Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 3: Cheng Yaojin

Yang Yi carried the burden and returned to his home in Chongxianfang, opened the small door and greeted the inside: "I'm back."

A few coughs came from the back room, which was regarded as an answer.

Twelve years ago, Yang Yi followed Taoist Yuan Tiangang out of Zhongnan Mountain and came to Datang Jingzhao Mansion, also called Chang'an City. Yuan Tiangang said that Chang'an City is the largest city in the world, and there are more people living in this city than there are stars in the sky.

Yang Yi didn't know how many stars there were in the sky, but he felt that there were definitely not as many people in Chang'an.

He followed Yuan Tiangang for two years wandering around in Chang'an City. In the past two years, he also realized that Yuan Tiangang was not an ordinary Taoist priest or Taoist leader, because he knew too many people, and they were all very powerful people.

They all call him Tiangangzi Yuan Tiangang, and these very powerful people respect him very much.

In the past two years, Yang Yi didn't know how to find who he was, so he could only follow Yuan Tiangang around, maybe someone else knew him? The result was nothing in two years.

Originally, he still wanted to follow Yuan Tiangang to the south of Datang, but he was stayed and stayed in Chang'an City.

Ten years ago, he followed Yuan Tiangang to the mansion of General Yulinwei and Cheng Zhijie, and was caught by General Cheng. Because Yang Yi is very tall, much taller than the average Datang people, and taller than most of Yu Lin Wei Xiaoyong, and Yang Yi is not only tall, but also very strong, but also very handsome. General Cheng Da thinks that Yang Yi should be placed It will be very decent in your own general guard.

As a result, Yang Yi stayed in Chang'an City somehow, and somehow became the guardian of Yu Linwei. Yuan Tiangang went to the south alone, he said he was going to Shu County.

Cheng Zhijie thought he had picked up the treasure, but he soon regretted it, because Yang Yi knew nothing except for his appearance, and he was also very stupid. When performing martial arts in the school, Yang Yi couldn't even beat Yu Linwei's husband.

The husband is not as high as Yang Yi's shoulder.

Being able to read is a rare thing, Cheng Zhijie asked him to copy the correspondence in the mansion, but the ugly handwriting was equivalent to forcing him to fall on his face.

But Cheng Zhijie couldn't drive Yang Yi away because he had patted Yuan Tiangang's chest.

So Yang Yi used the name of a decent-looking trash to eat and drink all day at General Habayashi's Mansion.

But Cheng Zhijie soon learned that Yang Yi was not a waste, on the contrary he was a great talent.

Since the previous week and before, the battle was mainly based on cavalry, with horses everywhere, and then polo became popular. The former Sui also fought, and it was even more enjoyable in the Tang Dynasty.

The generals of Datang not only played with themselves, but also with the visiting Tubo and Turkic polo teams.

Polo is the first sport of Datang.

To play polo, you want good horses. Dawan and Dashima are the best. But raising horses is expensive and food, and raising a good horse is more expensive than raising two hundred Yulinwei like Yang Yi.

After the battle was over, the court could not raise so many horses. The good horses were given to Li Jing, Li Ji, and Hou Jun, because they wanted to fight against Goryeo, Turks, and Tuyuhun. When others don’t fight, there is no need for so many horses.

With fewer horses, many armies cannot play polo. On the contrary, there are more and more polo teams organized by the wealthy businessmen themselves.

Cheng Zhijie is a polo fan. At the most, he has three polo teams in Habayashi, who are very domineering in strength. But later the horses were old or dead, and the court didn't add any more to Yu Linwei.

It's right to think about it. What does Habayashi, who is responsible for the defense of the inner city of Chang'an County with Zhuque Street as the boundary, do with so many good horses that can fight in the field? There are some packhorses and packhorses that can be used for riding. You can still pull goods or something, and eat grass is enough.

Dawanma and Dashima need to feed sperm beans and eggs. Yu Linwei like Yang Yi can't eat a few eggs all year round.

But if the horses and horses can't make the polo field right away, they can't do this job.

Cheng Zhijie's polo can't be played, polo polo, you can still play polo without a horse. Cheng Zhi was so angry all day to find fault and curse in the mansion.

One day he thought Yang Yi was an idiot and wanted to hammer him. Yang Yi said, "General, don't hit me, I will give you an idea. It should be more fun than polo."

Yang Yi likes watching polo. Although he can't even ride a horse properly, he feels that polo is very familiar. Why is it so familiar?

Cheng Zhijie didn't hammer him, Yang Yi said: "We don't need horses, we Yulinwei can kick with our feet."

Cheng Zhijie wanted to hammer him again, and Yang Yi hugged his head and said, "You can't do it first, it's not fun, then it's not too late to beat me. I can't run away anyway."

Cheng Zhijie felt that his shameless appearance had the charm of his youth.

Try it, try it, this thing is called Cuju.

Yang Yi changed the romantic eyes of Cuju into a goal, and the ball became a bit bigger than Cuju and Polo. The rattan was woven and covered with buffalo leather and stitched firmly.

Still using the polo field, Yang Yi divided the 20 people on each side into three rows. He named the forward, midfielder, and defender respectively, and a goalkeeper stood at the door. Yang Yi originally called this a goalkeeper, and Cheng Zhijie said: "If you have a hammer, you can be a general."

So I had to call the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper was the only one who could catch the ball with his hands.

Yang Yi didn't know why he was so familiar with this, and he knew it without a teacher. Thinking about it carefully, he had never even played Cuju.

Cheng Zhijie called this "New Cuju". He came from a military commander. When the world was in chaos, he followed Zhang Xutuo to chop people's heads everywhere, so Cheng Zhijie said that he had read books before, but Yang Yi didn't believe it.

Yang Yi said: "General, no matter the old or new, as long as it is called Cuju, it doesn't matter to you. Only when you have a brand-new name, can Datang people know that it is the general that you invented this new thing."

Cheng Zhijie said: "Which donkey day will call you an idiot, the old man will use an axe to strike him."

Yang Yi said that since he kicks his feet, he is simply called football. Cheng Zhijie originally wanted to call it'Cheng Qiu'. After thinking about it, it was not a good thing that Cheng's ball was kicked all day, so he didn't open his mouth. So, this new thing is called football.

Yang Yi is familiar with football, but he can't play it. He couldn't run up and hit others, and finally caught it and kicked it. As a result, the ball didn't hit the cloth boots but flew to the branches of the tree. The person lay on the ground and flashed his waist.

Still a fool. The other Habayashi played in two days.

Football does not require horses, nor does it require sophisticated riding skills. The threshold is lowered a lot, but because of a stronger sense of participation, it is more attractive than polo.

Jingzhao Mansion is bounded by Zhuque Street, Chang'an County to the west, and Wannian County to the east. Changan County is Habayashi, Wannian County is Jinwuwei, and General Jinwuwei is Yunguo Yin Kaishan.

Lao Cheng is out of horses, and Lao Yin can do anything, so football was on fire almost at the same time in Habayashi and Jinwu, and then on the whole Changan city.

People in Chang'an love to play. Now there are several football matches in the city every day. I heard that a businessman and the inventor of football, Cheng Zhijie, are discussing the need to formalize football in Chang'an and make it a round-robin game. They call this League.

Cheng Zhijie felt that Yang Yi was really a **** talent. In order to reward him, he told him about his wife. The general as a matchmaker is naturally a woman of a large family.

Juxianlou is indeed the largest wine shop in Chang'an West City.

Luo Ji is a hu girl in Juxianlou, with blond hair, blue eyes, high nose and deep eyes. She said that she was a beautiful woman in her hometown, but the people of Tang Dynasty didn't appreciate it, and they thought she was a bit ugly. Luo Ji said that her hometown was far away in a place called Luo Man Ke Shi Shan, which was bought and sold to Datang.

The Chang'an people don't know where Luomankeshishan is, but they all call her Luoji, which means the dancer from Luomankeshishan. She doesn't have a name anyway.

Chang'an people think Luo Ji looks ugly, but they all admit that she dances well in Hu Xuan Wu and is the best Hu woman in West Market.

After ten years of dancing the Hu Xuan dance in the Juxianlou, Luo Ji became old, unable to dance and became even uglier. Juxianlou suspected of keeping her in the way, and wanted to give her to the bean seller as a bed warmer.

Foot traders are not picky eaters, and more than a dozen people are used to bringing only one bed warmer for the convenience of traders. One night of warming up the bed is simply too busy, usually tossed to death quickly.

In the proud Tang Dynasty, Hu people are very worthless, not as good as cattle.

Cheng Zhijie likes polo, football, and Hu Xuanwu. He is also a general who loves to cherish jade. He looked at Luo Ji's Hu Xuan for several years and felt sorry for her, so he said, "I'll find an honest person for you. You can live a good life after marrying."

Yu Linwei is no more honest than Yang Yi, so Luo Ji became Yang Yi's daughter-in-law more than two years ago, and he also moved from Cheng's chaifang to Chongxian Fang. Lao Cheng was very righteous and bought him a small house with no yard here.

Maybe because Yang Yi is from the mountain, UU reading is different from Chang'an. He doesn't think Luo Ji is ugly at all, but thinks she is pretty, so he likes this wife very much and treats her very well.

But Luo Ji became ill during these years, and soon after marrying Yang Yi, it became more and more serious, and gradually it was difficult to get up.

Luo Ji said: "Yi Lang, Datang is not good, only you can do well in Datang. Luo Ji cannot serve you well in this life. If there is another life, I will definitely repay."

Yang Yi didn't think about the next life, because he didn't even know who he was.

Luo Ji said: "My hometown is in Luoman Keshi Mountain. If you pass there in the future, Yi Lang, remember to take my ashes home, and Luo Ji will repay you in the next life."

Yang Yi asked her not to talk nonsense, and then fed her half a jar of decoction, and then served her to sleep again.

The next night, Yang Yi returned to Chongxian Fang from the general's mansion. Luo Ji did not respond to him with a cough when he entered the house.

She is dead.

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