Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 5: Poking the Butter Crab's Nest

"Wow, Brother Sihai, you are so awesome."

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"Ye Sihai, didn't you find butter crab again?"

"What do you mean? What do you think this is?"

Amo pointed to the bucket at hand with great dissatisfaction.

The group of teenagers behind him were all flushed with excitement.

The person who asked the question was a middle-aged man. When he stretched his head to look, his eyes could not help but round up.

This time, Ye Sihai went to the sea and carried a large bucket with some water in it. There were more than ten butter crabs weighing more than one and a half kilograms.

"Sihai, do you have any tricks?"

"I've been chasing the sea for half my life, and I've never encountered such a good thing as you."

"You have to do this every day...!"

Ye Sihai put on one-piece water shoes and hung his headlamp around his neck. He raised his head from the puddle with sweat on his face and said with a very honest smile:

"Old Uncle Li, luck, luck."

While talking about luck, on the pliers in his hand, there was another butter crab with its teeth and claws.

Visually estimate it to be about two kilograms.

Lao Li held his breath on the spot.

He went back and forth to this puddle twice, not leaving any seams untouched.

The teenagers cheered and began to help Ah Mo pass the bucket forward.

Amo was completely intoxicated.

I am one and you are nine, and we are one small step closer to the game console.

Ye Sihai quickly tied up the butter crab, weighed it, and said with a grin:

"Yes, this one weighs two pounds."

He raised his hand and handed it to a young man. He stood up and shouted:

"Let's go, let's change to the puddle."

Old Li's copper-colored face was full of grinning teeth.

It feels like a loss of 100 million.

Many people nearby also came over curiously:

"Damn it, Ye Sihai, are you the son-in-law of the Dragon Prince?"

"It's his mother's. I'm going to jump in the sea tomorrow too."

"Everyone else's bucket is full of money, but mine is full of paper."

"Didn't you just brag to me that you caught two octopuses weighing three pounds? Eighty one pound."



The people who came around simply stopped rushing to the sea and followed the group of teenagers, watching Ye Sihai jump into another puddle they had just washed.

Ye Sihai just pretended to poke along the puddle, and when he raised his pliers, there was another butter crab.

The way everyone looked at him was beyond description.

Jealousy envy hate ah.

"Isn't this unscientific?"

"I just touched it."

Ah Mo stood by the bucket and looked at the others warily, fearing that someone would steal it.

He would fight anyone who dared to steal.

The game console beckons.

There are already eighteen in the bucket.

According to the purchase price of 800 per catty, he can get 2,500 for thirty catties of butter crab.

Based on Ye Sihai's momentum today, these are definitely not the end.

Doubling it again is not a problem.

Got five thousand yuan.

Ah Mo was silently calculating in his mind, how can I trick Ye Sihai into getting the secret of finding butter crabs from him?

Sister, I have to sacrifice you.

I just don't know if Ye Sihai likes his sister's little Nene.

Ye Sihai was very efficient today, with a mentality of never leaving anything short. As long as it was a puddle he went to, no matter whether it was fished by others or not, he could at least get a butter crab weighing more than a pound and a half.

It's as easy as picking up money.


Much easier than picking up money.

From 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., it was getting dark, but more and more people were gathering around him.

The barrel he had brought was full, and so was Amr's barrel.

The four teenagers were like guards, two with a bucket, and their headlights were turned on brightly, guarding so that no one could get close.

Seeing the tide starting to rise, Ye Sihai finally stopped picking up money.

I estimated it to be at least fifty kilograms.

Weight, appearance, everything is perfect.

There was no need to go to the dock. Xiao Jianguo, who had spent nine thousand to buy his crabs a few days ago, had already heard the news and drove a pickup truck to guard the beach early, stopping other buyers from going back.

Xiao Jianguo co-opened a seafood restaurant in Fucheng, so when it comes to high-end goods, he can give higher prices than others.

Because he eliminates a middleman.

Sometimes, top-notch ingredients are actually the confidence and signature of a restaurant.

Don't underestimate dozens of kilograms of butter crab. This thing can definitely play a big role in critical moments.

Xiao Jianguo was also curious as to whether the little guy named Ye Sihai really stabbed the butter crab's nest.

Should you consider further cooperation with him?

This kid definitely has a lot going on, and is much more powerful than he looks.

As for cooperation?

The skilled sailors all have a dedicated delivery person who is responsible for providing the equipment the sailors need.

Xiao Jianguo has a wide range of connections, including those related to fishery.

Under the illumination of dozens of headlights, Ye Sihai and Xiao Jianguo completed the transaction.

A total of fifty-seven pounds.

After the weighing, Xiao Jianguo pulled Ye Sihai aside and said with a smile:

"Sihai, according to the market price, it's eight hundred per catty, but I'm going to give you one thousand two hundred per catty."

Ye Sihai quickly showed a slightly honest smile, stretched out his hand to touch the back of his head, and said sheepishly:

"Boss Xiao, isn't this bad?"

"My name is Uncle Xiao. Why are you so polite to me?"

Xiao Jianguo hugged Ye Sihai, came up to him and whispered:

"Uncle Xiao, to tell you the truth, I have a restaurant in Fucheng. I can sell your goods for two thousand or even more per catty. If you need anything in the future, just ask."

Ye Sihai is not a hot-blooded boy. He got excited when he heard it. He praised Xiao Jianguo for a few words without leaving a trace, and then asked casually:

"Uncle Xiao, do you have any connections in sea fishing and going out to sea?"

Xiao Jianguo smiled very proudly:

"What do you want? As long as it is not a big yacht, your uncle Xiao can still talk to you."

Ye Sihai shook his head and said:

"I just asked. If you need it in the future, you must call Uncle Xiao."

Xiao Jianguo patted him on the shoulder affectionately:

"No problem."

57 kilograms of butter crabs, the unit price is 1200 per kilogram, and the total amount is 68400.

Xiao Jianguo directly transferred 70,000 to Ye Sihai.

Looking at the lively people around all night, his saliva almost flowed out.

70,000 yuan.

Three or five people in a fishing boat, one trip takes a whole day, and after deducting the fuel and labor costs, it is a blessing to be able to earn 10,000 or 20,000 yuan.

This kid only had a bucket and a clamp, and he clamped for two hours, earning a net income of 70,000 yuan.

After sending Xiao Jianguo away, Ye Sihai smiled and said to A'mo:

"A'mo, how about cooperating with me?"

Lin Mo was so excited that he rubbed his hands repeatedly.

I'll earn one and you'll earn nine.

Seven thousand yuan.

He just carried the bucket for two hours.


He didn't carry it at all, Master A'mo has a younger brother around him.

Two more times, and you can take the game console you've been dreaming of home.


Mobile phone transfer completed.

The other teenagers, the four people who carried the bucket each got 500 yuan.

The other five each got 300 yuan.

He made a lot of money.

Everyone was happy.

Only the adults were lost and sighed.

Ye Sihai's seaside love house plan has the first round of funds.

I just don't know how to convince Aunt Mei to accept his advanced renovation plan for the old house.

After all, for Aunt Mei, if she has money, she should build a beautiful villa.

People in the Minhai area like to build buildings.

If there are several people in the family, they have to build several floors.

It is common to build eight or nine floors even though the foundation is only a hundred square meters.

A teenager said reluctantly:

"Brother Sihai, will you come tomorrow? I'll bring you the smoothie made by my sister."

Ye Sihai laughed and reached out to touch the boy's head:

"You can't come every day. You have to wait a few days. There are not so many good things for us to find."

Amo secretly glared at the younger brother and thought that he would not bring this guy next time.

Besides, is your sister as beautiful as my sister?

But Ye Sihai seems to have never been interested in his sister. It's his sister who is chasing him.

Amo is a little bit upset.

Who cares, as long as Ye Sihai can help him make money, what's wrong with calling him brother-in-law?

Sister, I can only help you up to this point.

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