Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 26: 200 million U.S. dollar killing order

On the night of the Thames River in November 2014, Sharma attacked Zhuo Yang with his family Gurkha knives. The Gurkha knives are also called Tibetan knives.

Everything is likely to be God’s will. Zhuo Yang took the order and appeared in the Tutu Bar somehow. Sharma also happened to be in London.

Sharma didn't use a gun, he wanted to kill instead of simply killing. In fact, he didn't even need a knife. He brought the knife just to make Zhuo Yang lose the ability to escape from the beginning. Sharma worried that he could not catch up with Zhuo Yang who ran away.

Zhuo Yang is not his opponent, and being able to fall into the Thames in the end is already the biggest survival instinct.

The London police still did not put Sharma in the line of suspicion. London does not have a sky-eye system with cameras all over it. It is still an international metropolis with a large resident and daily commuting population.

Sharma is just a senior member of the normal visit team following Prince Ergul. He came to London a few days ago and left together a few days later. There should be no doubt.

Although Sharma was also seriously injured, and it took more than two months of treatment to be considered as barely recovering, but with Ergüle's gorgeous outer packaging, no one has reason to doubt Sharma.

Until Ged Schmolin dug him out.

Schmolin and Gabriel hid in Macchiques, Venezuela after the'pilgrimage road attack'. The chaotic place is often a paradise for the rich and adventurers. Although he is paid and not short of money, he is not a person who is keen on taking risks.

He likes the glamorous upper-class life, rather than hiding in the corner of the world.

A year later, Gabriel who came with him was killed because he participated in a local gang conflict without authorization. Schmolin wanted to leave and wanted to go back to Europe, but Sharma told him: If you dare to come back, I will kill you.

After speaking, he gave Schmolin a sum of money.

At the beginning of 2014, the local gang in charge of receiving him told Schmolin that someone was asking about you with your photo and that he should have something to do with the Habsburg family.

Schmolin hid in Guyana again. He told Sharma that he wanted to return to Europe. Sharma said that if you dare to come back, I would kill you.

Schmolin actually knew that Sharma had been distracted by him, so he hid in Cuba by himself in the summer, so Sharma could not find him.

In November, Zhuo Yang had an accident. After Schmolin heard about it, he believed that Sharma did it, and Schmolin also knew Bruce Tutu and his bar.

After the New Year, Zhuo Yang offered a reward of 100 million U.S. dollars so that Schmolin saw the hope of regaining prosperity and a safe life.

Schmolin sneaked back to Europe and contacted the old Zhuo family and Habsburg through Midale. After getting the promise he wanted, Schmolin told everything he knew.

He did not have evidence that Sharma was the murderer of the Thames murder, but he knew that the Lord Sharma was responsible for the attack on the pilgrimage road, and Ergul was also involved. Schmolin also confessed to Bruce Tutu, whose bar is less than one kilometer from the murder scene.

The trajectory of Zhuo Yang's activities that day was very clear. He was attacked shortly after he came out of the bar. Although Bruce Tutu escaped, his call records show that he had contacted Sharma before and after the incident.

Several indirect witnesses also confirmed that people with the same appearance as Sharma appeared nearby during that time.

The real murderer finally surfaced.

Ergul panicked, he let Sharma take care of everything, saying that he would definitely save him. Sharma was not a fool, and no one would be able to save him after knowing that he was really trapped this time.

Sharma had an argument with his master for the first time, and then he also fled.


Coco issued a statement announcing his resignation from the Countess of Monaco. Two days later, Midelle announced her resignation as Countess of Monaco. This was the first time in the history of European titles that they were not deprived or removed, but resigned.

Archduke Frank Joseph of Austria, as the head of the Habsburgs, formally negotiated with Prince Albert II and asked him to give an explanation.

The Prince Ergul’s residence issued a statement stating that the case has nothing to do with His Highness and that His Highness has no knowledge of everything. His Royal Highness's chief of guard, Commander Sharma, has absconded, and the prince's residence does not know his whereabouts, and is willing to investigate and arrest him with all parties.

Mertesacker, president of the European Players Union, strongly protested and said that the Players Union will call on professional players to boycott the game with the Monaco club.

The Grimaldi family announced the removal of the chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Ergul Monaco Football Club.

Many Monaco club players applied to UEFA and FIFA, hoping to terminate their contract with the club.

The Grimaldi family sold the Monaco Football Club to the Russian financier and fertilizer king Dmitry Rybonovev, and has no longer any connection with football.

The hunt for Sharma and Bruce Tutu appeared on the dark web, offering a reward of up to 200 million U.S. dollars, and bounty hunters around the world were moved by the wind.



Zhuo Yang didn't know all of this, he still kept insulated from the world.

After Kou Kou resigned from the title of the Countess of Monaco, he no longer cared about the outside world. He still carefully managed the waterside courtyard every day and spoke to Zhuo Yang every day.

She began to learn Chinese with her sister Zhuo Qiu and Ye Zi.

Kou Kou felt that it was really outrageous before. In order to meet her, Zhuo Yang ran so far from China to Germany. In order to fall in love with her, he successively learned fluent English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. , But I never learned Chinese.

Starting from the "Zhuo Yang" standard Zhi Wo Zhuo and Yi Ang Yang, you must first read the name of Brother Zhuo Yang correctly, and you can't distinguish between ‘John’ and ‘Zhuo’.

Kou Kou also started to try spicy food, and she felt that she was not good at it. When we are together, Brother Zhuo Yang always accommodates me when he eats. I can eat whatever I want. I will eat hot pot with him in the future.

The outside world was as hot as ever, but the small courtyard at the foot of the mountain seemed to have stopped, and Zhuo Yang was still silent while lying there.

Kou Kou eats and sleeps every day to learn Chinese, talks to Zhuo Yang, and then takes the time to pick up a compound bow and shoot a hundred arrows.

Zhuo Qiuqiu slept in the yard with a pregnant belly, slept in the yard, talked to his brother, and taught his wife to speak Chinese.

Xiaotong patrols the courtyard from time to time, and spends the rest of the time sitting there thinking about his wife Fen and daughters, and thinking about the mistakes in his previous work.

Ye Zi pays attention to the changes in Zhuo Yang's physiological characteristics every day, and will talk to Kou Kou after work, sometimes in English and sometimes in Chinese. Occasionally she would think of Lao Wu.

Taoist Ye Wuji has been on the boulder at the top of the Five Sacred Mountains, sending the essence of the sun, the moon, and the mountains into the small courtyard below the mountain.

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