Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 301 The Dark God in Heyday

Just when everyone in the Eastern Alliance was ready to face a crisis.

It’s time to be fully prepared for the sacrifice.

I saw that the god's planet settled down instantly.

As if nothing happened!

Hmm? What's going on? Is this it? Could it be that God Lin Hua is back.

I saw the entire Eastern Alliance’s strong men looking at each other with blank expressions on their faces.

I just can't understand why such a situation suddenly occurred.

Everyone is a little confused.

Such a big movement before, how can I say it disappeared!

Everyone looked into the void curiously.

I couldn't help but want to see what was happening in the world outside.

But in the end, they really didn't have the courage.

If True God Lin Hua comes back, he should come back to meet them after this crisis is resolved!

Each of them is like a mirror in their hearts, knowing that this is completely impossible.

They are going up now, and the endless void turbulence in the void alone is enough to threaten them.

If he goes up now, he will cause trouble for Lin Hua.

Everyone could only wait quietly, which could be described as a complete failure.

Hoo ho ho!

They did not directly disperse the formation, but quietly watched the void,

Although they can't see anything.

But a picture automatically came up in my mind,

Lin Hua and the unknown strong man may be the Western God, or he may be someone else.

Fighting like crazy.

Lin Hua also made efforts for their safety.

The only thing they can do is to believe in Lin Hua extremely devoutly.

Each one of them also had the extremely strong power of faith escaping from their bodies, slowly floating in the air.

It was originally an invisible and colorless power of faith, but from this moment on,

They have condensed into milky white gas.

It entered the void directly and slowly injected into Lin Hua's body.

You must know that people are in danger until they are suddenly safe,

The gratitude towards Lin Hua can be said to be even stronger.

And these gratitudes instantly turned into the power of faith!

The gods, with the milky white power of faith in Geng Er Wang's sky, were a little panicked for a moment.

This...is this the power of our faith?

One by one, you look at me and I look at you, with a look of surprise in my eyes.

But no, originally the power of faith was something invisible and intangible, and it was not like they had not experienced the power of faith.

In their own divine space, they all saw so much power of faith.

Now, suddenly, I saw such a powerful power of faith.

They were all stunned.

It can be imagined how powerful and dignified this power of faith is.

If I can absorb all the power of faith into my body, I will be the legendary true god!

I saw a god inside, a look of excitement appeared in his eyes, staring blankly at the milky white power of faith in the sky, and said faintly.

Haha! Yes! You can devour the power of faith now. Of course, the master of power who was able to winterize the entire planet of gods before will be left to you.

I saw someone next to me saying angrily.

But no, he actually dared to get involved in Lin Hua's power of faith, which is incredible.

This absolutely won't work.

Of course it is impossible to be so indifferent.

But no!

This man was not the only one to angrily contradict the god.

I saw eyes that were about to spray out flames appearing all around.

Each one of them was a god that exuded accidental damage. It seemed that this god who did not respect Lin Hua should be killed directly.

Uh, what are you looking at! I just said that, why are you so serious? I am also a devout believer of True God Lin Hua!

This is the first time I have seen such a powerful power of faith and I just sighed, isn't this even possible?

In an instant, he saw the wretched expression of the god's neck shrinking.

But otherwise, if they dare to be a little tougher, the gods around them will definitely kill them directly.

There is no doubt about this.

It's imaginable to fart.

She still had the same salivating look as before.

In fact, he didn't have such an idea originally, he just said it casually.

Everyone still looked like a flame was about to erupt from their eyes.

Uh! I'm sorry, God Lin Hua. I really didn't mean it. I just said it casually. Please forgive me, sir!

I promise I won't dare to say anything again.


I saw the god kneeling on the ground in an instant, clasping his hands together, and praying most devoutly.

There was no hesitation at all.

But no, I'm afraid these people are just indifferent.

If you just give him a sap, wouldn't it be too late to cry?

Hmph! Next time, God Lin Hua will probably get angry.

I saw a god next to me, with a look of disdain in his eyes, and said angrily.

But no! As gods, they only know the benefits of this power of faith.

Naturally, he is unwilling to let anyone steal this power of faith.

In fact, it is not only this person who has such thoughts, but they also have such thoughts in their hearts.

But none of them dared to say that.

But they were afraid that the thoughts in their hearts would be directly known to this True God Lin Hua.

So they took this opportunity to show their sincerity in front of the gods.

In fact, this matter is not a big deal.

If it were Lin Hua, he would understand.

After all, everyone has been practicing so hard just for one day like this, isn't it?

This is normal and understandable.

It's just that these people think too much.

Not to mention that Lin Hua didn't know what they were thinking.

Even if he finds out in the end, he won't say anything.

And in the seal tower.

Originally, as the power of the seal dissipated, the God of the West was like a wild horse that had escaped from the reins.

He released his powerful power in an instant.

I want to show it in front of Lin Hua.

But just for a moment, the Western God directly put away his power.

Because he saw the power of the true god of darkness.

At the same time, the induction from the god's planet also disappeared without a trace.

You...how can you be in your prime?

I saw a shocked look in the eyes of the Western God.

I couldn't believe my eyes at all.

Is this what he normally sees?

In his impression, this dark god basically never showed his powerful strength.

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