The next day.

Ye Sihai got up earlier than usual.

Aunt Mei had already prepared breakfast.

Qiaohuamei came early today and was forcing Liu Hanhan to eat breakfast.

She put the scrambled eggs into Liu Hanhan's bowl.

Ye Sihai joined the breakfast army, ate and cleaned up, and then took the whole family out.

He got on the Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle parked at the door and headed straight to Fucheng.

The driver today was Lin Changqing's full-time driver.

When he was about to reach the welfare home, Ye Sihai went shopping all the way and almost emptied several supermarkets.

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He didn't buy grain, oil, rice and noodles this time, but snacks, fruits, drinks, and some school supplies.

He had two things to do today.

Go upstairs to Liu Hanhan's welfare home first, and discuss his donation with the old director secretly.

At noon, go to Mei Ziqiang's house for lunch.

In the afternoon, go to the tax bureau to file taxes and tax exemptions.

This time, he has to talk to the old director about donating money to the welfare home.

Then he needs the welfare home to hold a donation ceremony with great fanfare.

It's not for fame, but to show others so that they won't be remembered.

With Liu Hanhan by his side, his safety will definitely not be a problem.

But what about Aunt Mei? What about Qiaohua?

Even what about Brother Qiang and Sister Ting who live in Fucheng?

The human heart cannot stand the test.

If you don't have a strong self-protection ability, sudden wealth will inevitably bring disaster.

For others, 30 million is a lot of money.

But Ye Sihai didn't take this money seriously at all.

In the future, the whole sea will become his family's back garden.

Seeing Liu Hanhan so happy, Aunt Mei reminded him:

"New soldier, you must protect your brother well in the future, understand?"

Liu Hanhan nodded seriously:

"Mom, I will."

Qiaohua sister likes this silly big guy.

"What about me?"

"Yes, Sister Fanwan will protect me too."

Soon they arrived at the welfare home.

Liu Hanhan jumped down without waiting for the car to stop.

"Hahaha, I'm back again!"

Dozens of disabled children were playing in the yard of the welfare home, and they all cheered and surrounded Liu Hanhan when they saw him.

"The silly big guy is back."

"Did you bring us delicious food this time?"

"Silly big guy, is your boss nice to you?"

Liu Hanhan was so happy:

"He's very nice to me."

"Come with me, there's delicious food."

"There's everything, everyone has a share, follow me!"

He was like a tank, leading a group of five or six-year-old disabled children to run towards the Mercedes-Benz.

Aunt Mei and Qiaohua saw these children and burst into tears.

Some of them were born with disabilities, and some suffered various disasters.

And there were more children in the distance who were mentally handicapped.

Some could not take care of themselves, and some were stupid.

The director's old nanny was taking a few people to take care of those mentally retarded children.

"Mr. Xiao Ye, you are here? Did the new recruits cause you any trouble?"

The old nanny smiled kindly when she saw Ye Sihai.

She could see that Liu Hanhan was doing well.

It had only been a short time since he left, and he had grown visibly stronger.

And the clothes he wore were all newly bought, and they were not cheap at first glance.

Ye Sihai quickly supported the old lady and introduced with a smile:

"Director, this is my aunt, surnamed Mei, and this is my girlfriend, Lin Qiaohua."

The old lady thanked Aunt Mei first:

"Ms. Mei, you have raised a good child, you are a blessed person."

Aunt Mei was a little nervous and embarrassed, and waved her hands repeatedly:

"Old man, you are a blessed person, Mazu will definitely bless you with a long life."

The old lady looked at Qiaohua again and nodded repeatedly:

"You are so beautiful, Miss Lin, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

Qiaohua stopped talking immediately.

This old lady is so good at complimenting people, I am embarrassed.

Seeing her shy little appearance, Aunt Mei and the old lady laughed for a while.

"Ye Sihai, you should find someone to divide the things in the car."

She had to poke Ye Sihai.

"Then you go and command the new soldiers, and make sure everyone gets a share."

This is what Qiaohua likes to do the most, and she immediately became energetic and ran away.

The old director patted Ye Sihai's hand gently, and said with emotion:

"I'm sorry to have you spend money again."

"Old director, this is nothing, just like raising cats and dogs, I can make money."

The old director invited Aunt Mei into his office, asked someone to make two cups of tea, and after a while of greeting, he asked:

"Sihai, do you have something to do this time?"

Ye Sihai said his thoughts very straightforwardly.

The old lady was shocked.

She never thought that Ye Sihai would donate such a large sum of money.

She shook her head repeatedly:

"No, no, absolutely not, Mr. Xiao Ye, the money you and Boss Xiao donate every month is enough to maintain the operation of the welfare home, and we also have other kind people, and the country also supports us. How can I accept such a large sum of money from you? There will be problems."

In fact, Ye Sihai also thought that the old lady would definitely not agree.

The old director is a truly good person.

It is really a blessing for these orphans and mentally retarded children to be taken care of by her.

In his previous life, he knew too much about the various dirty crimes hidden behind this type of orphanage and welfare home.

It can even be said that these two places reflect the heinous crimes in the world.

Just the organ trading alone is enough to send the whole family of those beasts to the eighteenth level of hell.

He wanted to donate money, but the old lady did not accept it, so he had to take another path.

Ye Sihai has a lot of ways.

This path is to set up a private fund.

Put the money into this fund and find someone to manage it.

If the welfare home needs money, it will be transferred from the fund account.

At present, the welfare home of the old lady can only be regarded as maintaining operation at most, and it is not very good at all.

So 30 million is nothing at all.

He will continue to donate money to this fund in the future.

He wants to build the best welfare home in the country for the old lady and bring a ray of light to the incomplete lives of these children.

"Dean, how about this...!"

When Ye Sihai expressed his thoughts, the old lady fell silent.

She felt that Ye Sihai had a lot of ideas.

But 30 million.

The old lady was almost 70 years old, and she had experienced many ups and downs. Her family had been very rich.

So she saw through people's hearts too thoroughly.

If she dared to accept this money, it would be embezzled by some people in various names on the same day, even before the next day.

"Sihai, if this is the case, I thank you on behalf of these children."

The old lady's eyes were a little wet.

She grabbed Aunt Mei's hand and asked strangely:

"Ms. Mei, Sihai made this decision, and you didn't stop him at all?"

Aunt Mei's eyes were red.

Although she was a village woman and had been living in a small seaside town, her life was not poor, but she was not well-off.

Not to mention a middle-class family.

But she was simple.

Except that her life was a little hard, Aunt Mei's character was the same as the surname of the Mei family.

Noble as plum.

In fact, she was also very reluctant to spend money.

But she would never interfere with any decision of Ye Sihai.

"I support my child in whatever he does."

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