Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 37: Tragic wheel fight

Yang Yi felt strongly that he was really going to die this time.

In 344 years in this world, he felt that he was going to die three times.

The first time was 314 years ago, when Zhang Zhongjian used a sword to cut a hole in his body for a month. At that time, he was afraid of death, because of the fear of death and wounds and blood.

The second time was 225 years ago when Sword Saint Pei Min's whirling blade was only an inch from his neck. At that time, he knew he was about to die, but he had not had time to be afraid.

This is the third time, and it feels the most real. Sheep could hear the footsteps of death approaching, like the sound of horse hooves under the hip.

He leaned on the saddle bridge, with his left hand gripping the rein tightly, and the blade of the long knife under his right hand was like a saw tooth. The knife and both hands were bleeding, splashing into the weeds on the side of the road like flowers on the other side.

His back is full of arrows, like a hedgehog on horseback. Despite the fish scale armor and silk lining inside the armor, seven or eight arrows pierced the flesh of his back.

There is also a hedgehog on the horse's ass, so that it does not need to be urged by a sheep, and it is also going crazy.

Sheep one, lying on the saddle bridge, spits out a cloud of blood from time to time with the horse's ups and downs.

Yang Yi did not kill Zhao Kuangyin, and Zhao Kuangyin did not defeat Yang Yi, but Yang Yi lost to Zhao Kuangyin's wheel fight.

After the prepared ambush came up, Zhao Kuangyin rested, got off his horse and sat on the Hu stool drinking water to recharge his energy. But as soon as the sheep could not rest, a fierce general with a large axe urged the horse to fight.

In the 16th round, Yang Yi picked the mountain axe under the horse, and then came up with two Fangtian painting halberds at the same time.

In the 59th and 66th rounds, Yang Yi killed two halberds, and then three generals came up at the same time, one shot and one spear, and a chain meteor hammer.

This time after the 100th round, Yang Yi killed the chain hammer and spear, causing the spear to escape.

Zhao Kuangyin mounted again and raised the cooked copper stick.

After a full one hundred rounds, Zhao Kuangyin jumped out of the circle again, and then he was a general, two generals, and three generals.

In this round, the sheep killed four of them.

In this way, not counting the two retinues who were shot to death by the flying arrows at the beginning, when 15 corpses were lying on the ground, Zhao Kuangyin stretched the saddle for the fourth time, and the sheep began the fourth round of a lily fight.

At the 84th close, his cooked copper rod swept the front breastplate of Sheep One, and She vomited blood.

When there were 25 corpses lying on the ground, the sheep changed horses and guns. His own horse was smashed to the head by a purple hammer, and the tip of the iron penetrating gun was also broken.

When there were 30 corpses on the ground, the sheep was wounded again and again, and he began to vomit blood. Zhao Kuangyin personally came to fight for the ninth time.

After one hundred rounds this time, Yang Yi couldn't even grab new weapons and horses, so he could only wield a long sword to fight.

In fact, Zhao Kuangyin, who had personally played for the tenth time, was already able to kill Sheep One, but he did not do so. After the 100th round, he still took the stick and left. This time, he did not ride a horse either.

Zhao Kuangyin is playing cats and mice, torturing and killing.

At this time, there were 31 bodies on the ground, and Yang Yi couldn't even stand up. He knelt on one knee while vomiting blood and coughing.

One hand is sticking to the broken handle of the knife to keep the body from falling, and the other is digging into the soil desperately to support the body.

The tenth round of the wheel fight did not wait for him, the generals holding the cold saw are coming out of the crowd.

Yang Yi has the richest escape experience, but he has not escaped because he knows he can't escape.

Zhao Kuangyin set up a trap and came prepared. The hundred generals in the encircled circle died so many, but there were still a hundred generals. Moreover, they pulled the circle very far, sixty steps away from the fight, everyone Put the bow on the saddle bridge.

The formation is extremely tight, the hierarchical structure is reasonable, and the layout is meticulous. The sheep in a state of full strength cannot escape.

At this moment, he was exhausted, his whole body was covered with wounds, and the scales of the fish were broken in several places, from a wolf to a lamb to be slaughtered, unable to resist. Zhou Jiang only needs someone to wave his weapon to end today's safari.

The circle of three hundred horses had been reduced to ten steps, the longbow was put back into the bow bag on the back, and the weapon was also hung back to the victory hook.

Everyone admires Yang Yi's bravery in his heart. Perhaps Li Cunxiao, the thirteen chief protector 70 years ago, was nothing but that?

Heroes know heroes, and heroes respect heroes. The generals of Da Zhou were all admiring, thinking that after this person died, they must go to his grave and spill a pot of wine.

Zhao Kuangyi in the crowd said: Be open and upright and would rather die than yield. Hero, go well.

Zhao Kuangyi is Zhao Kuangyin's younger brother. He just turned 20 this year. He played twice in the front wheel battle. The second time he was picked up by the sheep and flew his helmet, his brother did not let him play again.

Zhou Jiang, holding a cold saw in his hand, came to the front and raised his weapon high, like a carpenter aiming at an ink line, with his dreadful blade aimed at the back neck of Yang Yi, who was half kneeling on the ground.

Zhao Kuangyi closed his eyes: What a pity.

Suddenly, as soon as the sheep grabbed into the mud, his left hand raised vigorously, and the mud pounced coldly and saw his face and eyes. At the same time, as soon as the sheep ejected from the ground in the opposite direction, a Zhou Jiang who was riding around on the horse to watch the excitement hit the horse, and by the way, he swung a knife and cut off the head of the person next to him so as not to get in the way.

More than 300 people opened their mouths and couldn't believe their eyes. Yang Yi had already turned his horse's head and fled towards the plateau.

He is the person with the most experience of escape in the world.

However, just because one sheep got a chance to escape with forbearance, it doesn't mean it can escape.

Zhao Kuangyin led the crowd to chase after him, and his arrows kept shooting towards the sheep.

Only ten miles away, the sheep and his horse became hedgehogs. He also knew that he was going to die, this time he was really going to die.

The game just now was the last courage. If you are caught up, it will be difficult for Yang Yi to move. Zhao Kuangyin is worthy of being a famous general of the Great Zhou Dynasty. His pursuit is not quick and slow, and everyone is always behind.

If the sheep vomits blood, they will vomit themselves to death.

He is immortal, but it does not mean that he will not be killed. In this respect, he is no different from other people. He also only has as much blood as others, spitting out, there is no more, and then he will die.

When the sheep didn't want to die, he was very afraid of death, because he still didn't know who he was, and he hadn't remembered who was waiting for him in that world. UU reading

He missed her, missed them, although he can't remember, but he really missed it.

Sheep didn't want to die.

He wants to return to his own world, even one day is better than being immortal here.

But he was going to die, his blood stained the grass on the galloping road, making this escape road like a one-way road to endless hell.

When he was about to die for the first time 314 years ago, it was Lao Yuan who rescued him.

When he was about to die for the second time 225 years ago, Lao Zhangtou died in front of him, and Gao Lishi saved him.

This time, it was Chen Tuan, his junior.

After escaping twenty miles, to the gate of Huashan Mountain, Yang Yi's horse collapsed first, and then died first after it fell over.

As soon as the sheep saw Chen Tuan, who was in the middle of the road, in a white robe, he was carrying a sword and a whisk, holding a white horse in one hand and a gourd in the other.

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