Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 855: Tacit understanding between brothers

On the day of May 16, 2014, before Real Madrid walked into the Bernabeu stadium, Casillas said that Zhuo Yang put on the captain's armband, he refused.

This is the last round of La Liga in the 13-14 season, with Real Madrid playing against the Spaniards of the'Parrot Legion'. At the same time, at the Calderón Stadium, 6 kilometers south of the Bernabeu, south of the city center, Atletico and Barcelona face each other.

Most of the European mainstream leagues have come to an end. Only La Liga's death has not yet been revealed. Today, the world's eyes are on Madrid.

Among the five major leagues, Serie A Juventus, Bundesliga Bayern Munich and Ligue 1 Paris have all won the championship early with huge points. Manchester City is more difficult. Blue Moon won Liverpool and Chelsea in the final round of the Premier League five days ago.

But no one has a La Liga entanglement. Of course, this entanglement is only for Real Madrid, because Atletico has no entanglement. As long as they beat Barcelona at home, Real Madrid can only win the Spanish even if they win 10,000 goals. two.

With a 2 point advantage, Atletico is so capricious.

The outside world believes that Real Madrid's hopes of winning the championship are slim. After they announced the starting list of this battle, the media felt that Real Madrid had already accepted their fate, or even gave up.

Goalkeeper Casillas, defenders Ramos, Carvajal, Nacho, midfielder Zhuo Yang, De Tu, Ilya Ramendi, forward Sloppy Morata, Bell. The appearance of these nine people will not be surprising, and the media and the outside world are surprised by the two second-team teenagers-winger William Jose and left-back **** Vallejo.

22-year-old William José is a Brazilian. In January this year, Real Madrid transferred him to Santos and bought it. Jesús Vallejo was born in Zaragoza and is only 17 years old this year. He can play as a central defender and full-back in the second team Castilla.

In fact, in the last game against Vigo Celta, Ancelotti put them on the 18-man roster. Today, they were simply placed in the starting lineup. This is the first time they have represented Real Madrid's first team. Play.

Outsiders can't understand the famous halls, but in the Real Madrid dressing room, they will understand that those who have a passive attitude are basically international players.

It is not a good name, but it cannot be denied that there is a gap between foreign aid and local players in the sense of team honor. This phenomenon exists in global football, especially at the delicate moment of fear of wolves and tigers. Will be magnified relentlessly.

This phenomenon is also the most fundamental source of contradiction in the locker rooms of all the giants. There is always a gap between local players and international players.

The Knights of the Round Table in Milan was established for this purpose. The Basala Marcia has a deep-rooted xenophobia, and Real Madrid's big brothers and Galaxy superstars have always been at odds.

Shui Ye broke the door in the dressing room two days ago and was reprimanded by Zhuo Yang. However, Zhuo Yang understands Shui Ye, and Shui Ye also knows that Zhuo Yang is the strongest person in the team's desire to win. He can be angry with others, but he only admires Zhuo Yang.

Both Shui Ye and Cassie believe that regardless of the situation at Atletico, the team should first strive for victory, which is consistent with Zhuo Yang Lizhu's view.

De Tu can also be trusted, he is also the first deputy captain of Real Madrid.

Dasha Carvajal and Nacho are both from the Castilla lineage, Real Madrid is their belief.

Isco got a red card in the last game, Aveloa was last injured and ended. Today's injury is not good, and if not, he will also appear.

I don't know what Real Madrid believes in sloppy hearts, but he doesn't care about the World Cup, only the eagerness to express. Ilya Ramendi's psychology is similar to sloppy.

Bell, who came back from injury, is special. He also has no ties to the World Cup, only the urge to score.

With the above nine concentrated in the game, the Spaniard is not a tough opponent. It is no problem to add two second team players to Real Madrid's starting lineup.

Not only is it a reward for William Jose and Vallejo, but it is also for those who have cowardice. In fact, it is not fair to say that they are "cowardly fighting". Others who are not cowardly fighting are not necessarily nobler than them. They just have different perspectives.

They just think Real Madrid has no chance, Atletico will win.

Therefore, Zhuo Yang didn't say much about this view a few days ago, but just settled the starting lineup after discussing with Ang Fat Observation. Until today, Zhuo Yang showed everyone in the dressing room.

"Everyone, I know that everyone is worried that Barcelona will release water to Atletico Madrid. Unfortunately, this situation does exist. If you change to Real Madrid, I don't think we will go to work hard for Barcelona."

"I will not blame this phenomenon, nor will I laugh at it. But if it is me, if Barcelona and Real Madrid exchange their positions today, I can tell you very clearly that I will fight for Barcelona. I will not threaten and kidnap teammates, but I will fight myself."

"I respect the grievances between Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​and have no intention to resolve them. I am a Real Madrid player, but I respect Barcelona, ​​and I never hide this view, and others will not change me. If the Barcelona champion needs me to contribute in Real Madrid I will definitely look back. As we all know, I have many friends in Barcelona and they deserve my desperation."

"Similarly, if I were a Barcelona player and I faced today's situation, I would also work hard for Real Madrid, because I also have many friends here."

"The friend I am talking about refers to a true friend, not the kind on social media. The friend needs my help, Zhuo Yang will be But this is my own business, I will not kidnap The teammates are working together, so I will not kidnap Barcelona today, and I will not ask them to fight desperately with Atletico Madrid for me and Real Madrid. If they do it voluntarily, I am relieved that if they do not, they will still be my friends."

"Although Atletico is very strong, Barcelona will not necessarily win them even if it does not release water. What I want to tell you is that Atletico wants to win Barcelona. I dare not guarantee others, but there is someone who will not let Atletico succeed. He will desperately prevent Atletico from winning."

"Scarf Frank Ribery, he will definitely fight for Atletico for me and De Tu."

"Whether you believe it or not, please wait and see. Everyone, life is not just football, I hope everyone here can be like me, in addition to football and football, there are brothers like scars."

"Scar Scar knows that De Tu and I want this championship, so he will fight hard for Atletico Madrid. De Tu and I know he will do this, so we can't give up."

"Don't tell me that Barcelona and Atletico will play a tacit understanding. They can't even play it. It's a tacit understanding between me and De Tu, and our scars."

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