Golden Greenery

: Chapter 33-Kick off your thigh bone

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The ball commentary said that this was the most exciting first half of the Premier League this season.

In fact, Manchester City and Liverpool played very cautiously in the first ten minutes of the game, looking at each other with blue-faced fangs, it was not easy to provoke them. As a result, in ten minutes, not to mention shooting, even a threatening pass did not appear.

The change started in the 11th minute, Zhuo Yang tangled the ball with De Tu, and both fell. The two were too close together. When they fell, their hands and feet were all tangled together. It was called a porcelain stone.

I was a little bit angry, and I didn't get up for a long time.

"Master Tu, I feel a little tired today."

"In Monaco you fought so hard, so what? It's better to stop kicking today and don't get hurt."

"False feelings! Wouldn't you say to let me?"

"Tsk, brother, you said it was late. It was absolutely fine to call yesterday, but today... it's too late."

"Hey, why is this? Why did you just say it yesterday?"

"No, I just want to find an excuse. Haha~~"

Zhuo Yang: "..."

This fall felt like a fall, Zhuo Yang was very familiar with the body, and he felt fatigue. Today's physical condition is not suitable for a protracted tug-of-war. Either close the kick to save energy, as De Tu said, or make a quick fight, resolve the battle in the first sixty minutes, and then retreat.

After a sigh of relief, with a shout, Manchester City's offensive line was opened and Zhuo Yang did not intend to be conservative.

After several passes, Zhuo Yang dribbled the ball into the left side of the penalty area. After encountering a full sky, he kept the ball in circles and saw that there was no chance of a breakthrough, so he pushed the football back to the sideline.

Ding Ding greeted the ball and passed it sharply, pressing the goal line.

Zhuo Yang looked back and saw that Aguero jumped up in front of him. The cleverness of grabbing points and his unrestrained movements were amazing, and he secretly said: Yes.


The goalposts trembled and Liverpool were in shock. Akun wanted to slap himself severely.

Three minutes later, Zhuo Yang made a long pass from the left, and Sterling took the ball with a gust of wind and knocked out from the right to pass.

Aguero of 171 leaned against Matip of 195 with milking power, almost sitting on the knees of others, just to not take a step forward to make room for the ball.

When the ball came, Akun sat on the ground to chase the ball and shoot, and his teammates who were moved by his bravery shouted: Yes.

The football swept across Akun's toe, but he didn't chase after him. An angry Akun accused Matip of pushing him, the referee Michael Oliver ignored him.

Manchester City did it first, and Liverpool naturally were not to be outdone. Emre Can received a return pass from Mane on the right side of the midfielder, a long pass from the opposite angle to the left side, and Firmino dropped the ball in one go.

Wiping off Derby and separating Sterling, Firmino plunged into the circle of Manchester City at the top of the arc, and then he took the football himself.

Zhuo Yang took the lead in turning around with the ball and sprinting away. He was chased by the reluctant Firmino from behind and hit the ankle. He immediately let him go on the head. This was the injured part of the first half of the game.

He fell to the ground and hugged the ball, turned around and smashed Firmino a ball in the face while lying on the ground.

Brazil's Wen Zhaolun, who was given the nickname "Jade Face Langjun", was unwilling. He yelled and accused Zhuo Yang of not being careful. The referee Oliver rewarded him with a yellow card and failed to shut up.

Oliver signaled Zhuo Yang to follow the rules, but spared him this time. "Not an example, Mr. Zhuo Yang."

Zhuo Yang ignored Oliver and walked up to Firmino and said to him: "You kick my ankle again, and I will break your leg." The voice was loud and it was for the Liverpool team. "And it's the thigh bone."

De Tu quickly coaxed his black-faced scaring brother, and Mr. Oliver was helpless.

Firmino, who was threatened personally, was so wronged, and no one in the team led him. I know that this master is Uncle Zha's dear, but you can't eat things like that.

In the 20th minute, Manchester City counterattacked after a steal from the backcourt, and Aguero sent a straight pass from the right behind. Sterling is lightning fast, and Liverpool's defense is unambiguous.

Sterling writhed happily in the penalty area, quite predictable under his feet. A sudden cold shot from a small angle while twisting, almost missed Mignolet.

The football was blocked near the white point, where there was nothing but David Silva, enough for him to adjust and play calmly.

The left foot shot an angry volley, and the football went into the sky.

Zhuo Yang looked a little silly: Who have I met today!

In the 23rd minute, the two sides competed fiercely in the midfield. Zhuo Yang scored Coutinho's ball with a sliding tackle, and De Tu also tackled Deding who was about to take the ball.

Wijnaldum hadn't held the ball securely, and was shoveled out by Toure from the side. Silva hurriedly took the ball, but he was shoveled by Emre Can from the side to make him jump up quickly.

The brave Toure sat on the ground twice and shoveled, and the shoveling football kicked Zhan's chest before he got up, and he screamed immediately.

De Tu was going to trouble with Toure, but was hugged by Zhuo Yang again, and Oliver quickly gave Toure a yellow card. Reluctantly, Boss Zhan opened his jersey to show everyone the stud print on his right breast.

Liverpool's first shot came from De Tu.

Liverpool midfield free kick hit directly to the left baseline, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Coutinho feinted and shook Derby and then picked a pass after the goal.

It looks erratic and slow, but Kuniao's pass is very ghostly. It is too high for no one to reach. It suddenly falls close and anyone touches it. No one touches it and it will wipe the upper corner and fall into it.

Caballero jumped up in the crowd, taking advantage of his arm higher than his head, and shot the ball out. It landed in the corner of the penalty area with De Tu below.

Tu Ye exploded when he swung his leg in the air, and the football was only two meters out of the air, and Zhuo Yang also volleyed and blocked it with his calf.

The football didn't crash and was caught by the bend of Zhuo Yang's other leg. Harrier stood up and was about to leave. Master Tu made a slip to prevent him from launching a counterattack.

He was shoveling on Zhuo Yang's ankle, the same foot that Firmino shoveled just now. "Oh yo" turned over and fell down with a voice, Detu "brother brother brother..."

The conscience of heaven and earth is purely accidental.

Everyone in Liverpool waited quietly, waiting to see how Zhuo Yang kicked Detu's thigh bone off. Even if the game is no longer, they want to watch it.

To be honest, the Manchester City people want to watch it more, compared to the game it doesn't matter at all.

Zhuo Yang stood up with Detu's shoulders grinning, limped as a walking stick and stomped on the ground.

"Huh~, Master Tu, you said no, it's okay!"

"Fuck me, it scares me to death."

The referee Oliver was a bit entangled, wondering if he should give a yellow card in this situation. After thinking about it, he felt that he still saved a province.

Zhuo Yang and De Tu inexplicably looked at the mob crowd in a circle waiting to see the lively. "What are you doing?"

It broke up in a rush.

Firmino feels unfair, football shouldn't be like this.

It can only be said that he has never seen the world, football is like this, the world and life are the same.

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