Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 331: Jinghong Photo Shadow Half Time

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March is the rainy season in Manchester. Today, there are occasional showers under the gloomy sky. It is awkward and not straightforward, just like people in this city.

But today, none of the two groups of men on the stadium is an aboriginal born in Manchester, so everyone is still playing passionately in the awkward rain.

Except for the ten minutes of experimenting with each other earlier, the rest of the time was extremely fast on offense and defense, except for the lack of goals in front of the goal, the rest is definitely worth the price.

In the 27th minute, Milner threw a sideline ball from the backcourt, and Firmino returned to the relay and shook his head to Rhino Mochizuki and pushed the football to the center.

Toure took his arm and clamped Ku Bird's shoulder and head and pointed it to Zhuo Yang. Suddenly, he slammed his family Skensi from the side, and his long legs slammed the backcourt.

Zhuo Yang was stunned. Otamendi had no idea that his partner would be so two. He was stabbed directly behind him, and Mane stepped on the hot wheel and overtook it.

Guardiola was cold in blood, and Debuich chased like a German black back with his tongue out.

Caballero was dazzled by the small swing in the high speed of Mane, his legs bent down and squatted on the ground, but Mane just happened to push the ball under his hand, and the old Caballe stuck on the ball.

Uncle Zha almost turned somersault with anger.

Mane accused Debuich of tripping his leg from behind. Debuich gasped and asked him solemnly, "Which leg? The front leg or the back leg?"

Mane: "Hind legs! What's wrong, dare you not recognize it?"

"Only cattle have hind legs." After Debuxi finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Ma Nei so angry that he wanted to scream.

The products of Fort Mady are all masters with flowers on their mouths.

A few minutes later, Liverpool got a corner kick. After Coutinho took the shot, Matip on the outer edge 195 grabbed this point and went straight to Manchester City's goal with a strong rush.

Stones made atonement. He magically appeared in front of the goal line, and his head popped back like a volleyball block.

The football didn't go too far, and Zhuo Yang was in the position to fly and clear the siege, and Matip, who had not made a hit, gliding from the side.

Zhuo Yang shook his head to let the football fly away, ‘will! ~’ Matip’s cheekbones were fragile and hit Zhuo Yang's elbows that were raised during takeoff.

Zhuo Yang was startled, he didn't even see the goods flying up. Then he had to admire Matip's cheekbones so strong that they didn't collapse.

Matip lay on the ground and stared at the stars, regretting it. But Firmino felt a lot more balanced inexplicably.

In the 38th minute, Debuxi went to the center to make up, but Coutinho, who was touching from behind, was empty. The completely unmarked Kuniao made a high-quality arc on the corner of the big penalty area.

After the football flew out of the corner, Uncle Zha, who was about to celebrate with his hands clenched in small fists, shivered with his facial features and internal organs.

In the first half of the time, Zhuo Yang was basically just transitioning apart from support. Once he entered the attack range, De Tu sneaked up, and the two brothers were almost the exchange.

In the 40th minute, Ding Ding suddenly sent a torn pass from the midfielder. Zhuo Yang understood his mind and used Emre Can and Silva to play a pick-and-roll trick for Detu, and then broke into the left side of the penalty area.

Too late to explain, a good chance, Zhuo Yang swept the ball with his left foot hurriedly in front of the goal.

The previous point crossed Matip's shovel, and Mignole's pounce was avoided in the middle. Aguero and Clavand were entangled with each other and no one could reach it.

Later, Fei Niao faced the coming football and the empty goal close at hand.

How dare he shovel a football to the side net? At this moment, he is not a Brazilian Fei bird, he is a scrap bird.

Guardiola put his hand in the pocket of his overcoat, shivering and almost tore the pocket from the middle.

It was not until the 44th minute that Zhuo Yang found his first shot, a free kick in the positive direction outside the penalty area. The origin of this free kick is very interesting. It was caused by center back Stones' bold and neurotic advance. Liverpool's hard-working forward Firmino blocked his dribbling with a foul.

This interesting offensive and defensive scene not only shows the characteristics of the two players, but also embodies certain aspects of the football ideas of Uncle Zha and Laogua. If otherwise the whole world knows Stones' pit attributes, why does Guardiola always reuse him.

However, Zhuo Yang did not praise Stones, because the central defender has extremely high requirements on the reading ability of the stadium situation. He is afraid that Stones will drift off after hearing the compliment, and he will eat the front as a meal in the future. Poke, that would be a bad thing.

The term ‘Jinghong Zhaoying’ is used to describe fleeting hallucinations, stunning surprises at first sight, and sadness that cannot be followed. At this time, it can also be used to describe Zhuo Yang’s left-foot internal spin free kick.

The perfect aggregate of the speed arc, the football hit the inside of the goal post, and Mignole, who had been dumbfounded, raised his hand subconsciously and just happened to bounce the rebounding football out of the crossbar.

This free kick can also be the epitome of the first half of the game. It is gorgeous, interesting, exciting and full of missed hits and collisions, and ultimately nothing happens.

The ball commentary said: A 45 minutes that should have been 3:3, but surprisingly presented a 0:0 score.

Various elements are available, but according to the pattern of the first half, this seems to be a game where the five elements are the only one missing goals. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

During the intermission, Guardiola read the scriptures for five minutes, then played for five minutes, and finally muttered with Zhuo Yang for five minutes.

Zhuo Yang's physical fitness problem is not due to his poor quality. Firstly, it is because the previous key games have been too fierce, and more importantly, his pre-season physical reserves are not available.

The training or training camp one month before each new season is very important to the physical reserve of the whole season, and this importance is often not manifested until the second half of the season.

Zhuo Yang is currently like this, because his physical reserves were almost zero before signing for Manchester City. Physical fitness problems will not only be troublesome for the physical endurance in the game, but will also greatly increase the probability of injury in the fierce confrontation. For Zhuo Yang, this is the most dangerous.

Guardiola and Zhuo Yang agreed that after 60 minutes in the second half, he will be replaced according to the situation of the battle.

"Zhuo Yang said he was tired, so what? I guess he will go down in the second half of the game." In the dressing room on the other side, De Tu sold his brother without hesitation.

Uncle Zha heard the words, and the eyes on Mao's face suddenly shone.

With or without Zhuo Yang, Manchester City will be two teams in terms of deterrence, and Liverpool's response will be completely different. In the first half, in order to contain Zhuo Yang, Uncle Zha basically abandoned Detu, plus a right back Klein. Once this buddy crosses the center line, he will encounter Uncle Zha's lightning eyes.

With cares in their minds, Uncle Gang Lie and Honour Detu smiled at each other, endless sordid smiles.

Out of the locker room, Uncle Zha first ordered the benches to continue warming up on the sidelines, don't stop, especially Lucas and Belgian striker Origi, the body must always remain hot to ensure that they can play at any time.

However, at the beginning of the second half, there was a sudden change in the battle, making Uncle Zha think he was thinking too much.

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