Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 267: 12 minutes

   In May 2015, the current season of the English Premier League (third division) ended, Leiden Oriental ranked second to last relegation, the team's Italian coach Fabio Livirani was fired. Leiden East is also a London team, in the east of the capital.

   The 41-year-old Rivirani is a former Serie A midfielder. In 2001, he was called to the national team by Trapattoni and played in the game, thus becoming the first black player in the history of the Italian national team.

   But in fact, Livirani's father is Italian and his mother is Somali. He is a mixed race, not a serious black. Therefore, it is also said that the first black player in the history of the Italian national team is Balotelli, and Balotelli is indeed blacker than Livirani.

   However, Bashen matures prematurely and decays prematurely. Now the only black player in the Italian national team is Angelo Obona. His parents are Nigerian immigrants, so the black is quite authentic.

  Obonne is 29 years old this year, playing as a central defender. He was selected for the Italian national football team actually a few days later than Balotelli, but he has always been a substitute in the national team, and he still does. In the guard line controlled by the three giants Jiaojiellini, Barzagli and Bonucci, it is already very powerful to be a substitute.

  Obonne made his debut in Turin. In 2015, he moved from Juventus to West Ham United for 11 million pounds. Now, under Bilic, Obona is firmly seated as the main central defender. Today’s FA Cup vs. Manchester City game, based on the principle of “less loses and wins”, Obona started as the defensive center.

   After the kick-off, Zhuo Yang and Manchester City did not be polite with their opponents and immediately launched a siege. However, although West Ham United is a mixed lineup, it is not so weak that it can be defeated in a single blow. It still needs a few more blows.

   hit and hit, and half an hour passed.

   Fei bird suspension, today Sabaletta came to the top of the back midfielder, and Toure partner.

   In the 33rd minute, Zhuo Yang took the ball from the top of the arc and broke through Feiguli and Nodverte in succession. At the same time, he was about to hit a dead end. He knocked back on the soles of his feet and knocked back on Sabaletta.

   Sabaletta, who is usually in a whirlwind into the penalty area, is looking for an angle. Obona, who is known for his speed, stretches his leg and forcibly intercepts the ball, but he hooks on Sabaletta's leg.

   The whistle sounded and there was nothing to say about the penalty kick.

   In the locker room a few days ago, Guardiola has made a clear stipulation that the penalty kicks within Manchester City are in order, followed by Zhuo Yang-Aguero-Touré-Tintin. No one disagrees on this point. After all, things on the court depend on strength.

   Zhuo Yang picked up the football and moved towards the white spot. He still had some influence on both Obona and Figuri. In the 13-14 Champions Cup group stage, Real Madrid played against Juventus in both of Obona's games. Sophie Figurie played for Valencia in La Liga for five seasons before last year and is even more of an old opponent. Figuri is also the biggest player in the Algerian national team before Mahrez.

   But for today's West Ham United goalkeeper, Spaniard Adrian San Miguel has no impression at all. After all, Adrian is not the right choice for Real Betis.

   West Ham United’s number one Irishman Darren Randolph, this guy was a teammate with Charlton and Zheng Zhi in League One. However, at that time, 27-year-old Zheng Zhi was the main force, and the 20-year-old was a substitute.

   Zhuo Yang didn't even know that Adrian was a Spaniard, and Adrian didn't even know how Zhuo Yang would shoot him. It's so awkward, but it's a pity that the direction is all wrong.

   1:0, Manchester City broke the deadlock.

   West Ham United had a perfect chance to bring the situation back.

   Two minutes after losing the ball, winger Obiang made a cross. High center Andy Carroll flew the header. Michal Antonio shot from a low angle and was blocked by Caballero's leg.

   The football rolls to the other side, and Feiguli, who has rushed to the ball, faces the empty goal, and he misses... misses... misses...

   The man who carried the number 10 in the Algeria national team in the 2014 World Cup, almost put the German team to a dead end in 1/8, and almost smashed the piglet, today he gave way to the empty door.

   Guardiola scolded Otamendi and Stones' two central defenders.

   The 27-year-old Norwegian defensive midfielder Haval Nordwetter looked at Bilic. He really hoped that his coach would also be able to scold Feigulli like this.

Before coming to West Ham last year, Noordwett spent six years at the Bundesliga. From Norway to the Arsenal youth team, he played as a central defender and was transformed into a decent defensive midfielder at Borussia. .

   West Ham United midfielder has a division of labor. Once Zhuo Yang enters the 40-meter area, he will be in charge of Noordwett.

   In the 39th minute, Sarnia swept the side from the right, Zhuo Yang followed along the middle of the road at high speed, and Nodvert was close to his nanny on the inside.

   Sanya stabbed Sterling and handed it to him to go to the bottom. After the cross came in, Zhuo Yang turned and stepped forward.

   Nordwaite still has two brushes, Zhuo Yang changed to grab the position and did not throw him away.

   The ball path is close to the goal, and there will be things when you touch it. Before Zhuo Yang can release his move, Noordwett flew up and slapped Zhuo Yang.

   Zhuo Yang was messed up, he nudged Noordwett lightly.

   The Norwegian midfielder kicked the football into his goal cleanly, 0:2, and Guardiola was moved to tears.

   All of the teammates thought that Zhuo Yang was grabbing some merits, and they came to him to express their joy. Captain Zhuo was very honest and pointed at Noordwett who was holding the goalpost in pain.

   "His, his." Salt was sprinkled on the wound, and he yelled loudly: "The referee--, it's No. 4's own Own--Dragon--ball! Don't remember it wrong."

   Send some points first, and then open the goal in the front, and then go to the own goal. Coach Bilic feels that this day will not be possible.

The own goal hit Noordwett a bit harder. In fact, aside from the goal, he performed well just now. He neither lost Zhuo Yang nor stuck in front of him. It is not always possible to change to a major defender. Can do better than him. It's a pity that football is based on success or failure, and no one can save it with bad luck.

   The sad Noordwaite was branded on his soul, as if he was carrying two bags of noodles on his shoulders, unable to keep up with Zhuo Yang.

   In the 42nd minute, there was another empty cut, and Zhuo Yang went into the penalty area alone. Sterling aside the guard Creswell and sent him a cross that was almost face to face.

   An extremely simple fake shot with his left foot really buckled, and he shook the goalkeeper Adrian to death, and then slowly pushed his right foot into the empty goal. There is a word that has been used badly, but it is indeed very appropriate to use it to describe the state of Zhuo Yang's breaking the door-walking in the garden.

   3:0, everything came so suddenly, coach Bilic licked his lips helplessly.

  Nordwaite lost Zhuo Yang. Aaron Creswell didn't stick to Zhuo Yang, nor did he prevent Sterling from passing. Neither of them could be regarded as the main force of West Ham United.

   The 24-year-old Argentine midfielder Manuel Lanzini is not the absolute main force, but he is the number 10 of the team.

   Front waist, 169cm, if it weren't for the boss of May, Ranchini would be another successor to the ball. After Mauro Sarat returned to Serie A last season, Lancini wore the Hammers No. 10 jersey.

   However, Lanzini’s skills are indeed very good, but he is not the same type as May’s boss and the Polo King. Speaking of which, his style of play is very close to David Silva.

   In the 45th and 1st minute, Lanzini opened the dice lightly on the ground, then changed directions around Sabaletta, and then rammed into Zhuo Yang's arms, almost not taking the little man's lungs out. The football is naturally lost.

   Manchester City's counterattack is another useless word-as fast as lightning.

   This time, Zhuo Yang reciprocated, lured Obonne and Adrian in front of him, and gave Sterling an empty door.

   Fortunately, Sterling took it seriously, and was so happy after scoring.

   4:0, 12 minutes ago the score was still 0:0. Coach Bilic feels that this day is not auspicious, just like his birthday on September 11.

   Goalkeeper Adrian fished out the football from the net with a crying face, and said to his heart: I’m paralyzed by the birthday that Lao Tzu had just before the genius.

   Andy Carroll said: Today is my 28th birthday, what about it?

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