Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 2: Very weak brain waves

Zhuo Yang was killed and the first person to discover him was Jenna Pence, the English queen of singing.

Zhuo Yang who was sent to London Bridge Hospital had no breathing or heartbeat, his pupils dilated, and he was a dead person. And he was very miserable, from the skull to the right forearm to the fingers of both hands, the ribs, and the tibia of the left leg. There were a total of 24 fractures, even comminuted fractures, and multiple sharp weapon penetrating injuries in the body.

If it was a few years ago, or Zhuo Yang was just an ordinary person, he would be pushed directly into the morgue. But just because modern medicine has redefined the death standard, and Zhuo Yang is such an influential celebrity, Portland Hospital has done more checks.

Zhuo Yang's brain waves still had an extremely weak reaction, and he had not completely brain dead.

Under the strong request of Jenna Pence, London Bridge Hospital quickly put Zhuo Yang on a ventilator and blood circulation machine, and replaced all his functions with the machine at the first time.

After further examination, it was found that many organs in the body were seriously damaged, including the heart, liver, and kidneys, and they were all irreversible damages.

London Bridge Hospital is one of the top private hospitals in the world.

Two days later, when Zhuo Yang's family, father, mother, sister and brother-in-law arrived, London Bridge Hospital told them frankly: There is no hope, Zhuo Yang can no longer be rescued, his internal organs and brain tissue damage are irreversible, at least Irreversible under modern medical conditions.

The hospital said that Zhuo Yang's weak brain waves may disappear at any time. In a physiological sense, he is dead, and only the machine is alive.

The sky is falling!

Coming here together were Kou Kou and Midelle, and many people, many, many.

The hospital was sad and disorderly, but everyone who came here firmly disagreed with pulling out the tube. In any case, even if Zhuo Yang is lying here like dead, he is Zhuo Yang, but after pulling it out, he really is gone.

No matter how much the price is paid, machines must be used to maintain Zhuo Yang's functional cycle. Although everyone gradually realized that this was of no use and could not change anything, as long as the machine was still connected, they seemed to have hope.

The grief of the family can no longer be described in words.

His mother, Yang Hong, was rescued from fainting three times a week. His sister Zhuo Qiu caused fetal gas and was sent to the Portland Hospital's maternity hospital to have a baby in bed.

Kou Kou was ten years old overnight, and her stunning face was quickly becoming haggard. And her tears were dry.


London Bridge Hospital diagnosed that all the damage suffered by Zhuo Yang came from external violence. This is a criminal case.

The London police quickly launched an investigation on the night of the incident, and soon they found the murder scene on the other side of the river where Zhuo Yang was found.

In the low forest in a small delta, there were very obvious marks of fighting. Many trees were damaged and broken, and there were many blood stains on the ground. Some of the blood is Zhuo Yang's, but some are not. The police are tracking the blood DNA.

Near the road outside the woods, there was a corpse whose neck had been twisted off.

After investigation, it was found that the death at the scene was a Botswana immigrant who immigrated from France three years ago. After further investigation, it was discovered that the food vendor named Humaengle Kiura de Bainzu, nicknamed'motor oil' was very It may be illegal immigrants. He died, leaving behind two wives and four children, one son and three daughters.

Based on the very obvious traces at the scene, the London police roughly restored the murder case.

There was only one murderer. He suddenly attacked Zhuo Yang and then fought fiercely with Zhuo Yang. Zhuo Yang tried to escape after being injured, but failed to run away. The food vendor Motor Oil bumped into this scene on his way home from the stall. For some reason, he ran to stop the murderer and was killed.

Zhuo Yang took this opportunity to climb into the Thames, and then was pushed by the river to the opposite bank two kilometers downstream, and was then discovered by Jenna Pence.

The whole world tried their best to find the murderer, but without knowing who the murderer was, he disappeared.

The whole world is also waiting for news of Zhuo Yang's death, although he is actually dead.


In the following half a month, many things happened.

Before the start of almost all competitions in all European leagues, the players unanimously played banners to express condolences to Zhuo Yang's family, and demanded the arrest and severe punishment of the murderer. After countless players scored and dedicated the goal to Zhuo Yang, many players kicked and cried and burst into tears.

General Tan Jie, the head of the Third Division and Second Bureau of the General Staff Department, was removed from office, and the administrative record was punished, and many other intelligence personnel were punished.

Lieutenant Colonel Xiaotong was expelled from the military.

On November 12, in the 12th round of the Premier League, Manchester United challenged Arsenal away. Head coach Sir Alex Ferguson suffered a heart attack in the 9th minute of the first half and was rushed to the hospital for rescue. Before the game, Ferguson came to London Bridge Hospital to visit Zhuo Yang, and then he was sent here again.

Two days later, based on the hospital's diagnosis and Ferguson's physical condition, Manchester United announced that the Red Devils and former team assistant coach Ryan Giggs will temporarily act as the interim head coach.

Forte Madi, AC Milan, Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid, the four clubs where Zhuo Yang has played have made internal decisions: retiring the No. 18 jersey.

The reason is internal, because they are waiting for the official announcement of the London Bridge Hospital.

FIFA, UEFA, and AFC senior officials began to discuss what honors should be given to Zhuo Yang. At this time, his suspension and racial discrimination were no longer mentioned.

As an insurance company that Zhuo Yang has always insured, Allianz Insurance has begun to raise huge death compensation, which will be the largest personal compensation ever made by Allianz. For this deal, Allianz paid a big deal.

At the same time, the Allianz Insurance Detective Department fully converged with the London police to track down the murderer.


In December, Zhuo's family and Kou Kou were left with Zhuo Yang in London Bridge Hospital.

His wife Yang Hong is going crazy. His daughter Zhuo Qiuqiu is already lying on the hospital bed. Kou Kou is breaking down at a speed visible to the naked eye. Only Zhuo Tongtong is still holding the overall situation firmly. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

A misfortune came and caused this home to fall. Zhuo Tongtong didn't know what would happen tomorrow, and he didn't dare to think about it. He could only persevere like this one minute after another.

But as time went by, Zhuo Tongtong had gradually become sober, he realized the fact that Zhuo Yang said by the hospital, there is no miracle for Zhuo Yang, and even maintaining a weak brain wave is a miracle.

Zhuo Tongtong didn't know if that moment really came, whether he could survive it.

On this day in early December, it snowed in Zhongnan Mountain.

Zhuo Tongtong looked at Zhuo Yang, who was wrapped up like a mummy and filled with tubes in the London Bridge Hospital, and the hospital people walked over and told him softly.

"Mr. Zhuo, a religious figure came outside and he said he wants to see you."

Zhuo Tongtong was puzzled, but under the guidance of the reception staff, he went to the reception area in the lobby of the hospital.

He was taken aback: "Sir, why did you come?"

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