Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 36: Leading the King into the Urn in March

Older people are always stubborn, especially when they are old. The old stubborn name is not made out of thin air.

The 334-year-old Yang Yi is definitely the oldest person in the world, so once he becomes stubborn, Chen Tuan, an 88-year-old child, cannot be able to persuade him.

Once Yang insisted on killing Zhao Kuangyin, Chen Tuan couldn't stop him. The'dead' who came against the sky can only be left by him.

So as soon as the sheep walked out of Zhongnan Mountain, he went to Kaifeng, also called Bianliang, which was the capital of the Zhou Kingdom and the city where Zhao Kuangyin was located.

At this time, Zhou’s founding emperor Guo Wei had died five years ago. His two sons, Guo Dong and Guo Xin, died four years earlier than him. They were killed by Han Emperor Liu Chengyou, so Guo Wei’s godson Guo Rong Inherited Datong.

After Guo Rong became emperor five years ago, he changed his surname back to Chai and his name was Chai Rong.

Zhao Kuangyin was Emperor Chai Rong’s chief prosecutor, and he also inspected the front of the palace. This official position is not small, but it is not the largest. It is not as long as that of the officials, such as the prime minister Wei Renpu, and Fan Zhihe, who knows about the Privy Council. Pu, and various Shangshu.

Even in the military position, Zhao Kuangyin's official positions are not as good as those of Fu Yanqing, Wang Yanchao, Bai Chongzan, and Li Zhongjin.

But it is not easy to kill him. Zhao Kuangyin has personal guards and lieutenants, and he does his best to embrace him, and he himself is the number one warrior of Da Zhou and a top martial artist today. Yang Yi learned that Zhao Kuangyin had extremely high martial arts attainments in stick and unarmed long boxing.

Junior brother Chen Tuan also said that Zhao Kuangyin and Yang Yi should be in between.

However, Sheep One can wait for Zhao Kuangyin to be alone. Sheep One, who is more than 300 years old, is very used to waiting.

But he didn't wait long this time. Only three months later, he heard that Zhao Kuangyin led three thousand You Xiaowei to Qinzhou to supervise the suppression of the rebellion and quell the rebellion of Dang Xiangren. Although Zhao Kuangyin is not the highest in military position, he is indeed the best one among the generals of Da Zhou.

Yang Yi followed Zhao Kuangyin, looking for an assassination opportunity.

Qinzhou is west of Chencang. Since the prosperous Tang Dynasty, Qinzhou has been hiding and killed by all parties over the years, and it has been countless how many changes have been made. To go from Bianliang to Qinzhou, you have to pass through Guanzhong and Chang'an.

On this day, Zhao Kuangyin's army passed through Tongguan, stationed in Mengyuan Town, and passed the order to rest on the spot for one day.

Sheep waited for the opportunity.

The army adjusted and rested. Zhao Kuangyin alone took two guards, three men and three horses on the plateau, overlooking the Huashan twenty miles away, and the Weihe river rolling north.

In Guanzhong in March, the grass grows and the oriole flies, and the spring is full, which is also very suitable for killing people.

As soon as the following sheep made a decisive decision, they descended from the back of the moon bow and fired three arrows in a row after fifty steps.

The two retinues fell under the horse, Feiyu shot through their throats, but he drew an arrow at Zhao Kuangyin.

A well-known martial artist in the Central Plains, the sheep can achieve success without even thinking about it.

Straight forward, the two are looking at each other. The 32-year-old Zhao Kuangyin is handsome, with a short beard one inch under his jaw, and the tiger's eyes are fierce but not angry.

"Who are you?" Zhao Kuangyin asked.

Yang Yi shook his head honestly: "I don't know." But Zhao Kuangyin obviously thought he was reluctant to talk.

"You want to kill me?"

The sheep nodded a little.

"Why kill me?"

"Because someone said you would be emperor."

Zhao Kuangyin smiled: "So, are you the enemy of Immortal Master Fu Yaozi Chen Tuan, or Chai Rong's confidant?"

In the face of a dying person, a sheep who is always honest will be more honest. He shook his head: "Neither. I don't know Chai Rong, nor Chen Tuan's enemy. Actually, Chen Tuan and I are friends, and they are best friends."

Zhao Kuangyin became more interested: "It's impossible that Chen Tuan asked you to kill me, right?"

"No, Chen Tuan wouldn't let me kill you, but he couldn't stop me."

Zhao Kuangyin put the long knife in the scabbard, and he even frowned. "Then your reason for killing me is very inadequate. Strong man, can you let Kuang Yin die clearly?"

Sheep nodded and said: "One, Chen Tuan said you will be an emperor and a good emperor. I don't want you to be an emperor. I want to see what happens in this world if I kill you. Two, a friend of mine It’s also a reason to die under your stick."


"Shu general Morihei."

"Oh -" Zhao Kuangyin raised his head and suddenly realized: "I remember, it is rumored that Morihei's martial arts was learned from a hermit in the mountains. It should be you, right?"


"No wonder, no wonder." Zhao Kuangyin said: "The reason is very good now. However, I would like to ask one more question, I wonder if Gao Shi can answer it?"

"You said."

"Turn the enemy into a friend! You help me proclaim the emperor, and I will give you the sixteenth-guard general and the leader. Morihei will pursue the title of Taiwei and Mianguo."

Yang Yi's answer was to take off the iron penetrating spear from the Desheng hook. "Not interested in."

"So, I must die?"

"Must die."

"No discussion?"

"Pick up your weapon."

Zhao Kuangyin smiled openly: "Haha, Gao Shi, Kuang Yin would like to give you some advice before he dies."

"If you want to kill, don't talk so much nonsense, you should come up and kill."

"What do you mean?"

"As soon as I got out of Bianliang, my officers found you following, and have been following until now. But you are indeed very alert and can always avoid the sentry that went to catch you."

"Coats, my army is resting here, Zhao Kuangyin is here alone today, all to show you."

Although Yang Yi heard the words unexpectedly, he was not frightened, because his escape ability was stronger than martial arts, and he could get out of thousands of troops.

"Okay, I took it down." At least there was nothing unusual around me at this time.

"Huh--!" Zhao Kuangyin yelled fiercely, took off the cooked copper stick, and pulled off the lace on the chest.

The great cloak fell, revealing the black bright light armor inside, and the heart guard was a unique flame burning shape. The two ends of his cooked copper rod also had obvious fire patterns.

"bring it on!"

As soon as the sheep stopped speaking, he urged the horse to stab his spear, and the iron-penetrated spear pierced Zhao Kuangyin's throat with an air-piercing roar.

Zhao Kuangyin framed the stick fairy to show the way, "Dang~! The grid shot the tip of the gun, the horse turned the head of the club, UU reading stopped and swept away.

The two men and two horses fought together.

After thirty rounds, Yang Yi can basically judge that if he wants to defeat Zhao Kuangyin, he must be after 130 moves.

After fifty rounds of battle, the two men's spear sharp and stick wind have already pounced on most of the surrounding trees. Yang Yi speculated that 150 strokes should be able to defeat Zhao Kuangyin.

For a whole hundred rounds, Zhao Kuangyin suddenly shook his stick and pulled his horse out of the ring. Yang Yi thought he was going to escape, and was about to urge the horse to catch up. Two Ming Dy swords swiftly shot in, blocking his chasing horseshoes.

Picking up one, shortly avoiding one, Zhao Kuangyin in front also stopped.

There are no thousands of horses, and there are hundreds of cavalry sergeants around, encircling the sheep.

Someone immediately took Hu stool, Zhao Kuangyin got off his horse and sat down, and took the water sac he was handed. After a few mouthfuls, he nodded.

The fierce general holding a mountain axe urged the horse to kill the sheep.

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