Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 371 The planet is destroyed!

Although, the planet is now destroyed.

The Pseudo-True God of Glacier also received a lot of impact.

After all, the source of his power was a gift from the planet, and now the planet is gone.

The divine power that blessed him was gone and lost its foundation.

It can only be blown away by the wind.


The aura of the False True God of Glacier also dropped for a while.

But after all, his own strength is still there, plus the power gathered by the gods.

I believe it is more than enough to deal with five people from the Eastern League.


On the other side, the five members of the Eastern Alliance had their shackles removed instantly.

After all, it was a planet explosion, and the formations arranged on the planet were completely destroyed.

Instead, it gave the five members of the Eastern League a slight advantage.

However, the aftermath of the planet explosion caused no harm to them at all.

After all, this is already a battle of different magnitudes.

what happened!

Why is there a sound of the planet exploding!

Could it be that some planet exploded?

Or are there any strong men from the Netherworld who haven't left yet!

Now they are killing all the planets in the Ice Domain!

For a moment, all the gods on the Ice Domain planet were stunned.

Everyone could hear it clearly.

Originally, they had discovered that the enemies in the Ice Domain seemed to have left.

Although, both their true gods and pseudo-true gods were killed.

But their lives still have to go on, and they are all hard-working practitioners.

I hope that one day, they can become true gods and avenge their Ice Domain!

Everyone has relaxed their minds, and life has just returned to normal!

After all, this is the truth. No matter how unwilling they are to teach, they can only acknowledge it and life must go on.

But now, they once again heard the sound they least expected to hear!

Everyone was filled with fear and uneasiness.

Don't know what happened.

There are some high-ranking gods who want to go and have a look, but don’t have the courage.

Everyone was trembling with fear and didn't know what to do.


In the void, the attacks from the False True God of Glacier and the five people from the Eastern Alliance were still continuing.

Neither of them gave in to the other, they were all desperate to defeat the other with one blow.

With this, the attack came to an end...

The huge light group gradually annihilated the endless void.

The figures of the False True God of Glacier and the five members of the Eastern Alliance also slowly emerged in the void.

At this moment, the false god of Glacier was already in tatters all over his body.

There were also quite a few injuries on his body.

It can be seen that the previous battle has consumed all his strength.

Moreover, at this moment, the glacier pseudo-true god was already in tatters all over his body.

There were also quite a few injuries on his body.

It can be seen that the previous battle has consumed all his strength.

Moreover, the aura of Glacier’s pseudo-true god at this moment is like a gossamer,

It’s impossible to tell that this is a false god!

Just like a dying old man.

On the other hand, the five people from the Eastern Alliance had bright eyes.

Although the clothes on his body were already in tatters.

But their divine light is still flickering!

It can be seen that there is still some strength left in them.

Although not much.

But it’s still much better than the false true god of Glacier, who has nothing!


The False God of Glacier looked at this scene and couldn't help but move the corners of his mouth!

The whole person was a little helpless.

There was a faint smile lingering on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that he had lost, and he had lost completely.

He couldn't understand why these people had such a strong background when they were obviously not as strong as him.

I'm really curious.

However, at this time, he no longer had the strength to ask these questions again.

Ha ha!

The False God of Glacier laughed loudly, and his voice contained endless sadness.

He was mocking himself, and also mocking their entire ice domain.

In Nuoda's ice domain, twenty-five true gods and thousands of false true gods were beaten to death by one false true god.

In the blink of an eye, the False God of Glacier was completely swallowed up.

Nothing is left.

Originally, all the strength in his body had been drained away, and there was nothing left.

Facing the devouring of the endless void turbulence, there is no power that can protect him anymore.


Seeing the false god of glacier, he finally died.

The five members of the Eastern Alliance all sat paralyzed in the void.

There is a faint defensive power flowing in each of them.

Resisting the devouring of the endless void turbulence!

At this time, they were already as angry as gossamer.

Unable to fight anymore, they were also a bit hard to resist.

Fortunately, there are more people. Otherwise, it’s really not certain who will win!

One by one, they took out resources from the divine space and devoured them crazily.

Now the five members of the Eastern Alliance are completely powerless.

It's not enough to leave this place.

But if a higher god comes at this time,

They can definitely be killed.

His eyes were full of vigilance, looking around.

I didn't dare to speak at all, lest anyone find out my current state.

They are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

This time, I also taught them a lesson.

You can't be so careless next time.

It's better to keep a low profile so that you can leave this place as soon as possible.

When they find Lin Hua, they are the safest only if they stay with Lin Hua.

At the same time, the gods on the god planet fell into panic one by one.

The huge explosion just now has made them extremely worried.

They don't know what their fate will be in the future.

The only thing that was certain was that someone might want to destroy their entire ice domain.

They didn't dare to go out at all, and were busy on the planet one by one.

After a full month of training, the five members of the Eastern Alliance were able to act reluctantly.

They are in the realm of ice that they leave without stopping.

They were heading all the way towards Lin Hua's trajectory, but this time they went.

But this time, they no longer dare to enter other people's planets casually.

They followed the weak connection they had with Lin Hua.

On the other side, Lin Hua and others are getting closer and closer to the sixteen realms.

Each and every one of them is also ready to fight.

Although the breath is very weak.

But it is obvious that the power of five points of faith is getting closer and closer.

Maybe it's a planet, and someone has been promoted to a pseudo-true god and followed it.

Lin Hua said quietly.

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