Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 344 The dark space returns!

Jihuo True God, for people like you, I have misjudged you.

If I had known you were such people, we shouldn't have believed you in the first place.

But luckily we don't have a life-or-death battle with the Dragon and Wolf Realm!

Otherwise, you would be the happiest at this time!

Do you regret coming early?

I saw a look of understanding appear in the eyes of the number one true god of the Sea Territory, and he asked quietly.

In his eyes, the Extreme Realm is now pretending to attack the Ice Realm, and then comes here to fight back.

Obviously, they just want to annex their three major domains.

And invite these two people. If they attack in a normal way,

They are still a little scared.

In his opinion, the reason why he could kill a false god without any effort was because

It is very likely that they have planned the attack in advance.

It is impossible to stop them and scare them away in this way.


The strong men of the Extreme Realm looked at where the first true god of the Sea Realm came from and were so confident.

Do you have this qualification?

Everyone couldn't help but give him a look.

Uh! I really can't persuade these guys!

The True God of Extreme Fire shook his head helplessly and said sadly.

Originally, he was considering that they had been in alliance with Sea Territory for so many years.

Give them a chance.

I don't want to watch them become like zombies.

It's a pity that the number one true god in the Sea Realm simply doesn't appreciate this.

There is no other way!

Sir, just let us go to war!

Jihuo True God looked at Lin Hua with firm eyes and said loudly.

Now that they have just come under Lin Hua's command, it is time to establish their achievements. ,

Otherwise, if this opportunity is lost, there will be no chance in the future.

If you want to occupy an important position in Lin Hua's heart, you must show your loyalty.

Otherwise, sooner or later, they will become the targets of Lin Hua's devouring.

Haha, who is the True God of Extreme Fire who gave you the courage? I don't want to take a piss to see if you have this ability.

Dare to come to fight? Haha! All the gods, Ji Realm is an ungrateful people, we have the power to kill them.

Put out these traitors.

Before Lin Hua could speak, the number one true god of the Sea Territory shouted loudly.

The sound was so loud that it left an echo in the void.

It's really noisy!

Dark God, catch them!

Lin Hua said angrily, not wanting to listen to the voice of the number one true god in the sea realm.

There is an inexplicable feeling of irritability.

But no, Jihuo True God gave them this opportunity. If they don’t cherish it, they won’t say it.

Now he dares to interrupt his words.

This must not be spared.


The True God of Darkness nodded gently, and the next moment, black mist surged around him and disappeared in an instant!

Huh? Where are the people?

I saw the first true god of the Sea Realm and the strong men from the Dragon and Wolf Realm. Even the strong men from the Extreme Realm had a look of astonishment in their eyes.

It can be said that under the eyes of everyone, if you can't see it, you will disappear without a trace. This is really unexpected.

This was simply unbelievable to them.

Everyone's eyes widened, the power of their souls rippled, and all their spiritual energy exploded.

Searching for traces of the Dark God inch by inch.

But it seemed as if he had disappeared from the world and could not be found at all.

Protect me! Someone come and protect me.

Seeing this situation, the number one true god in the Sea Territory turned pale instantly.

Good guy, I have never seen such a weird scene in my whole life.

Although, his power in the five major domains is not the strongest.

But it can still be ranked as the next one.

But now, he was a little at a loss and looked extremely flustered for a moment.

Only ghosts know where the True God of Darkness has gone!

Moreover, he clearly knew that it was Lin Hua who sent him to arrest him!

The number one true god in the Sea Territory was instantly filled with divine light, and he placed defensive covers in front of him.

Exuding endless power.

At the same time, the power of faith also surged.

I dare not have any carelessness in my heart.

At the same time, the strong men from the Sea Domain and the Dragon and Wolf Domain also looked around with vigilance.

Each hand contains a destructive power.

If the True God of Darkness dares to sacrifice himself in front of them, it will definitely lead to a devastating blow from them.

But after waiting for a while, they still found no sign of the Dark God coming to attack the number one true god in the Sea Territory.

grown ups……

No! Your Excellency is missing! Your Excellency?

Suddenly, a startling sound rippled in the void.

In an instant, everyone looked towards the place where the number one true god of the Sea Territory had been.

But seeing this scene made them all frightened.

I just couldn't believe my eyes.

One by one, you look at me and I look at you. Endless horror emerged from his eyes,

The corners of his mouth were trembling.

The crown of the tooth is also trembling.

But no, they paid close attention to their surroundings with great vigilance, but they never expected that,

The number one true god of the Sea Realm has disappeared.

Where is the arrogant number one true god in the sea realm from before?

This is clearly like it has never happened before.

How... is this possible? He ran away?

The first true god of the Dragon and Wolf Domain looked at this scene and twitched his mouth. Their first reaction was that the first true god of the sea domain was too afraid of the power of the dark true god and ran away.

This is the most normal thing. For a true god, there is no power or lack of power.

As long as you can or that's the best.

Just when they were all extremely confused.

Is someone here to protect me?

This is where?

Suddenly, the voice of the number one true god in the sea region rang out,

Everyone followed the sound, but they saw the number one true god of the Sea Territory appearing in front of Lin Hua at some unknown time.

And all the strength in the body was restrained.

The number one true god of the Sea Territory was struggling desperately, shouting...

Obviously, he hasn't reacted yet.


The number one true god in the sea realm is currently in a dark space, and everything around him is pitch black.

Nothing can be seen.

It was like entering a different dimensional space, with no way out at all.

All he could do was cry out in despair.

Then he didn't get any response. At this moment, he was already imprisoned in the dark space by the True God of Darkness.

Looking at the confused first true god of the Sea Domain, Dragon and Wolf, the Second Domain, and the powerful men from the Sea Domain and the Netherworld Domain.

Cold sweat dripped down everyone's backs, and their eyes looking at the True God of Darkness were full of endless fear.

But no! What is this concept?

Simply, this means that if any of them had been attacked by the God of Darkness just now,

Doesn't that mean that they are now in the dark space?


The next moment, the eyes of the number one true god in the sea area suddenly became bright.

When he saw clearly the appearance of the person in front of him, his face darkened instantly.

Me? How did I get here?

A look of doubt appeared in the eyes of the first true god of the Sea Territory, and he said in astonishment.

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