Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 29: Coco's Fantasy Dreamland

what is the meaning of life?

There is no standard answer in the humanities and natural sciences to this question. Some people say that this question is asked very deeply, while others think that the person asking this question is arrogant and ignorant.

The emergence of new life, although fragile, will have a sense of vitality. The birth of new life is a kind of hope.

In March, when Zhongnanshan was full of spring, her sister Zhuo Qiuqiu gave birth to full-term twins. 6 kg 1 tael and 5 kg 9 tael are slightly lighter than single babies, but among twins, they are very well developed.

A week later, the sister and the child returned from the hospital to the small hospital, where Zhuo Qiuqiu chose to confinement.

After entering the door, the sister did not go to rest immediately, she hugged her two nephews to her uncle Zhuo Yang.

"Zhuo Yang, do you think girls can play football? I don't know. Little girl likes to move her legs now. Will you teach girls to play football?"

"Xiao Maotou prefers hands. He should be a piano player. This is even more okay, isn't it Zhuo Yang?"

Zhuo Qiuqiu happily looked forward to the future of her children, but she did not consciously have tears on her smiling face.

"Zhuo Yang, you must wake up quickly, Mao Tou and Girl are waiting for you to be their uncles, you will be busy in the future."

The twins are given their names by their elder sister, their surnames are Shen, Quegu and Hengwei, from Li Bai's poem: Mu from the bottom of Bishan, Shanyue with people. But taking care of the path, the green and green.

This is a poem going home.

Father Zhuo Tongtong once said to Zhuo Yang: Everyone will grow up, but only when they accompany their children to grow up can they complete their growth personality. Many things can’t be learned by oneself without educating children, and they are not aware of the lack at all.

Mother Yang Hong once said to Zhuo Qiuqiu: Parents should actually be grateful for their children.

Zhuo Qiuqiu didn't understand the meaning of the mother's flower before, but now she has become a mother by herself, and she suddenly understood when she looked at the wrinkled pair of children.

Kou Kou still doesn't understand. She looks at the little baby who is grinning about to breastfeed. She is a little envious. She wants to take a rare one, but she has no experience in this area. She doesn't know how before she reaches out her hand. Put it.

For Zhuo Qiuqiu, like all mothers, from the moment she became a mother, she automatically mastered the skills of hugging and breastfeeding. My sister carefully placed the small hair on Kou Kou's arms and taught her to support her small **** and back with her right hand.

Looking at Xiao Beibi who was smoking his nose, Kou Kou's heart seemed to melt at this moment.

"How many are you planning to have with Zhuo Yang?"

Kou Kou hasn't answered yet, her face is already smiling. Zhuo Qiuqiu may be surprised, but Kou Kou's smile surprised many others present, her beauty is just like a fairy jade.

Kou Kou is recovering from the haggard and haggard when she first returned to the small courtyard. She is regarded as a confidant, and she wants to wait for the return of her beloved with the most beautiful face.

The emergence of new life has made the courtyard more full of vitality and filled everyone with more hope.

Zhuo Yang is still unconsciously dead, but in his body, because of special circumstances, various muscle and bone injuries that cannot be fully cured are all in rapid recovery. Even some relatively weak bones, such as the finger bones of playing piano, are all in rapid recovery. Has been restored as before.

The cranial nerve fibers, brain cells, and cerebral cortex that died after suffocation and cardiac arrest also accelerated the rebirth.

The essence of Sun Moon Heaven and Earth continuously penetrated Zhuo Yang's body from the top of the Five Sacred Mountains, benefiting everyone in the entire courtyard.

Lying there silently, Zhuo Yang was having a long dream, in which he desperately wanted to find his way home and find the key and lock to go home.

The arrival of his nephew Gu and Hengwei also brought hopeful vitality. From this night on, Kou Kou will always have some strange dreams. There are mountains, fires, and many fires in his dreams.

She tried to see the rest of the dream clearly, but it was always blurred.



Life starts again and ends, and when it comes, there is left.

Madrid, Spain, the mother of Nigel De Jong, the butcher of the Six Musketeers, died at the end of March.

When Mother Tu was an accountant in a Dutch trading company in Hannover, her health was not very good, and her heart and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems were all problems. At that time, she and De Tu depended on each other. De Tu's salary in Fort Mady was not high even after entering the first team. Mother Tu still worked hard every day.

But De Tu is a sensible teenager. He takes care of all the housework as early as possible and prevents his mother from working hard after work. Zhuo Yang had helped Mother Tu to buy vegetables. When he was in Xi'an, he hadn't even accompanied his mother to the vegetable market.

In the summer of 2004, the 19-year-old De Tu moved to Real Madrid with a high net worth of 22 million euros, and his salary also reached the ranks of high salaries in football at that time. He forced Mother Tu to quit her job in the trading company and came to the sunny Madrid to start enjoying the happiness.

When renting a house, De Tu caught La Finca at a glance because it was the best. His requirements for housing are not very high, but De Tu wants his mother to live in the best place.

Two years later, De Tu spent money to completely buy the villa in La Finca, making it a veritable butchery.

In the second half of the 2014-15 season of La Liga, the state of Real Madrid, which had already been played last year, was very unstable. It could not only play a wave of 6 consecutive victories, but also defeated the bandit Atletico in the 2 rounds of La Liga derby 0:4.

After entering March, Real Madrid first lost to Bilbao 0:1 in the 26th round of La Liga, and then lost to Schalke 04 in the 1/8 round of the Champions League 3:4 at home. Fortunately, the away score of 2:0 in the first leg was enough, and Real Madrid barely advanced to the quarterfinals with a total score of 5:4.

On March 22, in the 28th round of La Liga, Real Madrid went to Barcelona for the second national derby of the season.

Although Real Madrid is swinging, Detu's recent state is very good, even in a few defeats, he is also one of the team's highest score.

In Camp Nou, UU Reading's weak-attack Real Madrid Yude Tu received a pass from Magic Flute's heel in the 34th minute of the first half, a decisive crack forward, and a powerful shot equalized the score.

However, Barcelona relied on Messi's two brilliant passes to score the goal by No. 24 Mathieu and No. 18 Scar. Real Madrid lost to the Nou Camp 1:2, and the league ranking fell to third.

After returning to Madrid that night, when Detu returned home, Mother Tu was nothing unusual, and she also asked him to rest early and not to care too much about the game.

"Understood, Mom, what about you, go to bed earlier."

"I bought elbows today and some fennel. I will stew them for you tomorrow." Mother Tu went to sleep after saying this.

When it was almost noon the next day, Detu was already a little hungry and fluttering, but Mother Tu hadn't gotten up yet. He went in to look, only to find that his mother could not wake up and was in a coma.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, at the University Hospital of Kirungsarud in Madrid, Mama Tu died of cerebral hemorrhage.

The 30-year-old Detu cried like a child.

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