During this period, Ye Sihai was so comfortable.

He slept until he woke up naturally.

Someone brought him food.

He sunbathed in the afternoon.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉

Take care of the ecosystem in the afternoon.

He rode a motorboat for a few laps when he had nothing to do.

Or Qin Yuan drove a big jet and raced in Crescent Bay.

He fished or something by the way.

These days are so leisurely.

Gu Zhiqiang came several times to discuss the planning of the parade.

Mayor Gu was so envious that he wanted to hit him.

Ye Sihai felt that he was too hateful.

After sending a group of children from the Lin family away at noon today, he got on Qin Yuan's big jet again.

The speedboat reached the highest speed, and he wished that there were six engines in the water behind him.

After speeding out for more than a hundred nautical miles, he was ready to turn back.


Ye Sihai found a few big birds in the sky.

"Uncle Qin, stop!"

That's a booby.

Boobies are also called frigate birds.

This thing is so big that it's scary.

It's rare in Minhai, but there are many on the islands in the South Sea.

Seeing their graceful flying posture in the sky, Ye Sihai was a little envious.

So handsome.

After a closer look, Ye Sihai confirmed that this was a white-bellied frigate bird.

The leading one had a wingspan of three meters and a body of one meter long.

Ye Sihai had seen many frigate birds in his life.

He even thought about raising them.

But this thing is unruly and can't be raised at all.

It's harder to raise than an eagle.

"This is the real sky killer!"

Ye Sihai sighed.

Qin Yuan was puzzled:

"This thing is stupid and clumsy, is it powerful?"

"Is it powerful?"

Ye Sihai looked at Qin Yuan with some dissatisfaction:

"Uncle Qin, please remove the word "ma"."

Qin Yuan chuckled:

"Boss, I don't quite understand."

Ye Sihai shook his head and said:

"This thing is called Pirate Bird, you can tell from the name."

"It's just not famous here, but it's actually the strongest killer in the sky."

Qin Yuan still didn't believe it:

"What about the Saker Falcon?"

Ye Sihai shook his head:

"Compared with it, the Saker Falcon is not worth mentioning."

"When it is sprinting for prey, it can reach a speed of 400 kilometers per hour."

"This big brother can fly almost 1,000 meters high and can fly more than 2,000 kilometers without stopping. The longest record is 6,000 kilometers."

"In terms of endurance and speed, only airplanes can surpass it in the sky."

Qin Yuan...!

Ye Sihai was amazed:

"It has another unique skill, which is that it can land and fly in a super typhoon. You know, its wingspan is at least two meters, and it weighs only two or three kilograms."

Qin Yuan suddenly had an idea:

"Boss, do you want to catch it?"

Ye Sihai was stunned:

"Catch it?"

He laughed:

"I don't have that ability, and this thing has a name."


"A bird that will be sentenced to life in prison."


Qin Yuan was confused.


I understand.

During this period of time, I have been following the boss, and he seems to have a lot of dirty talk.

But I can understand.

In the sea in the distance, a fish suddenly jumped out of the sea.

The white-bellied frigate bird in the sky immediately made a diving gesture.



Qin Yuan looked along Ye Sihai's hand.

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

The leading white-bellied frigate bird's diving speed was too scary.

Ye Sihai had a flash of inspiration.

The Heart of the Ocean was activated.

The nearby sea area was completely under his perception.

He used his mind to violently drive the nearby fish.

Countless fish were frightened and jumped out of the sea.

Ye Sihai couldn't help but have an idea.

Give it a try?

Although the frigatebird is good at flying.

But its legs are thin and short.

And its feathers have no oil, so they are not waterproof.

It can't go to the sea to fish.

It can't land on the water because it has no webbed feet.

So if this big brother falls on the water...!


Several white-bellied frigatebirds made a super dive.

Then they spread their wings.

When they were close to the sea surface, they took off directly at an incredible angle.

They all had a fish in their mouths.

After three or five bites, the fish was swallowed into the throat sac.

Then they continued to rise to a height of 100 meters, circled back, and started to dive again.

This happened three or five times.

There are several small fish in their throat sacs.

But these guys are not leaving.

Frigatebirds can be called pirate birds, and their habits can be known from the name.

Another dive, but the speed is much slower.

Under the control of Ye Sihai's mind.

A big fish suddenly jumped out in front of the leading white-bellied frigatebird.

The leader opened his mouth and prepared to grab the small fish.

But this big fish came too suddenly.

This fish is at least ten kilograms.

This guy flies super fast.

Its mouth is extremely sharp.


It went straight through the big fish.

And then...!

There was no more.

The big brother fell into the water miserably.

Ye Sihai immediately activated the Heart of the Ocean.

Something weird happened.

In the sea, he could actually feel the emotions of the white-bellied frigatebird.



There was also a kind of despair.

It was all over.

The eldest brother felt that he was doomed.

In general, the white-bellied frigatebird would not be able to take off in this situation.

In the vast ocean, there was only one way to go.

But this eldest brother was obviously a violent character.

He actually struggled desperately.

He grabbed the fish's body with his two feet, slammed the water surface fiercely, and pulled the fish out with his sharp beak.

He was so angry that he pecked!

In a moment, blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Damn, let's die together.

Ye Sihai was stunned.

So fierce?

The other white-bellied frigatebirds had already taken off. They didn't dare to dive again, but kept circling and chirping over their eldest brother's head.

Ye Sihai didn't understand their calls.

But the eldest brother raised his head and shouted twice at the sky.

Ye Sihai actually understood.

"Get out!"

"Get out now!"

"I don't need your pity."

Ye Sihai...!

Anyway, that's what it means when translated.

Qin Yuan was dumbfounded.

The pirate bird hovering in the sky was wailing and unwilling to leave, and the big brother in the water had been struggling for a long time and had no strength left.

Ye Sihai knew that it was time for him to take action.

"Brother Bird?"

"Brother Bird?"

The Ocean Heart's thoughts slowly approached.

Brother Bird was exhausted and was ready to die in despair.

When he heard someone calling him, he immediately became energetic again:

"Which grandson is laughing at me? Get out!"

Ye Sihai...!

"Brother Bird, calm down, it's not good to have such a bad temper."

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm here, a two-legged beast."

"Fuck! Two-legged beast, how can you communicate with me?"

Ye Sihai immediately used the routine to deal with Gray Master.

"Brother Bird, don't mention it. We had the same mother in our last life."

"I'm so unlucky in this life that I became a biped."

"Brother Bird, don't look at me like that. You're so smart, how dare I lie to you?"

"Nonsense, you're a human, I'm a bird, how do you communicate with me?"

Ye Sihai used the Mengpo soup stalk without any pressure.

It works.

Brother Bird is not as smart as Gray Master, and he has no resistance to Ye Sihai's words.

Qin Yuan stared blankly at the boss just reaching out and carefully fishing the one-meter-long ferocious bird out of the sea.

The white-bellied frigatebird is gray-black from the back.

It's absolutely fierce.

The only white thing is the beak and chest and abdomen.

The way it hovered with its wingspan just now was too scary.

Now it's a drowned bird.

Ye Sihai was so happy.

The Heart of the Ocean has developed a new function.

Seabirds can also communicate if they enter the sea.

He seemed to understand.

Seawater is the medium.

Damn it.

If you throw someone into the room, can you sense their emotions?

Try it.

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