Golden Greenery

: Beat a stupid horse to lose his mind

"Stupid horse, potatoes are my brother. Give me things and don't have moths. This matter is over."

The sports city is very big. Zhuo Yang took Benzema to the corner of the outer wall of the Di Stefano Stadium, which is only one way away from the first team training ground. He was not in the mood to be wordy, so he went straight to the point.

A stupid horse is not stupid, he immediately understood what was going on from Zhuo Yang's words.

"Fuck, Lao Zhuo, what did Tudou tell you nonsense? I'll take him anything, I just help others to pass on to him..."

"Stop the **** nonsense!" Zhuo Yang was not in the mood to listen to Benzema's explanation. "I'll tell you again, Tudou is my brother, you give me something, even if this matter is pulled down, I won't let him trouble you again."

"Brother Zhuo, you can't just listen to him, you can't just do what he says. Brother Zhuo, he is your brother, and I am also your brother."

Zhuo Yang was so annoyed, but still patiently said: "Take it out, I will spare you. Are you the **** person short of 150,000?"

The clay figure still has three points of anger, Benzema is tightly clamped in the tail of Real Madrid, just because there are too many wicked people here, but he is not stingy outside. He was a little unhappy to hear that Zhuo Yang was so unreasonable.

"Old Zhuo, you also know that I am not short of these 150,000 people? Okay, I don't care about this. You can believe what Tudou says, but it doesn't matter to me."

After all, the stupid horse turned his head and left.

Zhuo Yang got angry: "Did I let you go?"

"What are you talking nonsense if you don't reason? I'm **** right all these years..."

'Snapped! Before he finished speaking, Zhuo Yang pulled his mouth back with his backhand.

"Bring things."

Benzema never expected Zhuo Yangzhen to beat him, but he was stunned.

In the past three years since Zhuo Yang came to Real Madrid, Zhenxin has been doing well with Stupid Horse. There are not only Zidane's favor, but also Stupid Horse's own courtesy. Whether fighting with Mourinho or Jing Wei in the dressing room of Real Madrid, the dumb horse is considered to be Zhuo Yang's side, and he is of the iron kind.

Over the past three years, Stupid Ma has always regarded Zhuo Yang as his boss, and Zhuo Yang has always protected Stupid Ma’s shortness. But today I didn't agree with each other, so I just started.

Once he moved his hand, his emotions were completely induced. Seeing a stupid horse like a idiot, he didn't respond, and Zhuo Yang slapped twice without saying a word.

After smoking, stretched out his hand: "Bring things."

Benma was a social man, and he was brave in the Battle of Pisjuan, but he lent him ten courage and did not dare to fight back with Zhuo Yang.

The stupid horse jumped three feet high, red-eyed and yelled: "Zhuo Yang, you're **** crazy. Potatoes are your brother, isn't I the fucking? I've been licking your hooks all these years... "Licking the hook, flattering.

"...If you turn your face, turn your face, you count as a hammer..."

Zhuo Yang raised his leg and kicked the stupid horse directly to the ground, and then pinched him up by the neck of the collar.

"Give me things, or I will kill you today."

"Ah~~~~~~, I don’t have one, I'll beg if you kill me..."

Throw it over with one elbow, then pinch the neck and lift it up. After the two ear scrapers, the stupid horse was still on the ground.

The stupid horse was scared. He saw the madness in Zhuo Yang's eyes. He was afraid of being killed.

Zhuo Yang had already collapsed first. The pain, depression, and tearing of these days, all the emotional torture was broken at this moment.

He pressed the stupid horse to the ground and pulled his head over his face.

"Brother Zhuo, I was wrong, forgive me, I was wrong..."

Stupid horse desperately begged for mercy, but Zhuo Yang turned a deaf ear.

"I was wrong, I was wrong...Help, come to help, Zhuo Yang is going to kill me..." Stupid Ma's miserable cry for help echoed over the sports city.

The first person to arrive was the new assistant coach and Real Madrid captain Fernando Hierro.

In fact, when Zhuo Yang called the stupid horse away, everyone saw that he was in a bad mood, and everyone worried about this. When they heard something was wrong, they rushed here.

"Zhuo Yang, what are you doing, stop!" Hierro shouted.

Zhuo Yang raised his head with blood red eyes: "Get away!"

Of course Hiero would not listen to him, nor would he be fooled by Zhuo Yang. He stretched out his hand to grab Zhuo Yang, and Zhuo Yang took advantage of it. The two put their hands together, and Zhuo Yang twisted his waist to send his hips and threw Hiero out with his own son.

Hierro was a fierce player in Real Madrid's midfield back then, and the next game was also quite good. Zhuo Yangmeng didn't even move him.

Zhuo Yang was furious, and turned around in the air, kicking Yero like a chest with a small back swing.

As soon as the blood-stained stupid horse got up from the ground, it was knocked over by Zhuo Yang again. He had no idea what he was going to do in the stadium now, and all his attacks had become subconscious.

Hierro stood up through gritted teeth, and also did not escape being kicked over again. The stupid horse was kicked and rolled all over the floor, and while rolling, he was heartbroken and called for help.

The Real Madrid people rushed over, but they were all frightened by Zhuo Yang's madness, and no matter how good the relationship was, they would not dare to come over at this time.

Except for one person.

De Tu pounced and hugged Zhuo Yang, who had kicked over Hierro again: "Zhuo Yang, calm down—"

The only trace of reason Zhuo Yang had at this time was that he still recognized Detu and knew his brother. Apart from this, he didn't know what he was doing or what place it was.

He stopped and stood there blankly, De Tu hugged him tightly.

"Tu..., what happened to me?"


"Tu, where is this?"

"Sports City."

Zhuo Yang looked at De Tu stupidly, and then he cried.

"Tu, save me, save me quickly..."

"Brother, what's the matter with you? What happened?"

"I don't know, save me, woo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

De Tu held Zhuo Yang in his arms desperately: "It's Brother, it’s okay, it’s okay... ooh~~~ It’s okay, my brother." De Tu cried with Zhuo Yang. Up.


De Tu took Zhuo Yang back to La Finca and went to his abattoir because Zhuo Yang said he didn't want to return to the Crystal Palace.

The traces of Kou Kou there are too strong.

There was a long silence, until the sky in Madrid became dark, night was approaching, and Zhuo Yang told his brother what had happened these days, and De Tu also knew that Zhuo Yang had done such a big thing.

But Detu is a quack, but he is not a love expert or a life mentor. He can't give Zhuo Yang any useful advice. He can only accompany him, listen to him, and drink with him.

In today's affairs, Zhuo Yang had already realized that he had done a wrong thing, and he beat Benzema and Hierro, which was extremely bad. And what happened to Valbuena, thinking about it now, is indeed full of weirdness, and he shouldn't have brought the rhythm to him.

Zhuo Yang didn't want to deal with this matter anymore, he had no energy.

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