Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 1: Boxer net 2 knives

Zhuo Yang thinks Rooney is very interesting. The two agreed to discuss friendship in private. Whether they win or lose, they will be kept secret from the outside world. But what do you mean by drawing a boxing champion? Embolden yourself?

In fact, Mark Prince didn't come from Rooney, but he posted it himself.

The "Kyan Prince Fund" established by Mark because of his son has received support from many professional players, including Rooney. And they had known each other a long time ago. Rooney had called Mark Uncle since he was a child.

Rooney comes from a boxing family, and his great-grandfather won the middleweight world championship. Generations of people have practiced boxing, Rooney's old father Wayne is no exception, but his father's talent is not enough, and he has always been just a half-hearted boxer.

However, the old Wayne and Mark Prince used to practice boxing in the same boxing gym in Liverpool. They were very good friends, and they were also indiscriminately.

Mark changed his evil spirits because of his son's birth, and he became fully aware of his son's death. Old Wayne became famous because his son was young, and his father was expensive with his son. With money, he was even more ridiculous.

Because of his family background, Rooney had practiced boxing since he was a child, and it is said that he did well. Rooney's idol is not Ferguson, nor any football predecessor, but boxing champion Tyson.

Tyson once commented that Rooney's boxing level is not inferior to professional boxers of the same level, and he does not know whether it is true or false, whether it is polite or sincere.

But judging from his initiative to invite Zhuo Yang to play a friendly match, there must be two tricks in his hand, because Zhuo Yang is well known to the world, and there is no real effort to ask him to fight is a brain problem.

Rooney saw Zhuo Yang, who was once famous with him, and he was getting farther and farther away from him in football, and he was retiring, but he was quite unwilling. After all, he was only 33 years old, not too old.

On a whim, he used a match with Zhuo Yang to determine his future. If he wins, he will continue to stay in the Premier League and stay in Everton. If he loses, he will quickly find a place for retirement.

It can't be said that Rooney's ideas are wrong. People with simple brains use unrelated things to make decisions. It's actually quite reasonable. Because of complex analysis, the more you analyze, the more chaotic you are.

It's like classmate scum when taking a test, using a coin toss to determine the answer to a multiple-choice question.

After Manchester City beat Everton 5:2 that day, under Rooney's begging, Zhuo Yang had to agree to a fight with him. Finally, according to the schedule, Zhuo Yang set the friendly match today.

It's too late Rooney can't help it, and it's too early. Zhuo Yang doesn't have time. He is not as idle as Rooney.

Mark Prince and Rooney had a relationship, and the excited Chubby didn't hold back his mouth, and told Uncle Mark about it. Out of curiosity about Zhuo Yang, which is also the reason for boxing in the body, the old boxing champion asked to watch the fight on the spot.

Boxing King is curious about Zhuo Yang, Zhuo Yang is even more curious about him.

There are so many boxing matches all over the world, so there are more gold belt champions than dogs, not to mention that Prince is just a gold belt for the British State Tour, which is not uncommon. But it is still rare to be able to win the championship at the age of nearly fifty.

Although Prince’s comeback a few years ago must have been hyped, and his record of three wins and three victories is inevitably watery, everything is for gimmicks, in order to maximize commercial interests, boxing matches are more controllable than ball games. many. But no matter what, Prince didn't have two real brushes, and he couldn't handle it.

No matter how Rooney had practiced as a child, he is also a professional football player. The boxing level should be between Milan coach Gattuso and Real Madrid celebrity Cindo, roughly the same as the former Bucharest star assistant coach Bunassi. If it is true, Zhuo Yang would not put Rooney's three-legged cat in his eyes.

But Mark Prince is different. He is professional. According to the classification of modern combat realm, he is in the first class.

Although he was afraid of being young, the 47-year-old Prince fought hard for 10 rounds and was knocked out by 26-year-old Richard Riakpol. He lost his gold belt and made him completely reclusive.

However, this is a very beautiful story in British boxing.

Ryakpol is of African Malian descent and was born in London. He was also a Teenager when he was a boy. He is more pure, a gangster boy at all. He is good at fighting and robbery. It hurts when he sees him because of the disaster.

When he was 15 years old, Riakpol and his gang brothers were singled out, and they were besieged and robbed by another group of Teenagers. All of them were stripped of Enbao on their feet.

Outnumbered, Riakpol was also scored on his chest, which was 15 centimeters long.

Nearly losing his life, Ryakpol felt terrified and lost his mind about the future. Then Mark Prince helped him in time and was inspired by the old boxing champion. He not only practiced boxing seriously, but also went to college afterwards.

Prince is equal to the life and boxing mentor of Ryak Boll. The closed disciple also ends his boxing career and inherits his own golden belt. Presumably Prince is very pleased.

Now Ryakpol is an outstanding representative of the prodigal son, and a live advertisement for the ‘Kyan Prince Fund’. He and Chelsea Kanter are still close friends.


"Hello, Mr. Prince, I really admire your work in preventing juvenile delinquency."

"Hello, Sir Zhuo Yang, thank you for your praise. I also admire your achievements in football, piano and children's charity work. Please sit down."


"A stinky puncher and a stinky kicker, don't you two pretend to be so gentle, okay?" Opening your mouth and venting your bottom, you immediately knew that Rooney was a sordid fellow.

"Due to fight." Zhuo Yang and Old Boxer Pu rolled their eyes at the same time.

"I'm talking to the Lord Boxer, where do you have the qualifications to interrupt?"

"Yes. How can you be so ignorant about matters between me and Mr. Ball King and our elders."

Rooney: "..."

"Ignore him, Lord Boxing Champion, UU Read let's..."

"Call me Mark, Zhuo Jue."

"...Okay, Mark, call me Lao Zhuo. Let's keep getting closer and closer."

"Old Zhuo, thank you for your support of the Kyyan Prince Fund, and thank you for your generosity."

"Hey, don't be so polite, it's all for the children. But I am for the poor children, and you are for the bear children. All are caring for children's charity."

"Yes, yes, Lao Zhuo, what you said is reasonable."

"Mark, since you and I appreciate each other, meeting is another kind of fate, it is better to play a friendly match, what do you think?"

Mark Prince: "..."

Why are you competing with me all of a sudden?

No matter how famous Zhuo Yang is in the football world, he is only an amateur player. Don't talk about playing with him with a professional gold belt, he will lose his identity if he puts on a posture.

It's like Bolt has to go to play football. Zhuo Yang praised him two words, but if Bolt doesn't know how to fight against Zhuo Yang one-on-one, Zhuo Yang will lose if he takes a straight look at him.

The old boxing champion was only curious about Zhuo Yang, and curious about how he and Rooney could fight, and he never meant to come to martial arts to meet friends.

"Zhuo Yang, you are not right." Before Prince answered, Rooney was unwilling. "You came to compete with me, so..., are you a scumbag empathizing?"

"Wayne, stop making trouble. I'm talking about business with your uncle."

"Who is arguing with you, why did I invite you to come today..." Rooney looked a little anxious.

"Oh, I'm so annoying." Zhuo Yang rolled him again. "Brent, you play with Mr. Rooney casually, keep some under your hand."

Brent Wilder, the leader of the bodyguard, stepped forward and stood tall.


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