Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 562: Royal England Stew

   As we all know, England has only three classic dishes that are world-renowned-fish, French fries, fish and chips.

  Of course, the Brits will surely challenge you: we also have exquisite set meals and delicious grilled steaks.

   But this stuff, just like Xi'an people say that hot pot and lobster are also traditional specialties, they are happy.

   With Zhuo Yang's rank, the senior explorer who develops local cuisine wherever he goes, has also given up on the streets of Manchester.

   Manchester’s best food is Chinese, French, Spanish and Italian, and even rough German dishes. Like the duo of Manchester, the best players are not English.

  The soil and the water cultivate the other tastes. The British people's crude cooking is naturally due to their profound historical and geographical and climatic factors, as well as the tireless English appetite and support. Existence is reasonable.

   But Zhuo Yang is not without gain. He found this authentic British restaurant, Royal-Langdon, Royal-Langdon, behind the building on Stockport Avenue, less than five kilometers south of City Stadium.

   is called this name because the owner is called Griffin Langdon (Griffin Langdon). It was first run by his grandfather, and now it is passed to him, and it is considered the Langdon family's material heritage.

   has nothing to do with the royal family, he just met the old lady on TV. It's called "Royal", which is similar to China's "Supreme" and "Emperor".

   and it’s not his family. Next to it, there is an Indian restaurant called ‘Royal Nawaab’, Royal Nawaab. There is also a Royal abalone run by Chaozhou people on the opposite side.

   Zhuo Yang was dragged by Pogba to the Royal Nawab to eat assorted curry chicken when he found Royal Langdon.

   Then Sterling shouted to his father that he almost knelt down to worship, because this product had not been found in Manchester for two years, but was discovered by Zhuo Yang as soon as he arrived, and then Royal Langdon became Sterling's favorite.

   The biggest feature of Royal Langdon is one word—all.

  Master Langdon not only continued to promote fish, French fries, fish and chips, but also copied some famous cuisines in England and even the whole of the United Kingdom, forming a summary of British cuisine, and the taste is not bad.

  Sunday Roast (SundayRoast), beef, sheep, pig and chicken meat are all roasted together, with potatoes, carrots, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, and mint sauce or red berry jelly is added. Naturally, the gravy is also indispensable. This is an exclusive recipe from Yorkshire.

   Shepherd’spie (Shepherd’spie) from Cleveland is actually a fluffy mashed beef or minced lamb pie, with peas and cheese, and the aroma is very full. And there are many flavors to choose from, spicy, curry, three fresh, or vegan.

   Full Eeglish breakfast (Full Eeglishbreakfast) is the favorite of Londoners, and it is not limited to breakfast. Bacon, sausage, beans, tomatoes, eggs, toast, mushrooms, the British fry everything. The unique black pudding is actually a sausage filled with pig blood. This thing can also be fried, and it can make fans after watching the game cheer in the pub.

   Haggis, the national dish of Scotland, has a lamb’s stomach stuffed with heart, liver, lungs and other minced sheep’s water, plus oats, onions, and mutton fat. Those who are more careful will also stuff some eye-catching peas. If the drum is like a rugby ball, it can’t be fried. It has to be boiled in the broth and seasonings. Finally cut a large slice with a glass of authentic whiskey, the whole family enjoys it.

   Irish Stew, which is also the national dish. How the Chinese stew beef and how to stew this dish. The difference is that it will be stewed with flour and special dark beer. It is not just a taste like cooking wine, but a large bottle of beer. It is very sticky after being out of the pan, and the thick sauce is hung with a cup, a bowl, and a spoon. People have to lick it after eating.

  Ploughman’slunch of bread, cheese, kimchi and ham, delicious Yorkshire pudding, Victoria sponge cake, the famous dessert Eton Mais from Eton College...

   Royal Langdon did a good job of summarizing food, and also has a certain degree of pursuit in taste. Sterling, who has hardly eaten any good food, said that every dish here is very authentic, he swears.

   Among all these signature dishes, Zhuo Yang’s favorite dish has the highest praise rating, and it can be regarded as Lancashire Hotpot (Lancashire Hotpot).

   said it is hot pot, but it is definitely not a Chinese hot pot. In fact, it is a casserole stew with lamb, cabbage, beetroot, and timeless potatoes and beans. The cooking method is close to Chinese stew or chaotic stew.

   That’s why Zhuo Yang called it Lancashire Random Stew, and he also called the restaurant ‘Royal Random Stew’ or ‘England Random Stew.’ Anyway, ‘Landon’ and ‘Random Stew’ are not much different, but seem more appropriate.

Going to the countryside, although the royal stew is somewhat inferior, it is just as the Hokkiens who can't eat fine food go to the northeast and have to taste the pork stewed vermicelli to meet the scene. Fort Mady came to Manchester, what about the hospitable Manchester people? I have to ask for a royal meal.

   Zhuo Yang made a reservation early. Master Langdon led all the staff in the chaotic stew. All kinds of British signature dishes just went up to say hello. In short, your meal and tips will not be short.

   Sterling returned to the original ecology and ate himself as pig food. Watching him eat, you always have an appetite for some reason.

   "This kid is so delicious." Dog master Lande said, "He reminds me of Pengpeng."

When David Louis was a teenager, he was so thin that he was so thin that he was forced to eat meat and milk all day by Zhuo Yang. As his body became stronger, Peng Peng also developed a pig-eating style of eating. Which restaurant to go to First of all, I urged to serve food quickly.

   Zhuo Yang smiled, filled the dog's mug with beer, and threw a napkin to Sterling. "Wipe your chin, and your neck."

   Gouye asked again: "When do you plan to let us retire?"

  We refer to him, Bangmao and Superman, the famous Peninsula Three.

   "Let's kick it." Zhuo Yang said: "I'll talk about it after forty years old."

   "So, you haven't played enough yet?"

   "What about you? Lord Dog, have you played enough?"

   "It doesn't seem to be there either." The dog also said: "Okay, you continue to play, we will retire after you have played enough, Fort Mady... Don't worry."

   Zhuo Yang picked up the cup and touched him again. After drinking it all, he threw a napkin to Sterling. The one just didn't have enough to wipe it.

   Even from entering the first team, the Peninsula Sanjie has been playing for Fort Madi for more than 14 years, which is very rare in today's impetuous football. The veteran's life is always an awkward and complicated topic.

   The Peninsula Three are not saints, and Fort Madi is not a saint, and his profession is professionally cruel. But if Peninsula Sanjie does not require the main player, does not require playing time, or even endlessly demanding salary increases, the Zhicheng veteran will not be able to end the old club, which will chill the world's hearts.

   Fort Mady is still Angus Mullen’s team in name, but because of the huge investment, the boss behind the scenes has become Zhuo Yang. He wants to let the old buddies of Peninsula Sanjie, who have been working hard for more than ten years, eat the Muddy Fort Club all their lives, and they can't eat enough.

   It's best to eat like Sterling's stew.

   Zhuo Yang and Gouye didn’t talk about the game that just ended. UU reading is also a tacit understanding.

   In another game that this group finished at the same time, Naples killed the three armies at home and defeated Shakhtar Donetsk 3:0. Insigne, grenade, and Mertens scored goals.

   This is good news for Fort Madi. They most want a tie between the two sides, and least want to see Dun Mine win.

   Man 15, Ma 5, Na 4, Day 4, Fort Madi played against Naples in the final round, at least not losing. As for the Dun Mine, the Madiba people have no doubt that Zhuo Yang will not let the Ukrainians succeed, and there is no need to ask them.

   "The white hair on the vigorous quicksand pillow, the wine gestures in the glass, the young and elegant clothes and the angry horse can only be a moment..."

   In the noise of eating and drinking, Zhuo Yang's mobile phone rang. After he glanced at the screen, he smiled and said to the dog: "It's a grenade."

   "...Well, your dog and I are eating, do you want to come..."

   "...Fuck you... Donetsk, I'm sure to get rid of... How come your kid is not refreshed when he was young... Alright, drinking, hanging up."

As soon as he put down his cell phone, Little Stubner was asked by Sterling's soul, "If the HIV in the meat is eaten by us, then it is food poisoning or STD". He sprayed Zhuo Yang with his chewed beans from his nostrils. Two faces with Gouye.

   It's hard to guard against...


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