizer, but not surprisingly, is the simplest transfer-transfer-transfer, and then insert the inverted triangle in the middle. What is commendable is that the Brazilian defense is full of holes, not only the defense, but the Brazilian team has made the mistake of unresponsiveness, as if it was stuck.

Such a loss made the Brazilian embarrassed. Zhuo Yanghua abused the little pony and everyone didn't think he was indifferent, but this goal was really indifferent and there was no integrity at all.

Will the game be played until the end of the game?

Who said it to you?

It is difficult for people to admit their own mistakes, especially stupid and responsible mistakes. These defensive masters can't help but think about personally losing the ball. So, is there anything more suitable than a little pony?

Little Ma received the unkind gaze from his teammates and felt aggrieved. Fortunately, Ma Zic's whistle rescued him, and the first half of overtime ended.

According to the rules, the first and second halves of the extra-time game will be exchanged immediately and the game will continue immediately, but in fact, both sides will still be allowed to drink some water.

Zhuo Yang is a kind man after all, just now he did something that harmed others and benefited himself. The key is to have no grievances with Marchinhos, which does not conform to his logic of being a person.

Zhuo Yang took the initiative to hug the little horse's shoulders. "Little brother, don't take it to your heart just now, brother...not sincere, are great."

Is this stuff still insincere?

Little Ma was a little confused, and he replied, "'s okay, Brother Zhuo, if you still want to play...just play with you, I'm willing..."

Zhuo Yang's goose bumps rose instantly: What kind of material is this product?

Quickly let go of his hand, Zhuo Yang smiled awkwardly: "It's easy to talk, have a bright future, come on."

Come to the sidelines and quickly replenish water. At this point in the game, both sides must seriously consider the most likely penalty shootout, which is naturally the advantage of the Chinese team.

Zhuo Yang, who has been playing around with his heart, will definitely not let go of this opportunity, he shouted to the Brazilian water replenishment team next door.

"Hey, I said, the rest of the games we are doing well, don't make trouble for anyone, isn't it good to kick a penalty kick?"


The Chinese roared with laughter.

Peng Peng, who has been thinking about the psychological warfare of Boss Zhuo, felt that he could not be silent at this time, otherwise it would definitely be a bad thing to play tremblingly in the last fifteen minutes. After giving Tixi a wink, he called everyone together.

"I said,... Actually, Lao Zhuo’s penalty kick is nothing terrible. Can I still understand? The Six Musketeers of Fort Madi, the five masters have given me the bottom line. Lao Zhuo’s most important function Just bluff people."

"A penalty kick is really going to be taken. Who are we? We are Brazilians. We have never lost a penalty kick in the World Cup. Who can have a better footwork than ours?"

Neymar nodded: "No."

Fei Niao: "That's it."

Neymar knows that Ponpon is talking nonsense, Fei Niao knows that Ponpon knows that Neymar knows that he is talking nonsense, others know that all three of them are talking nonsense, but the Brazilian team needs this at this time and needs a way to deceive themselves. Bold.

Peng Peng said, "I can definitely get in anyway."

Neymar: "I definitely can."

Tixi: "I definitely can."

Kuniao: "Me too."

Then everyone went to see Fei Niao. UU read and he said in his heart: Look at what I am doing, I really can’t...

"Okay." Pengpeng stopped quickly. "Four is enough. I understand the goalkeeper of the Chinese team. For the second goal of Fort Madi, he is very, very general."

Alisson said: "Zhuo Yang is awesome, but for the rest of the Chinese team, I can at least hit two."

‘Pap’ with both hands. "Isn't there any problems? I'm afraid of a hammer."

"Yes, yes... I'm afraid of a hammer." Everyone quickly agreed.

The Brazilian team's morale was high, and when they entered the field to fight again, they pretended that they could not see the Chinese team's substitute goalkeeper and punishing madman Wang Dalei had begun to warm up with Adrian's company.

Brazil ran out of 3+1 substitutions, and the Chinese team always kept one, even if the players were generally tired, they did not use it casually.

Wang Dalei has been waiting for this moment for eight years, and Manchester City goalkeeper Edson's eyes flushed with envy.

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