Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 345 Are they really united?

I saw Lin Hua quietly watching the arrival of the pseudo-true god, with absolutely no change.

It was as if Lin Hua at this moment had no idea that the pseudo-true gods of the sea domain had already arrived in front of him.

The True God of Darkness was also indifferent and ignored the pseudo-True God at all.

This kind of person still has the courage to attack Lin Hua. To be honest, he is a little confused about how much these people weigh.

He couldn't help but shake his head. There was no doubt that he had seen the fate of this false god.

But the strong men from the three major domains had a look of disdain in their eyes.

Even the Dragon and Wolf regions are like this.

Although they are prisoners now, Lin Hua's previous attitude made them feel very unhappy.

They themselves also have their own pride.

Even if he knew he was going to die, he wouldn't be bullied like this by a false god.

Seeing that the attack of the pseudo-true god had already fallen on Lin Hua.

In everyone's eyes, it was time for him to accumulate strength.


next moment! That's when he saw a dark edge rippling out of Lin Hua's hand.

Seeing this sharp edge, the eyes of all the powerful men in the Netherworld could not help but tremble slightly.

Although they knew in their hearts that Lin Hua's power was not aimed at them at all.

But they still couldn't bear it anymore.

This thing has become their nightmare.


The next moment, the smile on the face of the pseudo-true god froze instantly.

Looking at the dark ball of light, his eyes were dull.

Maybe he didn't realize until he was dying that he was in the hands of someone.

He only felt that the power of his soul disappeared completely in an instant.

Even if he didn't feel any pain, he was dead.

Dong dong dong!

Even after Xuan saw the body of the false god, he lost the power to move forward, like a broken kite.

Finally, it landed heavily on the planet of gods.

A deep pit was created.

At this moment, his body had shriveled up rapidly, in the dark ball of light.

Covered with dense insects, they had devoured the white bones of a corpse in an instant.

The breeze blew by and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of each of the powerful men from the three major domains were filled with astonishment.

There is absolutely no way to imagine what this has been like.

What happened, in their eyes, they just saw the fake god trying to rush over,

Then he encountered a seemingly inconspicuous light group and died immediately.

The breath of life is passing rapidly,

Everyone was still a little unsure. At this time, some of them still looked around curiously.

I thought it was a cover-up trick of this false god,

Little did he know that there was no sign of life at all.

This... my God! Is this gone? This...

I saw everyone looking at me one by one, and I looked at you, with a look of horror in their eyes.

I couldn't believe my eyes at all.

As if they were dreaming, they asked themselves that they had never seen such a weird scene before.

What? This sir? Is he so powerful?

The strong men in the Extreme Realm had expressions of disbelief on their faces, and their hands were trembling slightly.

But no, they didn't pay much attention to Lin Hua before, how did they know that there was such a character.

You must know that the previous pseudo-true god used all his strength.

And it is blessed with the power of faith. If faced with a true God,

It can definitely withstand a full-force attack.

But now, with a slight touch, there is nothing left here.

It is indeed unexpected.

The corners of his mouth were surging one after another, and his eyes were full of fear.

For a while, they didn't dare to look at Lin Hua, lest they did something bad.

Lin Hua shot directly to kill.

Hoo ho ho!

The strong men from the Dragon and Wolf Realm and the strong men from the Sea Realm all took a deep breath.

The rise and fall of their chests showed the shock in their hearts.

The previous contempt is still there.

Who are you? Why are you here?

A gleam of light emitted from the eyes of the number one true god in the Sea Territory, and he asked faintly.

I've told you, surrender now, otherwise, you will all end up like this man.

The True God of Extreme Fire said in a deep voice.

At this time, he had just come to his senses. No wonder they did not see the False True God of the Ice Domain when they met these people on the way. I am afraid that all of them were killed by Lin Hua in this way.

It stands to reason that if a false true god devours the power of a false true god, the power fluctuations will not be small.

But this strong man didn't react at all, as if nothing happened.

It feels like there is no filling between the teeth.

One can imagine how strong his background is.

Now that he knows that Lin Hua is extremely powerful, the True God of Jihuo is going to kneel down and lick him.

He has fully utilized his ability to adapt to the changing circumstances.

Haha, do you want us to surrender?

It's impossible. In our sea area, there are only people who stand and die, and there are no people who surrender!

Then since your Ji Realm wants to surrender, let's go to war.

The No. 1 True God in the Sea Territory said in a deep voice with determination in his eyes.

Although he didn't know what kind of person this Lin Hua was, he could feel that the dark light contained endless evil power.

And the True God of Darkness knew at a glance that his power was very weird.

Not a gentleman.

If they follow these people, will there be any good fruits to eat in the future?

Besides, this is their home court, how could they surrender just because a fake true god was killed?

Dragon and Wolf Second Domain, how about you joining forces with us?

If we can drive them away, our previous affairs will be wiped out.

The number one true god of the Sea Domain looked at the number one true god of the Dragon and Wolf Domain and said in a deep voice.

He didn't dare to be careless in this situation.

Obviously the Ji Realm has betrayed them,

If at this time, the Dragon and Wolf Realms are still considered as one’s enemies,

That is simply asking for death.

Phew! This...

Hearing this, the number one true god of the dragon and wolf realms, you look at me, I look at you, their eyes meet in the air.

Divine thoughts flow.


They both nodded without any hesitation!

For them, there is no choice now.

If you don't unite with the Sea Realm, you will not only face the Sea Realm or the Extreme Realm, let alone Lin Hua and the True God of Darkness.

You can't beat this at all.

The Extreme Realm asked them to surrender, but they naturally couldn't do it. When they fought against the Sea Realm before, they would rather die than surrender.

Nature is like this now, so the only choice is to unite with the Sea Realm.

Okay! From now on, we are an alliance, and there will no longer be any connection between our Sea Territory and the Extreme Territory.

An unswerving look appeared in the eyes of the number one true god in the Sea Territory,

Said loudly.

Uh! Poseidon, are you sure you want to do this?

A look of helplessness appeared in the eyes of Jihuo True God, and he asked quietly.

Speaking of which, he simply didn't want to see the Sea Domain end up like the Ice Domain.

After all, this alliance has been together for endless years. They have been together for such a long time, and now they suddenly have to watch them die, and they are more or less unwilling to do so.

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