Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 991: Lafayette 3 long sighs

The day after Zhuo Yang hit, was the 9th round of La Liga, the day when Real Madrid faced Barcelona at the Bernabeu at home, the first national derby in the 2014-15 season.

Zhuo Yangwo did not show up at home, Detu apologized to the team in the locker room on his behalf, to everyone. Moreover, he specifically apologized to Benzema and Hierro, expressing his willingness to pay any price to make up for his mistake, and then be beaten by each of them, willing to be punished.

It was Zhuo Yang who asked Detu to help him, and he really had no face to meet people.

Benzema and Hierro are both skin injuries, which is not a major problem, but today's game must be avoided.

Zhuo Yang knew in his heart that no matter what attitude he made to admit his mistakes and what remedial measures he made, the cracks in the dressing room were hard to make up.

Although Benzema is not from Fort Madi, he is his own little brother. Real Madrid recognized him as a member of Zhuo Yang. Beating one's own person is not prestigious, but will collapse the image. From then on, everyone will only fear Zhuo Yang, but he is no longer a qualified boss, because the boss only protects his shortcomings and will not oppress his younger brother.

Since then Zhuo Yang is no longer the spiritual leader of Real Madrid, they will be afraid of him, but not necessarily convince him.

Hierro is the old captain of Real Madrid. He is loved here even better than Raul. Zhuo Yang hit him, which is equivalent to hitting all the Spanish players in the face.

Zhuo Yang can't explain to Zidane, Qi Zu is the root of Benzema in Real Madrid.

Detu did not explain why Zhuo Yang lost control of his emotions, because he promised his brother to keep it secret for the time being. De Tu is a very tight-mouthed person. That year he promised Kaka to conceal the bottleneck flowering period, but Zhuo Yang didn't even tell him.

Zhuo Yang asked Detu to tell the club that he took a few days off and waited for the next time he went to the sports city before he would formally apologize to everyone.


The national derby will not talk about it. Real Madrid must investigate such a bad thing that happened in the sports city.

The devastated Benzema poured everything out, and didn't want to hide anything for that **** Valbuena.

Real Madrid will block news about internal fights, but what is Valbuena? In view of Benzema's vowing that there is no involvement of him in this, Real Madrid has not deliberately issued a seal of this matter.

As a result, management staff who knew the inside story immediately sold the news to a reporter from the "Marca" who was familiar with it. This kind of thing is too eye-catching. In an instant, the Tudou Love Movie case spread all over the world, turning a secret investigation of personal privacy into an Internet celebrity incident.

Since there is no personal privacy left, the French police also launched a large-scale investigation. In the end, this case became a farce with no winners and all of them lost miserably.

More than a dozen people have been investigated by the police, and five people were determined to be arrested, including Tudou's friend, Assel Anget, who can repair computers, and Karim Benzema's cousin.

And Benzema was not as innocent as he claimed. He was dragged by court several times in the past six months. In the end, under the mediation of many people, he reached an understanding with Tudou in private and was finally exempted from legal investigation. .

In the whole process, Tudou accused him of biting people, making French football miserable. His girlfriend Alissa was also unbearable because of her privacy, and left him with her daughter.

In view of the fact that this scandal has seriously affected the image and unity of the French national team, the French Football Association quickly made the decision to expel the potatoes and Benzema from the national team, and they have never been called up since.

Everyone lost, including Real Madrid, Zhuo Yang, and football.


Despite such a serious disturbance within the team, it was really God bless Real Madrid that the team defeated Barcelona 3:1 at the Bernabeu.

Scar assisted Neymar in the opening 4 minutes and scored a goal, but then Cristiano Ronaldo equalized the score with a penalty kick, then Pepe and Bale scored successively, and Real Madrid successfully won the national derby.

After this game, there are two international game days in October. The day after the game, Lafayette Florentillo came to La Finca Crystal Palace and had a long discussion with Zhuo Yang.

First of all, I understand the causes and consequences of the ‘battering incident’. Zhuo Yang’s statement is basically the same as Benzema. But he did not tell Lafayette why he lost control of his emotions. He only said that he was trapped by private affairs and it was inconvenient to tell him. Please forgive me.

Zhuo Yang didn't want to let the news of the dissolution of the marriage be told from his side, he was waiting for Kou Kou and the Habsburg family to announce it first.

Zhuo Yang expressed his willingness to accept any punishment from the club, but how can Galeries Lafayette be punished? Internal ban? He has been banned like this.

Let Stupid Horse and Yero beat Zhuo Yang, is that fair?

It is nothing more than a fine. Lafayette said how about 2 million, Zhuo Yang said, Uncle Fu, you will fine you more, and the penalty will be three to five million.

Money is meaningless to Zhuo Yang, who is now extremely decadent.

Lafayette sighed: Just 2 million. You have to make up for the two of them. If it's not enough, let's talk about it.

After walking out of La Finca, Lafayette sighed three more times.

Galeries Lafayette gave Zhuo Yang a holiday and asked him to return to the national team before returning to the club before early December. Don't expect him to train and assist in Castilla, as long as he has two weeks of recovery training before the Club World Cup at the end of December, and he can play at that time.

But then again, the Club World Cup is really not that difficult. According to the current good momentum of Real Madrid, it does not matter whether there is Zhuo Yang or not.

The holiday given by Galeries Lafayette was exactly what Zhuo Yang wanted, and he urgently needed to escape Europe temporarily. After rushing to ask the Royal Ma Yin for leave, Zhuo Yang returned to China with Xiaotong.

During the long flight, Zhuo Yang told Xiaotong that he and Kou Kou had broken up, but only said that it was because of the conflicts of the Habsburg family and Kou Kou's collapse, and there was no mention of Midale and Schmolin. .

Zhuo Yang was tired of all this, and he didn't want to have any extra problems. According to the order Xiaotong accepted, he could end the mission by the end of the year. It is not easy for Tong to leave home for so long.

Xiaotong's experience with Zhuo Yang is very But he is also not an expert in love and life. He is good at military and security, not the aunt and intimate sister of the neighborhood committee.

On these two international game days, the Chinese team will play a friendly match against Honduras and Australia respectively, in which Australia will also go away. After the flight landed in Beijing, Zhuo Yang suddenly became uninterested in the game, so he simply called Jie Shuai for leave.

Naturally, the national team did not know about his tearing up the marriage contract, but he knew about his suspension and disqualification. It's not an important game, so let Zhuo Yang rest and relax.

After spending two days with the old Mu, Zhuo Yang went back to Xi'an. Parents must face it, and Lao Mu has to take him back, because the high school reunion organized by him will be organized in his hometown in a few days.

Why not have a college reunion? Because Lao Mu never went to college. It's been 12 years since graduating from high school, and indeed when it was the first time to meet, the rich boss Mu cheerfully picked his head at the instigation of his old classmates.

Originally, Zhuo Yang was not planned for this reunion, he was too far away and too busy, but now that he is free, of course he wants to be the most popular star among his high school classmates.

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