Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 266: The Hammer Gang of the London Bowl

  England football is moving forward in the difficult choice of tradition and innovation. West Ham United is an example.

   It is difficult for you to define whether West Ham United is a big team or a small team. Even many fans outside the UK do not know that it is also a London club. For hundreds of years, he has been living in the suburbs of London, not to mention the thorns. In the past, Charlton and Crystal Palace were heavier than West Ham.

   West Ham United has always been called the ‘star factory’ and the ‘player academy’, but this thing depends on how you interpret it. It can be considered that West Ham United’s youth training strength is outstanding, and it can also be understood that they cannot keep their own good seedlings.

   Once they are trained, they will climb higher branches, which means that West Ham United itself is a ‘low branch’.

   There are small and small living happily, and the big has a big strategy. West Ham United, a club that is not big or small, also seems to be different in the development of the club.

  It was a painful experience, and the top of the club decided to get out of the comfort zone and squeeze towards the top to see if it could become an international club like Sencheki.

   For the 2012 London Olympics, the London government built the London Olympic Stadium as the main venue for five years. Because it is large and round like a bowl, it is nicknamed the'London Bowl'.

   After the Olympics, the London Bowl was left unused. West Ham United lost Tottenham in the competition. They bid farewell to the Upton Park Stadium, which has been with them for a century, and made the London Bowl their new home.

   In fact, the two places are not far apart. It looks like four kilometers. The main reason is that the London Bowl has nearly 80,000 seats, and Upton Park has only 35,000, and it does not have the conditions for re-expansion.

   But this season, West Ham United's attendance rate is very unsatisfactory, not as lively as in the hometown, this is the pain that reform has to face.

   In essence, West Ham United is a community team, and its mass base relies on the community population around Upton Park. Because the glory of the past is gone, the Brits are now the most old-fashioned and conservative people in the world. They call it adherence to tradition, and so are the ‘hammers’.

The relocation of the team, even if it is only four kilometers away, in the eyes of the fans is abandoning tradition, abandoning and betraying. Therefore, many ancestral fans no longer follow West Ham, and instead support other amateur teams, and some have even become The fans of the Italian D-level team have a strange idea.

   Manchester United is a big international club, so the Yankees buyout encountered such a big protest. The Red Devils can still live and moisturize. West Ham United is not good enough. They can only bear the pain before their influence is fully radiated.

   Zhuo Yang and Manchester City came to the London Bowl. There were only 10,000 people in the huge stadium, half of which were Manchester City’s Blue Moon.

   In the sparsely populated London Bowl, Zhuo Yang also met an old teammate, former Real Madrid full-back Alvaro Aveloya.

   After returning to Real Madrid from Liverpool in 2009, Aveloya has held the team's full-back for many years. He has done a lot of credit and hard work, and he is recognized as the most'Real Madridist', purer than Shui Ye.

   But after the successful Dasha Carvajal returned to Real Madrid in 2013, Aveloya lost his main position. Later, Brazil's full-back Danino joined, which completely swallowed Aveloa's opportunity.

   At the last second of the transfer window last summer, the 33-year-old Aveloya came to West Ham on a free transfer to see if he could have a second spring.

   After returning to the Premier League, Aveloya went from the main starter to the half-time substitute. This process was very fast. After a few games, he became a water dispenser manager.

In the 13th round of the Premier League in December last year, West Ham United lost 1:5 to Arsenal in the London Bowl. Aveloya replaced Collins on the field. As a result, he injured himself in stoppage time to defend Sanchez. , And got a yellow card.

   Diagnosed after the game, Aveloya had a severe calf muscle strain and had to rest for at least 6 to 8 weeks. He was also listed by Spain’s "Daily Sport" as one of the top 10 stars with disappointing performance in 2016. Pro-Barça media is not uncommon.

   Today, Aveloya is still on the injury list, but it does not prevent him from coming to the London Bowl to relive with his old teammates.

   "Old Zhuo, it's great that you can come back again."

   "Thank you. Alvaro, does a leg injury matter?"

   "It's okay, the old injury relapses, just raise it."

"That's good."

   This kind of nutritious greetings is actually the mainstream rhythm of dialogue between people. It is not common to put the heart in the belly, and the prerequisites are very harsh.

   When in Real Madrid, Zhuo Yang and Aveloya had a mediocre relationship. They were not close but had no grudges. During the struggle with Mourinho in those years, Abeloa was regarded as Mourinho's person, but he did not openly confront Zhuo Yang.

  Aveloya once said: Mourinho is the greatest coach in football history.

   So although he is the most loyal ‘Real Madrid’, but Abeloa’s relationship with local tycoons Casillas and Shui Ye was not good.

In fact, before coming to West Ham United, Aveloya went to his old club Liverpool and Manchester United to make self-recommendations, but was declined by Uncle Zha and Mourinho, and was delayed until the last day with West Ham’s rock coach and law. Master Bilic contacted.

   The biggest dark horse in the 1998 World Cup was none other than Croatia. The Grid Corps finally won the third place.

   In the semi-finals between Croatia and the host France, France scored twice and advanced to the final with a score of 2:1 after two frontcourt counters by the guard Tulam. This game also left a very interesting and controversial scene, which is also a classic in the World Cup.

In the 74th minute, French central defender Laurent Blanc was fighting against Croatian defender Slavin Bilic. Blanc pushed his hand on Bilic’s neck. As a result, Bilic turned over with a face covered. , Rolling painfully on the ground. UU reading

   Blanc was sent off by a red card and lost the chance to participate in the finals, which became his lifelong regret. And Bilic became famous as well as Busquets later, but then he confessed that he was a flop.

  Biliqi is three years younger than Blanc, but he retired six years earlier than Blanc, but both have embarked on the road of coaching after retiring and both have served as head coaches of their respective national teams.

  Blanc succeeded Ancelotti as the head coach of Paris in 2013, but last year was over. Bilic retired from the national team in 2015 and took the position of the Hammers to help West Ham United. He played for two years at Upton Park as a player.

   West Ham United finally ranked seventh in the Premier League last season, with a pretty good result. However, he moved to the London Bowl this season, but his performance was poor. After 20 rounds, he was ranked 14th because of the heart of relegation.

   Perfectionist Guardiola is ambitious and does not want to let go of any front. Therefore, Manchester City, who came to the London Bowl, except for the goalkeeper replaced by a second-door Caballero and the suspended Feiiao, the rest will be sent to the main team.

   and passionate coach Bilic who loves rock and roll, but because he just lost to Manchester United a few days ago, the situation of relegation is grim, and the team is full of injuries. Today, he arranged a mixed lineup with a large number of substitutes.

   Zhuo Yang continued to wear the captain's armband to start the game. Hundreds of years ago, he could not play in the original Chang'an League football, but now he has the first FA Cup, the oldest event.

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