Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 312 Conquest of the Five Domains

The two of them couldn't laugh or cry, but Lin Hua watched this scene quietly without saying anything, although he didn't know what kind of pain these people were enduring when Frost was summoning them.

However, he could still think of all of these people. It's not something he's good at. Otherwise, these people wouldn't have directly wanted to kill the two true gods of Frost.

Now he has not stopped the two true gods of Frost. The fox pretends to be the tiger's power.

Just let them draw eleven strokes of these as true gods. Although Lin Hua will not come to kill these people, he still has to give them a shot.

After all, when the five major regions are conquered in the future, these people will also go out to fight. If the weak command is not smooth, they are likely to fail.

And it is absolutely impossible to turn over the story easily. Otherwise, if these people are not dealt with, they must be dealt with until they are completely submissive. Otherwise, it may directly lead to rebellion on the battlefield.

For a moment, all the True Gods were silent and did not dare to speak, with an extremely bitter look on their faces.

These guys are so bloody. They were about to take action against the three Frost True Gods, but they didn't expect Lin Hua to come.

They all suspected that the three people in Frost's pseudo-real form had deliberately come to arouse the anger in their hearts like this. Everyone was so angry that they didn't even dare to speak out.

Everyone was afraid that if they said anything wrong, they would be killed by Lin Hua.

If it were just Lin Hua, it would already be a headache for them, not to mention the addition of a Western God and a True God of Darkness.

No matter how dissatisfied they are now, they can only curse silently in their mouths.

They didn't dare to say anything nonsense, and everyone was wondering, from which corner did this Western God pop out?

Is it possible that the three true gods of the Netherworld really ignore these people?

In other words, the three true gods have been killed by these two people.

It is not impossible. After all, according to the personalities of the three true gods of the Nether Realm, they will never allow other strong men who do not belong to the Nether Realm to come to the Nether Realm.

Even the true God is impossible.

Now look at the two people behind Lin Hua who look like grandsons.

At first glance, he and Lin Hua were wearing the same pair of pants. Whoever dared to talk nonsense was looking for death.

It seems that the reason why the previous three true gods were so courteous to this lotus and were willing to hand over the position of Lord of the Netherworld to you is that it shows that it is very likely that the previous three true gods knew that the Western God and the Dark God existed. .

Otherwise, there is no need to hand over such a large effusion directly to Lin Hua.

Moreover, the three true gods treated Lin Hua just like how they treated their own sons. They were afraid of melting when they were held in their mouths, and afraid of flying when they were held in their hands.

When did I see the three true gods and treat a little false god like this?

It seems there is definitely a background.

I think everyone, you don't have any opinions, right? In other words, do you have any other explanations in this news about the three true gods making me the Lord of the Netherworld? If you don't want to, you can put it forward. I, Lin Hua, will definitely accept it with an open mind, or if any of you are dissatisfied, you can raise it and I will accept it one by one.

Lin Hua covered it up, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he spoke loudly with incomparable confidence.

Wherever he looked, it penetrated everyone's hearts like a sharp sword, and it could be said that he saw everything in everyone's heart.

Many false and true gods shuddered suddenly.

I always feel that I have nothing to hide in front of Lin Hua.

It was as if he was standing in front of Lin Hua like an idiot, being looked at by everyone.

How dare you, all the nonsense is so silent,

Beads of sweat continued to fall on his forehead and onto his cheeks.

They didn't even dare to express their anger. They knew that Lin Hua was trying to intimidate themselves, so they could only bear it silently, even if they had huge dissatisfaction in their hearts.

I didn’t see that the three true gods didn’t come forward. There are two possibilities. One is that the three true gods of the Netherworld were directly killed by the opponents of the dark gods who were not Western gods at all.

The other ones are the three true gods and the Western God. The Dark God has already given up the Nether Realm in one box.

In other words, they don't dare to fight with Lin Hua at all. Most of the true gods who control the Nether Realm know it very well in their hearts. Regardless of Lin Hua's nice words now, they have a hunch that if they dare to say it out, If you are dissatisfied, you will never see the sun tomorrow.

Hoo ho ho!

For a moment, the entire open space was filled with heavy and helpless breathing.


Since you all have no objections, please don't make any trouble for me in the future. If I see a situation of disunity like today again, I will kill you without mercy.

A coldness appeared in Lin Hua's eyes, and his voice contained endless cold meaning, and he said coldly.

It's Lord Soul Eater. We all know that we were wrong. Thank you Lord Soul Eater, such a thing will never happen in the future.

All the false gods, all in unison, bowed forward and said in a deep voice.

They were finally relieved. They were really worried. In the end, Lin Hua said all the grievances suffered by the Frost False God were placed on them and killed directly.

Now it seems that it has passed, and everyone can reluctantly accept Nian Hua. It's good that this new owner is not the kind to care about everything.

Otherwise, it would really be more of a loss than a gain.

I saw the Frost False God, and the three of them breathed lightly. Many adults are worthy of being adults, but they just said a few words in an understatement. Don't let these people obey each other, and they don't dare to do it at all.

The three of them suddenly felt endless admiration in their hearts.

But isn't it ridiculous that the pseudo-true god can achieve such an achievement as Lin Hua?

After all, only one person can control the Soul-Eating Insect.

That is Lin Hua.

They don't expect to be able to achieve the level of Lotus, but they only ask that Lotus doesn't despise them as trash, and that's the best.

Now I declare an order!

Taoist priests who will go to the Five Domains of Cultivation Techniques in three days, hurry up and prepare for the coming war. I don't want to see any disharmonious situation.

I saw Lin Hua's eyes blooming, a dazzling golden cloud, exuding supreme brilliance, as if a king had fallen into the mortal world, with outstanding temperament, dominating the world, smiling on the sky and the earth.

Ah what?; What is Mr. Lin Hua talking about? This...

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