Golden Greenery

: Sheep 1 meets Morihei

From Yang Yi to Mu Yue, and then to Yue Mu, now it is Sheep One. There is no special meaning and no particular attention. It's just that he thinks the word'Sheep One' is simple and easy to write.

When the sheep walked out of Zhongnan Mountain again, the world was in chaos. I heard that there were several emperors. Yang Yi doesn't care at all about which court or country he is now, because he is not from this world. What is the meaning of which court or country?

Not only was Chang'an City not a capital city, but it became a border city. Soon after leaving the Chang'an realm, that is, just after Chencang, it was already the world of the Tubo people.

After leaving the Yumen Pass of the original Datang, it was the territory of the Uighurs. As far as the former Broken Yehe, the Uighurs are now all running around the ground. The Central Plains are fighting, and the Tubo and Uighurs are also fighting every day. The Uighurs are also fighting lively and lively, and the Yangyi road is very uneven.

The emperor is changing and the people are changing, but the mountains and rivers will not change. The pair of sheep is still familiar with the road. Seventy years ago, he returned to the old Tang Dynasty from this road.

Passing through Persia, after walking through the black-clothed food, and seeing the sea called the ‘Red Sea’ but not really red, the sheep will remember that he is almost at his destination.

A few days later, he saw the "Kunlun" that his junior brother Chen Tuan said, that is, the huge stone tower. It stood quietly on the edge of the river and desert that the locals called the "Nile". Between, I don’t know how many years.

Yang Yi didn’t know whether Junior Brother Chen Tuan was right or wrong, whether this stone tower was the real Kunlun, their Taoists were not always good at cultivating the Tao, they always liked to flaunt their erudition, and sometimes they would produce some shocking things just to appear so. Arguments and theories.

However, he does look like the character "lun" from a distance, and of course, it also resembles the character "gold", especially under the backlight of the setting sun. Therefore, when the sheep feels that instead of calling her "Kunlun" and quarreling with others, it is better to call her "Lunzi Tower" or "Pyramid".

Yang Yi searched the Kunlun Stone Pagoda for three months, but did not encounter the Kunlun slave's ‘dead man’ mentioned by Junior Brother Chen. So instead of continuing south along the edge of the desert, he folded back and returned to the side of the Red Sea.

Because Yang Yi has been here before, if anyone who knows here wants to go out and have a look, they always go in that direction.

Sheep came to Daqin. People in the Central Plains call it "Da Qin", and they call it "Rome".

Constantinople, the capital of Daqin, is seen by Yangyi as the largest and most prosperous city in the entire West. Although it is far from the glorious Chang'an City in the past, it is not even comparable to the dilapidated Chang'an City. Fort is indeed the busiest city after leaving the Central Plains.

Constantinople is also called "New Rome" or "Byzantium" locally, just as Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty is called Chang'an City, also known as Jingzhao Mansion.

Here is also the same as Chang'an in the prosperous age of Kaiyuan. There are people of all kinds in the streets and markets, with all kinds of skin tones and eyes of all kinds, and the sheep wrapped in a robe is not conspicuous when they walk in it.

Yang Yi's robe is very gorgeous, no one thinks he is a rich and noble superior. He didn't **** the clothes this time. They bought them after walking into Constantinople. They bought the most expensive one in the clothing store and spent 20 Daqin gold coins.

Of course, he grabbed the gold coins, but Yang Yi has always been principled in the ‘robbery’ business, a principle that he has adhered to for more than three hundred years: He only grabs people who originally intended to rob him.

He just let horses and camels drink water by the Lebanon River in the evening. It may be that the burden of a hill on the back of a camel is too attractive. Five big cannibals who look very wealthy in dress and dress drew out a scimitar. Grab him.

The sheep sighed and had to kill them, throw them all into the Lebanon River, and took away their five big food horses and more than a thousand gold coins. He already looked down on a few scimitars.

The most ordinary villagers here may not have even one gold coin in their lifetime. It can be seen that it is really difficult to distinguish who is a thief and who is not.

When he came to Constantinople, the sheep sold five big food horses and camels and the goods-the goods were also grabbed by him. He now has more than two thousand gold coins, which are heavy on the back of the horse, and You have to hang it on both sides.

When they arrived at the largest Isaac Bazaar in Constantinople, the sheep saw Morihei.

He was very strong but looked listless. He was standing on a high platform selling slaves and being judged by a portrait of a mule and a donkey.

As soon as the sheep saw him, he also saw the sheep one, and the two people looked at each other.

He felt an extremely familiar breath from him, a breath that was unclear, but just felt.

Breath from the same world.

Although it seemed that one was a rich adult, the other was a humble slave, the other was fair complexion, and the other was dark and oily and depressed, but the moment they found each other, they felt familiar with each other.

The little official in charge of selling slaves saw Yang Yi’s interest, and he hurried over to introduce him diligently: "Your honorable lord..."

Before he could say anything, Yang Yi threw five gold coins on the ground in front of him. "The rest is yours."

The most expensive slaves here will not exceed four gold coins, especially the strong male slaves are actually very cheap, because they are the most indispensable in Constantinople, but the beautiful female slaves are more valuable. Only those who can sing and dance can sell for five gold coins.


"My name is... Yangyi, you can call me that way."

Kunlunnu hesitated for a moment: "The noble sheep is a big man, I am Morihemchi Ochigo Uli Uenwei Aunshi ah Uoh Hesz."

Sheep One: "..."

"Call you Morihei, otherwise we can't say a few words a day. Besides, there is no need to call me "sir". I am not and I don't want to be."

"Yes, my lord."

Sheep One: "..."

Morihei said that his name is succinct where he walked out. The name means ‘a green bird pulled **** on my head while harvesting oats’. The name of someone in their place will start from the story of his grandfather.

Morihei, who seems to be in his twenties, said that he doesn't know how old he is now, because when he came to this world, he was like what he is now. He may not be as strong as he is now, but his appearance has not changed.

Like Sheep One, Morihe didn’t know what happened before that. UU Reading com he didn't know what happened, let himself appear in this world.

After three years in the remote thatched hut at the beginning, Morihei began to suspect that he was not a person of this world, so he went out of the most primitive place and met a wise man from the east in Kunlun Stone Pagoda.

The wise man told Morihei: You are a dead man, you have to return to your world, you have to find yourself.

The wise man left after speaking.

"The sheep is a big man. That wise man has similar facial features to you. He said he was called'a pair of waist'. Do you know him?"

When the sheep smiled, he knew that the "a pair of waist" in Morihei's mouth was actually his junior brother Chen Tuan.

After walking out of Zhongnan Mountain, Yang Yi learned that Chen Tuan is now very famous, as well-known as Old Senior Brother Yuan and Lao Zhang Tou in the past, and his Taoist name is "Fuyaozi".

Morihei got confused, but Yangyi didn't correct him, just smiled and said nothing. He was eager to go to the place where Morihe appeared in this world.

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