Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 376 Look down on? Who can't cross the level yet?

Originally, he wanted to come out and advise these people.

Get out of here quickly, seeing that none of these people have much strength.

At first glance, they are people from small places.

Or maybe he encountered some small interstellar problem and chose to leave his hometown.

There was no intention to do anything to them.

It's a pity that people just don't give them this face.

Can this be tolerated?

Absolutely intolerable.

What? Haha!

Did I hear that right? It made me laugh so hard. This person actually asked True God Gu Ying to make the first move1

Haha, I'm afraid I don't know how to write the word death.

Killing me!

On the other side, I saw only the true gods of the sixteenth domain,

One by one, they listened to the words of the first true god of the Dragon Realm,

In an instant, I couldn't help it anymore, and everyone burst out laughing.

But no! This is just a joke.

What the hell, you dare to talk so shamelessly here.

It seems that it is the reason why they have not gone to other small places to fight in these years.

He actually has such courage.

What do you mean, do people in small places dance like this now?

Lone Ying, stop being ink with them!

Just come and kill them! I don't know where the little brat came from, but he still dares to act so recklessly here.

Lone Ying, you are the one who has to educate them every minute!

Otherwise, you will be disgracing our Sixteenth Region!

For a moment, I saw the strong men of the 16th domain speaking loudly.

To be honest, these people have a natural sense of superiority. After all, they know very well in their hearts that

What is the strength of these people?

Especially people in small places, because their area is relatively small, and therefore the size of this planet is also relatively small.

Now in their eyes, Lin Hua's group of people are the past that Lin Hua can see.

The True God of Darkness and the Western God are so-so.

Although the five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance are of good size,

But the level is still too low.

There is simply no way to get on the stage.

So they are not timid at all.

Everyone looked at the number one true god of the Dragon Realm with great interest.

The look was like looking at a clown.

Haha! What's your name?! My men never kill nameless people.

Gu Yingzhenshen said loudly, Oh, oh, grass.

The number one true god in the Dragon Realm!

The number one true god in the Dragon Realm said in a deep voice.

I blushed a little when I said it.

After all, ever since he became famous, he hasn't chosen a nicer name.

After all, the strong men of the five major domains are also like this.

Over time, you just get used to it.

It doesn't matter, but at this time, something is wrong.

If you want to change your name, it's a bit overwhelming.

For a moment I didn’t know what to say.

Simply put, that is generous.

Anyway, if his strength can crush this lonely shadow when the time comes, that's all.

Haha, what did you say? The number one true god in the Dragon Realm? Haha, you made me laugh so hard! With your little power and level of spiritual power, how dare you say that you are the number one true god?

Don't even look at yourself in the mirror!

Look at yourself, what do you look like? Don't you know yourself?

When True God Gu Ying heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

But no, what is this and what.

The number one true god in the Dragon Realm is actually so arrogant.

To be honest, Gu Ying has never seen such a person before.

He came up crying and shouting just to beat him.

The result is that the quality can be seen from just one mouth.

Such a person can still be the first true god.

This is just hilarious.

Haha, I'm laughing so hard! The number one true god in the Dragon Realm, my God, I'm so scared!

At the same time, among the true gods of the sixteenth domain, there is only one strong one.

But the first true god of the Dragon Realm in front of him turned out to be called the first true god with this level of cultivation.

That was a bit unworthy of the name, and no one could hold it back for a while.

Originally we shouldn't laugh at people about this kind of thing.

But I couldn't bear it anymore.

Ha ha!

For a time, the laughter of the true god of the sixteenth domain rippled in the endless void.

What are you doing! Is there something wrong with you, the number one true god in the Dragon Realm?

What are you doing with all this grinding?

Why are you talking about this?

The number one true god of the Wolf Domain was also speechless.

Didn't the adults ask him to fight?

Why did he end up chatting with God Gu Ying?

Just talk about why the true gods of the sixteenth domain are so happy.

I don't understand something.

In fact, it is because the true gods of the Sixteenth Domain have lived in an era where strong men have entered the clouds since they were young.

In their impression, as long as the first true god is

That is something that only a high-level true god can take on.

But it turns out that the first true god of the Dragon Realm is just an intermediate true god.

That’s why there is such a title,

So how small is this small place?

They couldn't imagine that knowing about the Netherworld and other five major domains,

They had no reputation in the world before.

The sixteenth domain has never been heard of at all.

Although the five major regions fought independently before,

But no foreign aid was invited.

That is, I never went out at all.

I just heard how many strong people there are here.

They don't know exactly how many there are.

It is called the Sixteen Great Domains, so it can be regarded as having a name and surname in all the heavens and worlds.

And they are indeed different, even if the sixteen major regions are not too close to them.

But to others, they are just a bunch of chickens and dogs.

Different living environments and different concepts will naturally lead to this situation.

It seems you think it's funny!

The number one true god in the Dragon Realm said quietly.

A look of excitement appeared in his eyes.

if not?

A look of contempt appeared in the eyes of the lonely god. He also looked down upon the man in front of him.

Now the number one true god in the Dragon Realm is almost the same as him.

And he comes from a small place.

So what's there to be afraid of? Who can't fight across levels these days?

What's more, the high-level true god of their sixteenth domain is still present.

If there is any problem, we will be able to come to the rescue as soon as possible.

Phew! Buzz!

The number one true god in the Dragon Realm was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and waves of divine power rippled out from his hands.

At the same time, the spiritual pressure was seen rising in all directions.

A big hand covering the sky shrouded down towards the True God Gu Ying.

A look of contempt appeared on the corner of Gu Yingzhen Shen's mouth, and he didn't care about such a movement at all.


Lone Ying said coldly.

Then he waved his hand, and powerful divine power and pressure instantly rippled out.

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