When Ye Sihai returned home, it was already past ten o'clock at night.

Aunt Mei was still waiting for him at the door of the house.

People who live by the sea get up early and go to bed late. Normally at this time, men have to prepare for going to sea the next day, and women have to mend fishing nets or do other busy chores.

"Sihai is back? Go wash up and eat."

In the main room of Aunt Mei's house, the old-fashioned ceiling fan hanging above the head was spinning feebly, sending out cool breeze with an annoying sound.

The smell of roasted goose penetrated Ye Sihai's nose, making his stomach suddenly protest.


There was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

I fetched a few buckets of well water in the backyard to wash myself off, and then started to feast upon my return.

"It's so delicious. Is it Liu Ji's roast goose on the pier?"

Aunt Mei sat next to her with a smile:

"Eat slowly and don't choke."

Ye Sihai hummed and asked with concern:

"Aunt Mei, are you exhausted today? You should rest early."

Aunt Mei glanced at Ye Sihai with a smile:

"Everything about you has spread tonight. I didn't expect that we Sihai are so capable."

Ye Sihai gently put down the roasted goose leg in his hand, took a sip of the seaweed soup on hand, and said with some pride:

"I said I would support you and Uncle Mei in your retirement. Don't worry, it will only get better and better in the future. By the way, Aunt Mei, I think this money...!"

Aunt Mei reached out and rubbed his head gently:

"We Sihai have really grown up. We can make money and make decisions by ourselves. Aunt Mei won't say much, but you have to remember what you said. You are the backbone of the Ye family and the man who wants to support the family. Just It’s not in vain that Aunt Fei Mei has taken care of you these past few years.”

Ye Sihai's nose was sour:

"Aunt Mei, I...!"

Aunt Mei stood up and said with a smile:

"Okay, after eating, go back and rest. I'm going to help people catch oysters tomorrow. I bought you two boxes of mosquito coils. Don't forget to take them."

After saying that, she turned around and went to the backyard.

Ye Sihai was a little confused.

I haven't gotten down to business yet.

He knew that Aunt Mei must have noticed something, so he interrupted him on purpose.

Forget it, take your time.

Sixty thousand yuan is not a problem to live for a period of time, but it is a drop in the bucket to renovate the house according to your own requirements.

Just have to work harder.

When the time comes, we can directly bring Aunt Mei’s family in, even if she doesn’t agree.

Make money, make money!

Keep making money!

When we have three to five million, it will probably be enough.

With the speed at which he makes money, five million within half a year, it doesn’t seem to be very difficult, right?

Butter crab is seasonal and can be purchased for another month. It can be purchased twice a week. The starting price is RMB 100,000. It is safe to start with RMB 4,500,000 per month.

If the butter crab is gone, we’ll get the big yellow croaker.

That thing is more valuable.

A large yellow croaker weighing more than ten pounds costs at least 10,000 yuan per pound.

If you are lucky and get a wave of super large yellow croakers of two to three hundred pounds, wouldn't your goal be achieved ahead of schedule?

However, there are too few wild large yellow croakers in this section of the Fujian Sea.

After Ye Sihai ate and drank enough, he packed up and returned to his home. He lit mosquito coils and lay on the bed, and began to meditate.

The range of Ocean Heart's mind control has expanded by two meters compared to the beginning, with a radius of eight meters, and the range of perception has expanded several times.

The marine life he can now control has increased from moray eels and sea fish weighing a few kilograms to large fish weighing more than ten or twenty kilograms.

This is rapid progress.

If this continues, he will even be able to control whales that are tens of meters or hundreds of tons in the future.

The Lin family at this moment.

As soon as Ah Mo returned home, his sister carried him upstairs.

The Lin family's printing and dyeing factory covers an area of ​​60 acres and has more than 500 migrant workers.

The twelve-story foreign-style building next to the entrance of the factory is Lin Mo's home.

The people of Fujian believe that having more children means more happiness, and rich people will keep having children.

Amer has eight brothers and one sister.

He and his brother and sister each occupied one floor of this twelve-story foreign-style building. The top floor was for his parents and the first floor was used as the factory's office.

Lin Changqing, who is over sixty years old, is leaning on the sofa and reading a newspaper.

His wife Huang Yijun is watching TV.

The only daughter of the two of them, Lin Qiaohua, was so precious.

They knew that their daughter liked Ye Sihai, but they never interfered.

Nor is his son allowed to interfere.

They have all been young and know what first love is like. As long as the daughter likes her, the family conditions of the other party are not a problem at all.

The only thing that matters is your character.

Ye Sihai is impeccable in this regard.

When Huang Yijun saw his youngest son coming in behind his daughter with his head drooped like a quail, Huang Yijun was angry and funny:

"Sister, did you bully your brother again?"

Lin Qiaohua got into her mother's arms and snorted:

"Ask him what he did."

Ah Mo was holding back his face until his face turned red, but he dared not speak out in anger.

Lin Changqing put down the newspaper, looked at his youngest son and smiled:

"Making your sister so angry must have something to do with Ye Sihai, right? Did you bully Ye Sihai?"

Ah Mo quickly waved his hands nervously, told him about his trip to the sea at night, and finally said angrily:

"I was cooperating with Ye Sihai. We agreed that I would be the same as him, but why did it come to my sister's mouth that I was the one blackmailing Ye Sihai? I was so angry."


Lin Changqing and Huang Yijun exchanged surprised looks.

"You two caught fifty pounds of butter crab in one night?"

Amo suddenly became proud, and he was beaming and praised Ye Sihai. Of course, he also showed off his achievements as a support player.

Lin Changqing and his wife looked at each other again, feeling a little funny.

Tens of thousands of dollars is nothing to them. Who would have thought that this young man, Ye Sihai, could actually do this?

At this time, the seventh son of the Lin family came in and said with a smile:

"Xiao Shi, why did you make your sister angry again?"

Ah Mo was so angry that he glared at Brother Qi:


Lin Qi laughed and reached out to pat his head, but Amo opened her hand.

"I just came back from the pier, and I said that Ye Sihai took out the nest of butter crabs. Good guy, all of them weighed more than 50 kilograms and were top quality. I even snatched eight of them from Xiao Jianguo. Each one cost 3,000 yuan, less Not even a cent.”

When Ah Mo heard this, his heart began to bleed:

"Brother Qi, do you want more? One thousand and five pounds per pound, I'll sell it to you?"

Lin Qiyi was stunned:

"Where did you come from?"

Amo raised his head proudly:

"The butter crab that Xiao Jianguo sold to you was caught by me."

Lin Qiaohua exposed him directly:

"Lin Mo, are you still shameless? It was obviously Ye Sihai who caught him. You were just carrying a bucket. You are a fraud."

Ah Mo's mind was filled with game consoles at this time and he was too lazy to argue with his sister.

Brother Qi, this business must be done.

"Okay, Lin Qiaohua, the day you beg me, Brother Qi, I'll ask you if you want it. One thousand and five pounds, it will definitely be better than what you bought today."

Lin Changqing smiled and said:

"Ah Qi, go find Ye Sihai tomorrow. If he can still catch butter crabs, buy them all. Some of them will be used as gifts and some of them will be eaten by yourself."

Lin Qi nodded in agreement:

"Okay daddy."

Amo was anxious on the side and said quickly:

"Dad, you don't need Brother Qi to go. I can do it. One thousand and fifty-one pounds will be wrapped on my body. You can have as much as you want."

Lin Qiaohua sneered:

"Brother Qi, please don't do it. Ye Sihai only sells it for one thousand and two kilograms, and Amo, you actually take the kickback from the family."

Several people in the family suddenly laughed.

Ah Mo was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Lin Qiaohua, just wait.

A few butter crabs are nothing.

But fifty pounds at a time was a sensation.

Wild butter crabs are extremely rare.

It is said that only one butter crab can be found out of 10,000 blue crabs.

In a high-end seafood restaurant, the price of a five-liang steamed butter crab will never be less than a thousand yuan.

Overnight, Ye Sihai immediately became a celebrity in the entire seafood market.

This kid must have mastered some knack to be able to focus specifically on butter crabs.

If he can catch butter crabs, he can catch other powerful animals.

For Ye Sihai, this is the situation he is most happy to see.

High-end seafood customization will be an important part of his future plans.

Whoever needs something, he gets it.

You still have to come and pick it up yourself.

Convenience saves trouble and makes a lot of money.

The most important thing is that it doesn't have much impact on his normal life.

This was his plan from the beginning.

But he didn't expect that the first person to come to the door would be Lin Qiaohua's seventh brother.

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