Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 72 Who wants to be with you two?

"What have you been doing at home these days?"

"Practicing the song you wrote for me."

"Oh? Really? Have you given up on learning?"

"Of course I have. I will sing it at the welcome party."

"Then sing a few lines for me now?"

"No way."

On the way back, Qiaohuamei showed off her watch while talking to Ye Sihai.

The diamond watch was so beautiful.

I will show it to my sisters-in-law when I get home.

I will make them jealous.

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In the evening, Lin Changqing drove the car himself, a seven-seater Mercedes.

"Boss Lin, sister-in-law, please sit for a while before leaving."

Although it was late at night, Aunt Mei still made an invitation.

"Sorry to bother you. I just have something to say to Sihai."

Lin Changqing and his wife did not hesitate to enter the Mei family.

The Mei family looked very simple, but they were very clean.

As soon as she entered the house, Qiaohuamei put down the things in her hands skillfully and ran to the sofa to pour tea for her parents.

"Mr. Lin, Mrs. Huang, please sit down. The conditions at home are like this. Don't complain."

Lin Changqing smiled and shook his head, but Huang Yijun glared at her daughter and said to Aunt Mei:

"This child is closer to you than to me. He is really raised by your family."

Aunt Mei didn't know how to respond to this, so she could only smile a little guilty.

But Huang Yijun was very satisfied in her heart.

It seems that her daughter is really destined to be with this place.

Marrying a rich man and marrying a poor man, her daughter will definitely live a happy life in the future.

She couldn't help but think of Liu Baoqiao.

Thinking that if her daughter is like Liu Baoqiao, and meets such a husband in the future, her life will not only be ruined, but also leave huge damage.

Compared with that, Ye Sihai is really the best son-in-law candidate.

As soon as Liu Hanhan got home, he cried out that he was hungry:

"Mom, I'm hungry."

"Sorry, Mom will get you something to eat."

Please ask Lin Changqing and his wife to sit down, and Aunt Mei hurried to fry steak for Liu Hanhan.

Qiaohuamei ran over to turn on the TV:

"New soldier, watch some cartoons first."

Although they were very satisfied with Ye Sihai's family, Lin Changqing and his wife felt a little jealous when they saw their daughter like this.

Good guy, their daughter only knows how to act coquettishly and be lazy at home. It's not an exaggeration to say that she is lazy and gluttonous.

But now, she is like the hostess in Mei's house.

Lin Changqing felt sour in his heart.

Knowing that such a daughter is better, he couldn't help but feel sour in his heart.

Ye Sihai accompanied Lin Changqing and said to Qiaohuamei:

"Sit down too."

Ye Sihai knew that Lin Changqing and his wife must have a lot to say to him.

"Just keep me company."

Qiaohua smiled at her mother on the sofa:

"I'll go help Auntie cook and fry some fried eggs for you."

Lin Changqing shook his head and pulled Ye Sihai and said:

"Don't worry about her, let's talk for a while."

Ye Sihai told Lin Changqing and his wife in detail about the trip to the sea.

Huang Yijun was fascinated by it.

Lin Changqing sighed:

"Sihai, I'm not superstitious, but how did you manage to control the killer whales? My goodness, there are 70 or 80 killer whales, and the whale king must be very powerful."

Ye Sihai knew that this must be what Lin Qi said.

He himself deliberately downplayed the fact that the killer whales helped.

"Si Hai, aren't female killer whales the leaders? It turns out that there are male whales that are leaders?"

"I guess Gray Master is so powerful."

"Gray Master, why is he called Gray Master?"

"I named that little killer whale Xiao Hui, hehe, I call its father Gray Master."


"Gray Master is very cunning, I think he is almost as smart as an adult."

Lin Changqing was amazed:

"The last net of yellow croaker, this bluefin tuna, it seems that I will rely on you to eat some fresh seafood in the future."

Ye Sihai said with a smile:

"Tell me what you want to eat in the future, I can't do anything about running on the ground, and I will take care of swimming in the sea."

Lin Changqing laughed.

Huang Yijun winked at her husband several times and found that her husband was more absorbed in listening to the story than herself.

She finally couldn't help but coughed lightly and said:

"Si Hai, how have you been playing in Japan these days?"

Ye Sihai's heart was pounding.

Here it comes.

I knew that you two didn't go home late at night, and you definitely didn't want to listen to my stories.

Waiting for me here.

Uncle Seven definitely didn't say anything good about me, and even exaggerated.


He didn't hide it, and told him that Liu Baoqiao had been his tour guide for a few days.

Huang Yijun's expression was a little strange:

"Although our family is not very close to the Liu family, we know her. This child has been well-educated and looks very good since she was a child. It's a pity, Sihai, you know her, right?"

Lin Changqing suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He already knew what kind of person Ye Sihai was.

This kid is very smart.

When his wife asked this, she seemed very stingy.

And there was a feeling that she dared to control others.

It would be bad if it backfired.

Liu Hanhan was like a mentally retarded child, squatting in a pile on a small bench, smiling silly while watching the cartoon, and suddenly turned his head and said:

"Hello sister, let's buy a bag!"

Ye Sihai is so angry.

Liu Hanhan, just wait and starve.

He shook his head quickly:

"I'm not sure about that either."

Qiaohua girl suddenly came out from the kitchen carrying a big bowl:

"Recruit, what sister has a bag?"

Liu Hanhan swallowed his saliva wildly, and the cartoon suddenly became unsatisfactory.

"The boss is buying a bag for my sister."

Qiaohuamei placed a large bowl of noodles in front of Ye Sihai and looked at him with her head tilted:

"Sister Baoqiao never accepts gifts from others. You are so special to me."

Ye Sihai quickly took her hand:

"I told you, it's a gift from the two of us."

"Ah, who are you and me?"

After all, Qiaohuamei is still very shy in front of her parents because she is young.

She blushed, quickly broke away from Ye Sihai, and shouted:

"Recruit, come to dinner with me."

Liu Hanhan said "oh" and followed Qiaohuamei into the kitchen obediently.

Lin Changqing looked at Ye Sihai, with a desire to kill someone hidden in his eyes.

My daughter was completely controlled by Ye Sihai.

Although I'm not worried that this boy will bully my daughter, he doesn't take my father-in-law seriously, right?

How dare you lie like this in front of your face?

He may not know what his daughter will be deceived into in the future.

Lin Changqing suddenly felt that his family fortune was in jeopardy.

However, this kid can make money so much that his future is limitless. People simply look down on his small family fortune.

"You young people, you have to have a sense of what you should and shouldn't do."

Lin Changqing said lightly:

"As elders, we always hope to see you happy forever."

"Yes, yes, uncle Lin, don't worry, Qiaohua will take care of the money from now on."

Huang Yijun burst into laughter.

Lin Changqing also smiled.

This kid.

Still have to beat.

That's the bad thing about giving birth to a daughter, it's so stressful.


My daughter has very good taste.

At least I didn't bring any yellow hair home for myself.

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