Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 25: Or wake up or die

Mu Yue didn't hate Wu Huiqing or Niu Xiaoqing. Although she lied to her for 16 years, no one could really resent a woman who had been with her intimately for 16 years.

He didn't know who he should hate. Gao Lishi? It seems that you can hate a hate, but hate and powerlessness is meaningless, unless Mu Yue now has the courage and ability to sneak back to Chang'an City to kill Datang Jianzong.

Perhaps the only advantage of living more than a hundred years is that he knows how many catties he has.

Li Bai may be able to kill Gao Lishi, maybe not, but he certainly does not have the ability to deal with the entire hidden cloud pavilion. What's more, Mu Yue always felt that he should be a happy young man, not so good to let revenge suppress his life.

Forget it, let's do it, let Li Bai think that everything is over, leave a sword immortal to the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and an incomparable poetry immortal for future generations.

Therefore, Mu Yue was tired of life, and he wanted to die.

It turns out that this is really not my Datang. I'm just a rash intruder, incompatible with Datangge.

Immortality is not a perfect thing, but it has sadness that normal people can't match. Always witnessing the death of people close to you one by one will make people feel that life itself is meaningless.

From Luo Ji to Yuan Tiangang, from Zhang Guo to Wu Huiqing, life seemed to be just a dream.

Datang was also a dream, and Mu Yue wanted to wake up or die.

But he couldn't die. The plague caused a small half of the people in the village to die, but Mu Yue was unscathed, and what he pulled out was always soft and hard, and it was easy to dry.

The threat of death made the living villagers grief and violent, they no longer watch and help each other, no longer kind. In the beginning, the villagers just looked for opportunities to kill the patients who were still diarrhea to prevent the plague from spreading, but they quickly turned into attacking each other indiscriminately.

After killing the two neighbors who tried to kill him, Mu Yue burned his house on fire. In the tenth month after Xiaoqing's death, he left the bank of Broken Leaf.

Wu Huiqing's ashes were buried under the house, which was her grave.

Central Plains couldn't go back, Mu Yue did not go east, but walked out of Datang completely west.

Senior brother Zhangtou once told him that to find out who he is is actually looking for a lock and a key. When he opened the lock with the key, he opened the way home.

A lock may be a person, an object, a place, or even an event or a sentence.

The key may be a person, an object, a place, or even an event or a sentence.

So Mu Yue, who wanted to wake up, went to the west to find the key and lock.

Li Bai once told Mu Yue: Your sword skills are very solid, and these elements are more solid than most swordsman martial artists.

Yamanaka has been practicing hard for seventy-nine years, and it is impossible for anyone to be solid.

Sword fairy Li Bai said that Mu Yue's biggest problem in martial arts is that his ability to respond is too weak, and his experience with the enemy is about zero.

Brother Mu, you played too little.

Li Bai told Mu Yue that he had already killed 27 people since he practiced swordsmanship. Of course, they were all thieves or bad guys who should be killed. And he practiced against other swordsmen almost every day. He had broken nine Qinglian swords in seven years, and now he had the tenth one.

Brother Mu, how many swords did you break?

There was not one, but one was lost.

Therefore, Mu Yue, who wanted to die, decided to mount a horse and hold a sword to find someone to fight.

However, before he had enough fights for several times, and the cheap sword in his hand was not broken, there was a war just two days away from the village of Suiyehe.

The war between the Anxi Duhu Mansion of the Tang Dynasty and the Great Food in Black Clothing. This place, called Daluosi, is already outside the territory of Datang.

Mu Yue heard Li Bai say that there are so many countries besides Datang, but there are only three countries that can barely compare with Datang in the military, namely Tubo, Daqin, and Dashi.

The proud and martial Tang Dynasty is undoubtedly the most powerful military country among the four, and the Battle of Tarros also fully reflects this.

The Tang army of the Eight Thousand Anxi Prefecture and the 18,000 Turkic Geluolu tribe who fought with the Tang army, a total of 26,000 people, defeated the 200,000 coalition forces in black.

The Tang army of this era is truly invincible in the world.

Even if the black clothes and food had increased by 100,000, even if the Geluolu people turned back on the way, the eight thousand Tang army was only defeated a month later.

Six thousand died in battle, fifteen captured, and five hundred ran away.

Mu Yue was not Tang Jun, or even Tang, he was like all other civilians, and hid away from the battlefield.

But some things still failed to escape.

The defeated Tang Jun, exhausted by Qiqi, was overtaken in the valley by more than 30 large food cavalry wielding a scimitar. The Tang Jun formed a loose team to fight. Mu Yue, who was drinking horses leisurely, thought for a while, for the purpose of wanting to die and want to fight, he got on his horse and drew his sword and rushed up.

Whether it is or not, at least in terms of appearance, Mu Yue thinks he is the closest to the Tang Dynasty.

After a fierce battle, more than 30 large cavalry soldiers were all beheaded, and there were only two Tang people left, Mu Yue and a middle-aged soldier.

In the next two days, the two consecutively broke through five waves of the Great Food Alliance's pursuit. Mu Yue also interrupted his sword for the first time, but they finally returned to the territory of Datang.

Despite the death of the eight thousand Tang army, there are still ten thousand elite guards stationed in the Anxi Prefecture. To the east of Congling and the Central Plains, Datang still has a million soldiers. As long as they are willing, Datang's cavalry can smash anywhere in this world.

The food army did not dare to easily enter the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Mu Yue stopped his horse, he didn't want to go any further.

Jun Han said: "Brother, follow me back to Anxi Prefecture, follow me back to Chang'an, and I will protect you as a general."

Mu Yue smiled: "Thank you for your kindness. I'm not going anymore, I'm going to find the lost thing."

"What did you lose? I can give you a lot of gold, enough to buy new ones."

"Lost a key and a lock, I have to find it."

"Brother, I hope you think about it again and go to Chang'an with me."

Mu Yue handed over: "Farewell."

"Next." Jun Han threw his sword to Mu Yue. "This sword comes from Goryeo, and its name is Qingshuang. The blade is unmatched in the world. I have given it to you."

"But I am disrespectful, thank you."

Mu Yue turned and rode his horse to the west. The army man shouted from behind, "Brother, if you go to Chang'an in the future, remember to come to me. Don't forget, my name is Gao Xianzhi."


Since then, in order to find the lock and key, UU Reading has traveled almost all the places that Horseshoe can reach outside of Datang, including the extreme north, extreme west, and extreme south, almost everywhere. country.

Tubo, Dashi, Tianzhu, Sanfoqi, Shiwei, Persia, Daqin, Frank..., people who have seen every look, have seen many animals and scenery they have never seen before.

On the way, he never found the key and lock. In order to die, he has been fighting, killing countless people and escaping countless times.

When he returned to the place where Wuhui's bones were buried on the bank of the broken leaves, it was no longer the territory of Datang. The diversion of the river also made the original village nowhere to be found, as if it had never existed.

Maybe the village was just a dream of him, there has never been a village.

Therefore, Mu Yue returned to Datang again, and the Datang at this time was no longer the same. When he walked into the dilapidated Chang'an City, one hundred and thirty years had passed since he and Lao Zhangtou walked out of the Qixia Gate.

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