Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 209: Leave your name in history?

When having late night snack.

Mayor Gu came to Ye Sihai with a bitter look on his face:

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"Sihai, you have to help me."

The New Year atmosphere in Jinfeng Town is getting stronger and stronger.

Everyone began to visit and gather together.

The traditional show is poker.

This thing is gambling, but it can't be stopped for a while.

Gu Zhiqiang had a huge headache.

Changing customs cannot be accomplished with just one sentence.

Mayor Gu wanted to change this trend, so he actually found Ye Sihai.

"Sihai, please help me think of a way."

Ye Sihai threw him a hygienic eye.

Give me a hammer.

I'm too busy to do anything like this.

"We can't let them continue gambling like this, right? Can't we do some useful activities?"

Ye Sihai was about to shake his head.

Suddenly I had a flash of inspiration.

Damn it.

This world is much the same as his original world.

In the previous life, this place was not called Minhai.

It's called Fujian.

Lecheng is Changle.

Only the name of Jinfeng Town remains unchanged.

Ye Sihai remembered the words Jinfeng Town entirely because of one thing.

Wandering God!

That's right.

Jinfeng Town in this world is extremely poor.

And Jinfeng Town in the previous world... was extremely rich.

It also has a developed printing and dyeing industry and is known as the apple of the eye of the province.

There are many overseas Chinese, and there are also many illegal immigrants.

Many people go abroad to work.

There are more local businesses.

Wandering God is here, and it is an unprecedented large-scale folk activity.

And it’s super hot.

In the end, it became a tourist attraction, attracting people from all over the country to come and watch during the Chinese New Year.

But that seems to be about the Lantern Festival, right?

There is no wandering god in this world.

Ye Sihai looked at Gu Zhiqiang and suddenly smiled strangely.

Mayor Gu is a little embarrassed.

"Brother, what do you mean?"

Ye Sihai reached out and patted Mayor Gu hard on the shoulder:

"Lao Gu, I have a fortune for you here. Maybe you will leave your name in history."

Mayor Gu was stunned for a moment.

Damn it! !

Leave a name in history?

This, this, this!

My grandfather didn’t even dare to say that.

"Si...Sihai...don't tease me, your...joke is a bit too big."

Gu Zhiqiang's voice was trembling when he spoke.

He took the official path.

The four words "leaving a name in history" are basically equivalent to the end of the ultimate dream.

Ye Sihai recalled it carefully.

In my memory, besides Mazu, there are really various gods in Jinfeng Town.

Very different from the previous life.

If Gu Zhiqiang sorted out the routines from his previous life and implemented them, turned them into an industry and carried them forward, he would definitely leave his name in the local chronicles and become a celebrity.

This can be regarded as leaving a name in history.


Just do it.

"Lao Gu, listen to me blowing for you."

This blow lasted all night.

Neither Lin Changqing nor Xiao Jianguo left.

Just stay at Ye's house.

Ye Sihai explained the entire process of wandering the gods, the organization of activities, etc.

Not only Gu Zhiqiang, but also Lin Changqing, Uncle Mei and others were all dumbfounded.

Can it still be like this?

Gu Zhiqiang was so excited that his whole body trembled.

That's right.

Sihai is right!

If you don't do it right, you will become famous.

Mom, Sihai is really my lucky star.

What? Are the townspeople unwilling?

Throw money at it.

Create a few teams of wandering gods and compete with each other.

Whoever is pretty, who is exquisite, and whoever spends more time will win the prize.


Don't you want to invest money?

The town committee provides the money, you contribute the efforts, and you get the salary.

Don't spend all day doing gold work.

Finally, Mayor Gu made the final decision:

"Do it!"

The Lin family also does it.

The Ye family also does it.

Xiao Jianguo also wants to do it.

Liu Gang even wanted to move his family to Jinfeng Town.

Let’s do it together.


Uncle Mei doesn't even repair his own broken boat.

What are you doing fixing that thing?

Being in the limelight during the Chinese New Year is a big deal.

Ye Sihai was a little confused.

Did I talk too confidentially?

There must be a starting point for folk activities, right?

Therefore, when you dig through the pile of paper, there is always a reason.

Then do it.

But Ye Sihai will not participate.

the next period of time.

Ye Sihai put all his energy into Crescent Bay.

In order to avoid the visitors, he did not go home for several nights, but took Liu Hanhan to live in a wooden house on the beach.

The wooden house cannot be said to have ventilation from all sides, but the temperature at night is definitely pleasant.

Fortunately, Feng Ping temporarily pulled a wire over and used the electric heater.

The ecological circle has expanded to three thousand meters.

The marine species in the ecosystem seemed to have a different kind of feeling for Ye Sihai.

Under the perception of the heart of the ocean, as long as he puts his mind out, all the creatures seem to have found their mother and rush towards him.

The growth rate of coral polyps has increased several times.

Looking from the sea, the colorful patches have begun to take shape.

The little killer whale even got close to Ye Sihai.

Especially Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui is now so smart that it's scary.

It actually completely formed the habits of some human bipeds.

Ye Sihai could clearly sense that this little guy had learned to think.

Giving orders, dispatching, and directing, and then when he encounters something he doesn't know, he will actually report back to Ye Sihai and ask for help from Ye Sihai.

Ye Sihai was a little scared.

How could this little guy be like this?

Could he really be a spirit?

In comparison, other little killer whales are completely incomparable to it except that they obey orders.

Xiao Hui even learned to avoid danger.

Even Qin Yuan and Chen Youtian can feel the cleverness of this little guy.

Usually they are responsible for feeding these little guys.

It can be reflected when eating.

Ye Sihai also found that this little guy has a particularly deep affection for Wanwan.

It seems that Wanwan is different from other children.

Because it will do whatever Wanwan asks her to do, and no one else can do it.

This is very strange.

How does Wanwan communicate with him?

The little guy just talks.

There must be something special about Wanwan.

Ye Sihai secretly began to pay attention.

After all, Wanwan is his "child"!

Moreover, the reason for the last treasure hunt under the sea was also because of Wanwan.

If Xiaohui hadn't given Wanwan a gift and brought back the necklace, where would he go to hunt for treasure?

I'm afraid that not only the gold antiques, but also the wine would rot in the sea.

Wanwan seemed to treat Xiaohui as her younger brother.

In terms of age, Xiaohui is indeed her younger brother.

These days, Wanwan has been having fun like crazy.

The children of the Lin family are even more envious.

Almost every afternoon at Crescent Bay, when the weather is the best, all the children of the Lin family will come here.

Because Ye Sihai bought Wanwan a children's hovercraft.

Xiaohui would take the initiative to put on the rope and carefully pull Wanwan around Crescent Bay in circles, with seven or eight little killer whales as guards behind.

That scene was as cool as it could be.

Wanwan is very generous in everything she does.

But she is not generous at all when it comes to Xiaohui pulling the boat.

Only Lin Chuchu can sit with her.

For other children, there is only one quota per day.

Because Wanwan didn't say anything, Xiaohui didn't pull either.

So the other children could only stare and drool on the floating bridge.

For children under ten years old, this was simply a matter of life and death.

In order to compete for the treatment of being pulled by killer whales every day, the children of the Lin family wanted to treat Wanwan as a princess.

Not to mention, even the brother-in-law A'mo was jealous beyond recognition.

He wanted to play too.

It was too cool.

The Ducati, which had just been bought for less than two months, suddenly didn't smell so good anymore.

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