Golden Greenery

: Chapter 7 Meeting an old boxing champion

() The vast majority of Chinese people have not gone abroad. Even if they go out to travel, they are just looking at the flowers, and there is no deep understanding of foreign countries.

People's symbolic understanding of foreign countries basically comes from the Internet, and from more and more self-media broadcasters.

Those Chinese living in Europe and the United States, regardless of the reason, pursue domestic traffic, or to show off or satisfy their superiority in foreign cities, a considerable number of them are active in the Chinese media.

But fragmented information can't bring people the truth, and selective display can only take what they need.

In this way, the Chinese people will feel that they are very divided. For example, some people say that the law and order abroad are very good, and they have never heard of security doors and windows, but some people say that there are bullets flying everywhere, and they are accidentally stabbed. knife.

Sometimes the two groups of them will quarrel, scolding each other for deliberate rhythm, which is quite interesting.

In fact, both statements are true, but they are selectively introducing them. Of course, they did this because, in the final analysis, some people in the country like to see "the foreign countries are more messy," and some people only like to hear the "air is sweet.

In the era of big data, the Internet will definitely serve you comfortably.

In the wealthy areas or so-called high-end neighborhoods of European and American cities, public security is indeed very good. It is not a legend that you do not close your home at night. It's generally sparsely populated here, and there are things that patrol police cars can be in place in two minutes, and strangers on the street will be stopped by slips for inquiry every minute.

But in some places, such as the black communities in the United States, the slums in South America, the immigrant communities in France, etc., you can’t blame others for going in and out, you can only blame yourself for being full.

Britain is different. The most terrifying thing here is not blacks, immigrants, or alcoholics, but Teenager.

‘Teenager’ originally referred to teenagers between 13 and 18 years old, but gradually evolved into a synonym for unhealthy teenagers, and later became a phenomenon, specifically referring to minors who gather together in the afternoon, do nothing, and just want to cause trouble.

Speaking of people, Teenager is a street gangster.

In the UK, if you want to buy an apartment or rent a house, experienced people will first go to the field at 3~5 pm. If there are more or less Teenagers in the station, subway entrance, parking lot, and playground of the community, then It shows that the security here is very poor, and it is by no means a place where good people live.

British public schools are over at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The parents of teenagers want to make a living and work, and they will gather in these places without supervision. The typical attire is to ride a bicycle, wear a peaked cap, and hold a chain lock in his hand.

Burberry, the British fashion clothing brand, is also unlucky. For a time, these little gangsters admired their caps and hoodies. Burberry swept the Teenager world, just like standard uniforms.

As the little gangsters wore Teenager caps and hoodies to make trouble everywhere, and even the whole brand was labelled as a'rogue'. In the end, Burberry had to solemnly inform the world in order to survive-discontinuing all styles of caps and caps. hoodie.

The Teenager phenomenon is by no means a short time, but two or three generations have been around for some years. With such a long-standing cultural accumulation, these teenagers don't steal something, don't **** someone, don't beat anyone, they feel that they will live up to the Teenager's name.

Young people are not serious, do things impulsively regardless of the consequences, and because they are minors, many times they do not have to bear legal responsibility, so lawlessness becomes Teenager's duty.

12 years ago, a young player named Kian Prince died in a sudden conflict with Teenager.

Prince is only 15 years old. He is not a gangster, but a youth player of the Premier League Queen Park Rangers (QPR). In two more months, on his 16th birthday, the club will sign a professional contract with him, which has already been agreed.

But on this day, after finishing the training and returning home, Prince met in the community playground that the gangster named Hannad Hassan was beating his friend, so Prince went up to stop him.

The 16-year-old Hassan is a bully in the thugs, and Prince's blocking is an offense in his eyes. In Teenager's culture, offense can be a reason to kill.

Hassan stabbed Prince twice, one of which hit the heart. His age was always 15 years and 10 months.

Kiyan Prince is very optimistic about the industry, they think his future lower limit is Walcott. If he lives until now, if football develops smoothly, Sterling should be the biggest leader now.

However, countless people die every day in this world, not to mention a perhaps British emperor star, Kyan Prince was quickly forgotten by the media and football circles.

There is only one person who will never forget, and that is his father Mark Prince.

Mark used to be a professional boxer, holding a lightweight gold belt in WBO and IBF. When he was young, Mark was not a good thing. When he was a boy, he was also a Teenager with a peaked cap.

But like many fathers, the birth of his son allowed Mark to finally change his evil and become a good man with courage and integrity.

When his son was killed suddenly, Mark almost collapsed. At that time, his only thought was to kill Hassan for revenge. But then he came out of hatred and pain, and did something more meaningful.

He used his son's name to set up the ‘Kyan Prince Fund’ to help young people who have gone astray and help them get rid of the dirt-filled street Teenager culture.

This work lasted ten years. During the ten years, Mark had a dialogue with more than 80,000 unscrupulous teenagers.

In 2014, in order to raise funds for the foundation, Mark returned to boxing at the age of 45 and won the gold belt again with three victories.

A master boxer is always strong.

The story of Mark Prince moved the whole of the United Kingdom. UU read www.uukā so that his son Kyyan Prince would be remembered forever by the world. Perhaps this is the real purpose of being a father.

The British royal family has notified Mark that he will be awarded the OBE Medal soon, which is the title of Beckham.

The Queen's Garden Ranger in the British crown is renovating the stadium, which is expected to be completed next year. Through a vote of all fans, the club decided to name the new stadium ‘Kyan Prince Foundation Stadium’.

If Kiyan Prince is alive and will be 30 years old, the Queen's Garden Rangers decide to sign with him for one year, with jersey number 30.

The old boxing champion Mark Prince has done very meaningful things and has also received generous help from many football stars, including Zhuo Yang. But Zhuo Yang had only heard of his story before, and never met the boxing champion himself.

However, the day after the reversal and elimination of Liverpool, Zhuo Yang unexpectedly saw the Pu Boxer at Rooney's house.

I came to Rooney's house because I had an appointment to discuss a friendly match with him, but I didn't expect Xiaopang to bring in the boxing champion as a helper.

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