Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 377 Vast Divine Glory! Guyingzhenshen

In an instant, the entire void was shaking.

Circles of ripples rippled in the void.

It seems as if he wants to step directly through the void here.

Dong dong dong!

The attack of the first true god of Dragon Realm and Gu Ying,

Soon they collided together.

But the next moment, Gu Ying's expression changed drastically.



How is this possible? This is absolutely impossible!

Lone Ying looked at the first true god of the Dragon Realm with an expression of disbelief and couldn't believe her eyes.

I saw that the moment his attack hit the number one true god in the Dragon Realm.

Only then did he discover that the foundation of the first true god in the Dragon Realm was actually extremely powerful.

At the very least, it is much more powerful than theirs!

He was a little confused. He was obviously about the same power as the number one true god in the Dragon Realm.

Why, the number one true god in the Dragon Realm can crush him!

Although Lone Ying was extremely reluctant.

But there was nothing we could do.

Facing the vast attack from the number one true god in the Dragon Realm.

Even though he exerted all his divine power, it was still to no avail.

The next moment, in front of everyone, Gu Ying was suppressed by the first true god of the Dragon Realm with one hand.


Lone Ying! This...

No...this is absolutely impossible.

I saw the strong men of the 16th domain, watching Gu Ying being slapped alive by the first true god of the Dragon Domain,

I was dumbfounded.

It's completely unimaginable.

Although the power of the first true god in the Dragon Realm seems to be slightly stronger than that of Gu Ying.

But these differences are almost negligible.

Because the strength of the first true god in the Dragon Domain is so powerful that many of their true gods are afraid.

Thinking about how I had ridiculed others before, and now I saw this scene,

Each one feels so guilty and ashamed.

Fortunately, they were in the void and there were no cracks under their feet.

Otherwise, they will definitely get in at this time.

Hoo ho!

At the same time, the strong men on Lin Hua's side looked accustomed to it.

It seems that the number one true god in the Dragon Realm can be invincible at the same level.

It's a normal thing.

You must know that the first true god of the Dragon Realm is not just a clan of gods.

It can be regarded as a demon clan, and the foundation of the demon clan is much stronger than other clans of gods.

Because the growth of the demon clan is relatively slow.

Therefore, once they grow up, their background is relatively deep.

It's normal, nothing to worry about.

Of course, what's more important is that in this current situation.

The number one true god in the Dragon Realm also wants to express himself,

That Gu Ying was still in the process of testing.

I simply didn’t expect the number one true god in the Dragon Realm.

It turned out that he used all his strength as soon as he took action.

Lin Hua, the True God of Darkness and the God of the West, nodded,

Obviously he is quite satisfied with the performance of the first true god of the Dragon Realm.

To be honest, they have never seen these people before.

What does it look like to take action?

During the previous battles, the sky was basically filled with Zerg.

There is no room for these true gods to play.

In addition, the Western God of Darkness is extremely powerful.

Therefore, it is also noticed.

But now I don’t know, I am shocked when I compare.

The number one true god in the Dragon Realm, these people seem to be quite capable.

The title of the First True God will not be wasted.

Sir, the true god Guying is here.

The number one true god of the Dragon Realm immediately brought Gu Ying to Lin Hua.

He bowed respectfully and said loudly.

Ah, very good!

Lin Hua nodded slightly.

Who are you and where did you come from!

Those who know better, please let me go quickly, apologize to me, and offer me the head of the number one true god in the Dragon Realm.

Let's forget about this matter!

Otherwise, none of you will be able to eat and walk around!

The lonely god asked in a deep voice.

A proud look appeared in his eyes.

Although he is now captured by the number one true god in the Dragon Realm.

But to be honest, he had no fear at all.

But no! The number one true god in the Dragon Realm captures him, so what?

Do you dare to come on your own? ?

Isn't this funny?

Do these people have the courage?

I’m afraid I don’t want to live anymore!

The strong men in their sixteenth domain were several times their number.

It would be easy to destroy them.


The number one true god in the Dragon Realm looked at this lonely figure,

I couldn't help but twitch the corner of my mouth for a moment.

Good guy, this Lone Ying still doesn’t understand what situation he is in.

It's simply unreasonable. They have all become prisoners.

Still come here to be tough.

What qualifications do they have? They are the ones who don't know how powerful Lin Hua is.

The number one true god in the Dragon Realm couldn't help but shake his head, too lazy to offend him.

He acted arrogantly and domineering in front of Lord Lin Hua, without any consciousness at all.

There is no doubt that this person is ready to dance on his grave.

Haha, pfft! Oh my god, there is such an operation!

I saw the True God of Extreme Ice, the number one True God in the Wolf Domain,

And all the true gods and false gods heard these words of True God Guying.

Everyone couldn't bear it any longer, and they burst into laughter instantly.

In an instant, he burst into laughter.

Moments after moments, small leaps forward and backward.

It was like hearing the funniest joke in the world.

They have been fighting for so long, and said that this is the first time they have seen someone, as a prisoner.

He still has such confidence.

How much heart does this require?

I don’t know how this guy is still alive!

Shut up, you have the right to speak here.

The eyes of the No. 1 True God in the Dragon Realm were cold, and he instantly slapped the True God Gu Ying on the face.

You must know that this slap did not just hit Gu Ying, but also the faces of the strong men from the 16th domain behind Gu Ying.

You! How dare you hit me?


I saw a cold light burst out from the eyes of True God Gu Ying in an instant. He was so aggrieved!

But no, if my strength is not as good as others, then that's it.

After all, where is the strength of the number one true god in the Dragon Domain?

But now he actually dares to do it in front of all of them,

Such a humiliation to him!

It's simply a shame and a shame.


In an instant, I saw a vast power rippling out of the lonely figure, and he was suddenly promoted.

The ranks of high-level true gods.

Well, what the hell is this!

For a moment, they were all dumbfounded when they saw Lin Hua and others.

I just couldn't figure out what was going on, and everyone looked extremely shocked.

I'm a little confused as to what is going on.

This can still be like this.

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