But no!

Looking at this scene, they seemed to see who they were before.

When the Western God was about to be born.

Aren't they like this too?

Everyone is eager to contribute their own strength.

But in the end, Lin Hua appeared and killed the Western God!

Otherwise, they would be just like these gods.

Although, they also sympathize with these gods and have done nothing wrong.

But there is no way, this is the difference in stance.

Lord Lin Hua, since they have decided to attack the Ice Realm, they have the responsibility to eliminate the remnants of the Ice Realm!

Otherwise, the wildfire will not be extinguished but will be rekindled by the wind.

By that time, it will be too late.


For a moment, the five members of the Eastern Alliance saw vast power blooming from their bodies.

A large formation slowly rose up under the feet of the five people.

At this time, they also knew that they had to fight to the death.

Don’t underestimate this false god of glacier!

Otherwise, we don’t know how they died by then!


In front of the five people from the Eastern Alliance, a bright and dazzling light gathered.


The light shines on the earth for eternity, making people unable to open their eyes.

Gods, some people have not fully dedicated their lives,

At this moment, I also saw their attack.

I was extremely shocked.

It is unimaginable that this power is actually five newly promoted pseudo-true gods.

It's actually a bit surprising.


I felt the attack from five people.

At this time, the God of Glacier Pseudo-True didn't care to cry anymore.

Cold rays of light gathered in his hands, exuding endless pressure.

at the same time,

The vast divine light around him rippled.

Rays of light criss-crossed.

It was like a divine chain of nine-day order, intertwined on the body.

Runes fell from the sky one after another.

Gradually it was engraved on the body of the glacier false god.

Huh? Divine Chain of Order?

Is this a gift from the planet?

Glacier Pseudo-True God said in a somewhat dejected tone.

There is no doubt that this divine chain of order was given to him by the planet.

This shows that even there are many gods helping him!

But here on the planet, there are many gods helping him.

This battle is not just a battle between the False God of Glacier and the Eastern Alliance.

It's a battle between two planets.

You know, in a normal battle, if the planet doesn't feel threatened.

It is impossible to actively add power to the body of the false true god.

Somehow, the true spirit of the planet has now felt this unprecedented pleasure.

So this is how the Nine Heavens Order Divine Chain will come down to help this glacier pseudo-true god!

Hoo ho ho!

Glacier Pseudo God took a deep breath, and then he protruded heavily.

This stop is a battle of honor for our planet.

Don't worry, I will protect our planet.

Glacier False God said loudly.

The sound contained a decisive meaning.

At this moment, he decided to protect the planet even if he died in battle.

This is not only his own business, but also the mission of the entire planet.


For a moment, the entire planet was shaking slightly.

In the dark, it seemed as if a magnificent will came down.

It seems that the planet is silently telling something.


I saw the five people from the Eastern Alliance looking at this scene, and they were also a little stunned.

To be honest, such a scene was not only the first time for the False God of Glacier, but also the first time for them to see it.

I just didn’t expect that this god’s planet actually has real spirits?

Suddenly his expression became extremely solemn.

To be honest, it is a bit difficult to win this stop.

Everyone! This is our first stop to become the false gods. I hope it won't be our last battle.

The deputy leader said quietly.

The application at this moment is also extremely solemn.

Don't worry, the deputy leader is just a fish that slipped through the net.

Maybe this is what Master Lin Hua left for us on purpose!

How could we die in his hands!

In the future, we will follow you to conquer all the worlds!

How is it possible to die here?


The four of them said coldly.

There is endless confidence in the voice.

This is not their honeyed self-confidence.

It’s the confidence they’ve developed over the years.

And when they talk about Lin Hua, they are even more inspired.

No one can possess such magic power.

Lin Hua is the only one.

Okay! Kill!

The deputy leader shouted.

The next moment, power surged in his hands.

The powerful beam of light instantly pushed in front of the glacier pseudo-true god,

at the same time!

The other four people also took action simultaneously.

They are already ready to decide the outcome in a battle.

The same is true for the False True God of Glacier.

He knew that he only had one chance to strike.

The next situation can be imagined.

He must be beheaded!

There is no choice!

Only one blow can determine life or death.


The huge light ball in the hand of the False God of Glacier was thrown towards the five members of the Eastern Alliance.

The mighty pressure was scattered throughout the planet.

In an instant, the entire planet was shaken.

Being hit by this powerful force, it seemed that it was already somewhat unbearable.

It seemed like it would explode in the next moment.


In an instant, the attacks of the five Eastern Alliance people and the Glacier False God collided.

In an instant, the entire planet was shaken violently.

Originally, an ordinary pseudo-true god already had the power to directly destroy the entire planet.

Not to mention, now this powerful attack.


For a moment, I saw the barrier of the planet, and ripples spread out in circles.

Under this powerful impact, a black hole rippled out.

Exuding endless violent aura.

The endless void turbulence in the void spurted out in an instant.

The endless Gangfeng Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire surged out crazily in an instant.

In an instant, the entire planet was riddled with holes.

Endless void turbulence merged in, ruthlessly devouring everything on the planet.

Even if the planet barrier is desperately maintained.

Unfortunately, it simply can't be done.


Accompanied by a loud bang, the planet in the void was unable to withstand the powerful attack force.


At the same time, the gods on the planet were completely swallowed up by this destructive power.

There wasn't even a scrap left.

At this moment, the eyes of the False God of Glacier bloomed with endless and profound light, and he said in a deep voice.

At this moment, he secretly swore in his heart that he must kill the five false gods of the Eastern Alliance!

Even if the result is that they will be shattered into pieces, they must be killed.

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