Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 854: Helpless disagreement

Before the last round of last season, the top three of the Real Madrid had a total of 87 points after a season of battle.

In the penultimate round of the season, the three teams have not repeated the same points, but the same championship is undecided. Competing 92 emperors, 90 and 86, only Barcelona won the third place.

In the last round of last season, the top three teams each won, La Liga appeared in the history of the three teams with the same points, Atletico relying on each other's record advantage-the bandits faced Huang Sa with one win and one tie, and finally won the competition Champion of a tragic year.

Atletico have no record advantage this year, and Real Madrid have two draws in the league, but the bandit has 2 points advantage.

Real Madrid 27 wins, 9 draws, 1 loss and 90 points, 117 goals and 38 losses, net difference of 79. Zhuo Yang's team always has the best attack power in Europe.

Atletico Madrid's 29 wins, 5 draws, 3 losses and 92 points, 77 goals and 27 losses, a net difference of 50.

The final round of La Liga 2013-14 is not complicated at all. The prerequisite for suspense, Real Madrid must defeat the Spaniards at home, otherwise no matter whether it is a tie or a loss, no matter what kind of dog is played at Atletico Madrid, the championship will be Atletico Madrid.

Real Madrid wins, Atletico Madrid must also win, can only rely on the advantage of consecutive points. If they tie up with Real Madrid after a tie, Real Madrid's huge advantage in goal difference will kill them without keeping them.

Real Madrid's game against the Spaniards in Bernabeu basically has no suspense. Although the Parrot Legion has the title of'Giant Killer' this season, they can't kill Real Madrid. The Spaniards are 5 points higher than the relegation zone, and they are 20 points away from the European War Zone. Let them lick the blood in the last game and have a good relationship with Real Madrid.

But this decisive victory inference is based on the premise that Real Madrid itself does not slide, otherwise it is not uncommon for them to die, let alone lose to the Spanish, or even to the Chinese primitives.

From the outsider's point of view, Real Madrid should naturally try their best to win the final battle, and then give the rest to God to decide. But inside Real Madrid's locker room, there was a disagreement on the final scene.

Many players feel that they should follow the flow. In fact, they think that they should go through the game with a health kick, and now prepare for the Champions League final. There are many people in Real Madrid who hold this view.

Isn't it strange that the champion has such a view in the context of hope? Actually not.

Real Madrid is a top player. Almost every player on the team is a national player of different countries. Those who have the task of participating in the World Cup this summer and expect to enter the World Cup list, suddenly adopted self-protective kicking at the end of the season. Think carefully, In fact, there is no place to think about.

Real Madrid, who has steadily walked this season, suddenly self-destructed in the last four rounds, first because the team reached the Champions League final. Compared with the league champion, everyone has a higher level of goals, and Colombian shooter Falcao is in Ligue 1 was injured again, and it also sounded the alarm for the thoughtful.

Falcao transferred from Atletico Madrid to Monaco last summer for 60 million. This value has made him completely immersed in the ranks of super first-class stars. After all, in the history of football, people who are more expensive than him can count them with their fingers.

In January this year, Falcao suffered a knee injury in the French Cup and did not return until the end of April. He is the banner character of Colombian football today, so after Zhuo Yang issued the "Brazilian Hero Order", he immediately lifted the top list, and no one would question his lack of qualifications.

However, just as Falcao was so eloquent and ready to talk to the heroes of Brazil about the sword, Zhuo Yang hadn't had time to praise him yet. Falcao was injured again in the Ligue 1 game. It was his knee. And this time the injury was even worse, and the World Cup reimbursement was announced directly.

Before leaving the team, he died first, and Falcao's lessons learned immediately made many Real Madrid players whisper in their hearts. Although the previous match with Celta won by reversal, but Aveloa and Di Maria have been injured successively, which has also increased the concern of Real Madrid players in this regard.

The fighting spirit on the court cannot be measured by data, and it is often a little psychological factor. As a result, Real Madrid lost one tie in the next match, and directly lost the initiative to win the championship.

Ancelotti is an old river and lake, naturally seeing signs, but to be honest, he is not a locker room type coach, so it is also very helpless. In addition, he really valued the tenth Champions League, so he started thinking about giving up the league.

And there is another very important and persuasive reason for the last game against the Spaniards: the Atletico Madrid opponent is Barcelona.

Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid are dead enemies, the enemy's enemy is a friend, so Atletico Madrid has always had a good relationship with Barcelona, ​​Atletico Madrid and even the core of the La Liga Barcelona.

In the final round of the league, Barcelona are 4 points behind Real Madrid and 19 points ahead of Zaragoza. Although all four are empty again, they have no desire or desire in the final round.

Would Barcelona go to Atletico Madrid? Unless the brain gets into the water, not to mention Real Madrid after the hard fight, the only thing Barcelona needs to do is to put the water not too obvious.

So in the normal thinking of Real Madrid, the final round of Atletico Madrid won, so in this case, is it necessary to take the game with the Spaniards seriously?

In the long history of La Liga, as long as there is a similar situation, there will be a ladder for the other side of the Real Madrid, and no one will be a fool in fair play. The reason why Barcelona fell into the UEFA Cup in the 2003-04 season was hit by Fort Mady. There are reasons why Real Madrid gave Barcelona competitors Celta and Valencia water.

In the 1999-2000 season, Laco finally pressured Barcelona to win the championship, and also had the fifth Real Madrid **** assist. The reverse is also true. Barcelona have added Real Madrid in the same way, but this year it is just a scene replay.

When you come out and mix, you always have to pay back. There is a bad debt between Real Madrid and Barcelona.

This is the tangle when fate cannot be held in his own hands. If Real Madrid leads Atletico Madrid at this point, even if there is only one point, there will not be such a clear difference of opinion in the dressing room.

Last season the team played the last game but watched Atletico lock the victory in the last few minutes, so as to win the championship with mutual record advantages, but also deepened the psychological hint of this difference.

Combining all these factors, you cannot use moral kidnapping to blame players who are pessimistic about the final battle.

But Zhuo Yang didn't have this hurdle in the past. He launched the "Player Season Convention" after the fallout with Mourinho for Real Madrid, the three-time champion. Since then, he has struggled.

Everything is not absolute. In the event that Atletico missed, Real Madrid failed to seize the opportunity because of giving up. Zhuo Yang will regret his life and will feel sorry for his struggle for this year and a half.

To be honest, it's much harder to bring Real Madrid than to Maddie, Milan and Barcelona. Among the three teams, Zhuo Yang didn't feel so strenuous.

It is impossible to use a gun to force a teammate who is not willing to desperately to play on the field. Zhuo Yang can only force Ancelotti. After a few days of discussion in the locker room, Ann Fat and Zhuo Yang decided not to look at the strength in the last game, only the attitude, and let those players who still do not want to give up.

Seeing the starting list, the outside world thought Real Madrid had accepted their fate.

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