Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 311 Powerful Hidden Spell

Boom! Boom!

Not long after, I saw the True God of Darkness.

A series of dark edges filled the air in his hand. A series of extremely dark lights exuded eternal and immortal divine power.

Instantly entangled in haze.

After a while, the planet of consciousness looked like a vast Death Star.

Even if someone comes here, they don't have to worry about anything, and Lin Hua has specially set up sand towns here, surpassing all protective measures.

Anyway, whether others can survive from this formation, the True God of Darkness has no idea in his heart when he comes out.

But I definitely can’t do that.

Hoo ho ho!

I saw the True God of Darkness, looking at this scene in front of me, a look of excitement suddenly emerged in his eyes,

But doesn't it mean that Lin Huanai has really left this place?

Although Lin Hua told him before that he was going to the so-called five major regions,

But the True God of Darkness had never heard of these great realms before.

Originally, I still had a lot of dissatisfaction in my heart.

After all, he didn't know if Lin Hua today had the ability to instantly kill people in all the worlds.

Now it seems that this is really possible.

The True God of Darkness is also single-minded and wants to take a good look at the current scenery after going out.

Of course, the most important thing is that they can learn a lot from Lin Hua.

He was a little worried. After all, Lin Hua showed great importance to this god's planet.

Otherwise, it is very likely that he would just be here to protect the planet of gods.

Or let one of the True God of Darkness and the God of the West guard here.

The True God of Darkness is naturally a little worried. After all, if he stays here, he will not be able to learn from Lin Hua in the future.

But it's completely different now. This is already under the seal, which means that Lin Hua doesn't need anyone to protect him at all, so it's best not to do this.

At the same time, the Western God Zhou Shen on the other side exuded strong power,

Like a whirlpool floating around the body,

It seemed like an endless abyss of darkness, greedily devouring the surrounding resources in an instant.

Huge spiritual power and divine power continuously entered the body of the Western God.

At the same time, you can see that powerful pressure is gradually revealed.

After all, at this time, the power around the Western God is extremely depleted. It is like the rain comes after a long drought. In addition, the Western God is a little excited at this moment.

After the situation that caused his own pressure to criss-cross was stabilized, I didn't know when Na Dark God and Lin Hua had returned to him.

Hoo ho ho!

No one spoke for a while, Lin Hua and the True God of Darkness stood there quietly looking at the Western God.

But the Western God didn't care at all and continued to devour the resources.

Time passed by minute by minute. I don’t know if it was countless years or just a moment. In the end, the state of Western style was restored to its heyday.

Thank you, sir.

I saw a brilliant light radiating from the eyes of the Western God, like an endless abyss,

It contains endless pressure,

He wanted to test whether Lin Hua could withstand the pressure of his heyday.

Well, go and see if you can still find the planet of gods?

Lin Hua didn't react at all. He was too lazy to pay attention to the Western God's probing intentions and said loudly.

After all, there is no murderous intention in the Western God's emotions at all, and he has already concluded a soul contract. These things are simply indifferent.

Uh...how is it so powerful?

I saw that the Western God had no intention of listening to Lin Hua's words, but at this moment, there were endless waves in his heart.

But no, what does this mean? It means that Lin Hua really didn't brag before, and now the Western God actually finds that he can't seem to understand the depth of Lin Hua at all.

If he was in a state of exhaustion before, after all, under the endless years of suppression, he was already a little exhausted.

But now I have understood that it is impossible to crush Li with this kind of coercion. If he is not protected, Lin Hua will still be suppressed.

What are you doing in the cold?

Why don't you hurry up and go to the planet of gods?

The True God of Darkness gave the Western God a kick in an instant.

But no, this loser still wants to compete with Lin Hua. Has he never seen what it means to be contemptuous of a king?

Why are you still here in a daze at this time?

Good guy, I'm a little worried for him.

Hearing this, the God of the West realized what he was saying, laughed dryly, and hurried over there to inspect.

The Western God came to the location of the previous god's planet and was confused for a moment.

Where's the planet? Where did it go?

The Western God felt bad all over, and one of Nuo Da's planets disappeared.

At first, Lin Hua asked him to find the God Planet, and he felt a little puzzled.

As for that? Isn't it right there? Even if Lin Hua and the True God of Darkness come here.

By hiding the god's planet, ordinary people would just want to deceive their own eyes. The Western Gods asked themselves that this was simply impossible.

After all, he once had some believers in this god's planet.

Although the believers have been killed by Lin Hua, they still have a foundation, and the current situation is completely different.

With the power of promoting the connection hidden deep in the body, it was indeed discovered that this was not there at all.

There is no sense of the existence of the divine planet at all.

Now he is beginning to wonder whether this divine planet is contained by the supreme magical power of the true god of darkness.

You must know that the True God of Darkness has a dark cage, where this powerful magical power resides.

He saw that the True God of Darkness was able to return to his full glory, and that under the strong seal of Jiuyao God's Jiuyao Divine Fire, his strength was still intact.

It is obvious that in the dark cage of the True God of Darkness, there is no telling how many resources, or secret methods, are stored.

Otherwise, there is no reason why he can still maintain a state of complete victory after endless years.

But what makes the Western God a little confused is that if this dark cage is to collect a small god planet, there will be no problem.

But this planet of gods was the core of the entire universe in the past.

This body is completely different from that of a class of gods. How can it be taken back by an existence that can be compared to the planet.

Hey! I just don't believe it! Where can I hide? What formation can stop me?

I saw the Western God cursing and struggling to find the time passing by, but in the end, the Western God still didn't notice anything.

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