Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 563: Who is the real hunk

   In the 13th round of the Premier League, Manchester City challenged the newly promoted Maha Town. There was a big difference in strength between the two sides, which was not very eye-catching.

   Chelsea and Liverpool's main event in the same round should be the most eye-catching game.

   However, with several controversial penalties such as the last round of "Ghost Goal", plus a new gimmick, this one has become the focus of media attention.

   Eight days ago, Zhuo Yang broke the'premiership consecutive scoring record', only the Premier League. The Premier League is very short, so far less than thirty years.

In the ancient times of football, Sheffield United striker Jimmy Dunn set a'miraculous' of 12 consecutive goals in the 1931-32 season, and Zhuo Yang's '12 combos' won the Premier League, but it only tied the ancients. That's it.

What's more, Blackburn forward Stan Mortensen had a '15 combo' in the 1950-51 season, but he was controversial because Mortensen trounced due to injury after scoring 11 consecutive rounds. After five rounds, he returned from injury and came back with a '4 combo'.

   The vast majority of people think Mortensen can’t count 15 but can only count 11. Otherwise, will it be considered an interruption because the rotation is not included in the big list? Is sitting on the bench for a whole game without being interrupted?

   If these artificial interruptions are eliminated, Zhuo Yang can have a continuous scoring record in Serie A and La Liga. Even in the Premier League, in the last 12 rounds of last season, Zhuo Yang played in 7 games and scored in 7 games. With 12 this season, he has 19 consecutive strikes across the season.

   The account can’t be calculated like that. Continuous appearances and consecutive goals are the test of the shooter’s stamina. If you can’t rest enough for a full blood, then rest and full blood, then it will be meaningless.

   Therefore, the consecutive scoring record in the top league in England is the 12 combos shared by Zhuo Yang and his veteran Jimmy Dunn. ’

   Jimmy Dunn has passed away for more than 30 years, and his son has also passed away, but Zhuo Yang lives like a bright sun. Whether you can return the '12 combo' to Dunn for his exclusive use depends on today's match between Manchester City and Huddersfield.

   Guardiola was reminded by the media and was also very keen to let Zhuo Yang continue to score today, because if it is reached, he will tie or even surpass the ‘tinner’ Ranieri and the late Vilanova.

   In the 1994-95 season, Batistuta achieved the ‘11 combo’ consecutive scoring record in Serie A in Florence;

   In the 2015-16 season, Vardy achieved the Premier League consecutive scoring record of '11 combos' in Leicester City.

   It's a coincidence. Their head coach is Ranieri, so the tinker is the best.

  Unfortunately, Messi created a '21 streak' record for five consecutive goals in La Liga in the 2012-13 season. Guardiola missed it. At the time, Barcelona's head coach was his former deputy Vilanova.

   If you are not competitive, you can't become a head coach, this thing can also be understood as a love of fame.

   Therefore, Guardiola not only hopes that Zhuo Yang can break the ‘12 combos’, but he also hopes that he can refresh the ‘21 combos’, so that he can also come to "Brother is expensive".

   Loving vanity is not terrible, not even a shortcoming. As long as you are calm about your vanity, you are just vanity and not hypocrisy. Old Gu thought to himself, but his mouth was so hard that he was very hypocritical.


   "Zhuo Yang, if you can score and achieve 13 combos today, I will be very honored." The coach of Hazhen and the iron man of Uncle Slag, David Wagner, said very sincerely.

   "Then I will lend you good words." Zhuo Yang said with a smile: "I also wish Hazhen a satisfactory result this season."

   "It is necessary! However, I would not welcome other Manchester City goals. Hahaha..."

   Because Wagner led the Harbin Town to successfully surpass, it has aroused widespread concern in the industry. When Leicester City fired Shakespeare last month, the first choice was to dig Wagner from Harbin, but he refused after careful consideration.

   rushed into the Premier League to expand its armaments. In the summer, Liha Town had 10 in and 6 outs, which was a big change in blood. But the small team's trick, the most arrogant signings was to spend 10 million pounds to buy out Australian midfielder Aaron Mooy from Manchester City, setting a club history buyer record.

The 27-year-old Mooy was bought by Manchester City from Melbourne City, the Australian League One, which belongs to the same city group the year before. After only six days in Manchester, he loaned it to the town of Ha, which is still in the Championship. Zhiwei, this season is No. 10 in Harbin.


   With the strength of both sides, Manchester City has no doubt the advantage. In the first 45 minutes, 77% of the horrible possession rate and a 14:3 shooting ratio show how much Manchester City is against the goal.

   It's just that Manchester City suffered a similar defense in Fort Madi five days ago at the John Smith Stadium, and the Harbin people locked the gate.

   In the 45th+1 position, winger Tom Ince made a cross from the bottom and was blocked by Delph, and Ha Zhen got a corner kick.

  Mui opened, and German central defender Christopher Schindler took off from the front post and looked back at the moon. This was a ferry.

  Otamendi just squeezed the Belgian high center forward Depoitre behind him, suddenly he was hit by a football on the silly forehead, and he bounced into the goal with a ‘bang’.

   Just like that, Hazhen didn't make a shot in the first half, but with the own goal of the Argentine hunk Otamendi, he led Manchester City 1-0. Who are you going to talk about?

   "Oh -" Zhuo Yang sighed in the locker room: "If you were so fierce in the Argentina national team, why would boss May be so difficult."

   Otamendi's face was suddenly embarrassed, and it flashed red, orange, red, blue, and indigo purple.

   "What about you, Aguero!" Zhuo Yang shouted.

   A Kun: "..." I **** provoke someone.

   "Ahahahaha..." Otamendi smiled so much that he could see the monkey heads swinging around. "Puff Puff Puff" water sprayed in the dressing room one after another, and there was rain in the room.

   When Aguero laughed helplessly, it was no longer a problem if he fell behind.

   Manchester City is by no means the only hunk in Otamendi.

   Only two minutes into the second half of the game, Manchester City played an unreasonable continuous cooperation at the front of the Hazhen penalty area, and Tintin pushed the ball straight into the penalty area.

   Danish goalkeeper Jonas Rosell hit the ground to volley the ball, but he made a mistake and the football bounced off his chest.

   The fierce brother Aguero stabbed him and was saved by Rosell, who had a super quick second reaction.

   Zhuo Yang throws himself out, lies flat in the air, kicks and shoots, Russell has the great ability to do it, 1:1.

   Achieve 13 combos!

   Wagner really has a pattern, he took the initiative to applaud Zhuo Yang, and he reacted faster than Guardiola. With him taking the lead, the John Smith Stadium soon burst into applause.

   Jimmy Dunn, rest in peace, the glory of 12 combos belongs to you alone, no one will grab it with you.

   The new record is completed, but the game is not over yet.

   In the 51st minute, Zhuo Yang suddenly turned around at the waistline of the penalty area to cut inside, and Sterling's pass followed. The 27-year-old left-back Scott Malone hurriedly got over and on his feet, pulling Zhuo Yang down into the penalty area.

   Craig Pawson referee is not among the "blind man", he is not blind, and decisively awarded a penalty.

   Zhuo Yang did not pursue full power, he gave the penalty to Aguero.

   Since joining Manchester City in 2011, Aguero has played against 31 Premier League teams and he has scored 30 of them. The only team that didn't break the gate by him was Bolton. As Bolton has already left the Premier League, Aguero may need some luck to make up for this ‘regret’.

  Promoted horses always have an uncertain future. What if Hazhen is downgraded again this year? Wouldn't it be missed like Bolton again.

   As I said before, man, who doesn’t admire a little fame, Aguero likes to break new opponents, just like a new wife.

   After a run-up, Manchester City scored 2:1, and Aguero also broke 31 of the 32 teams. It turns out that he is the super big thief in football.

   "Congratulations, A Kun, you really are the best man in the world." Zhuo Yang praised.

   Aguero is proud of the spring breeze. "Same joy and joy."

   "Hey, by the way, I don't know how many opponents you have met in the Argentine national team, it broke again..."

   "Shut up!" A Kun's face was red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple for a moment, and he remembered the big beard of his girlfriend Mei, who was walking forward with a heavy load.

   The final score was 3:1, and Sterling scored another in the 89th minute, but this is not important anymore.


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