Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 300 Release the seal! The battle begins!

This can be said to be sharing blessings and suffering together.

This is what the Dark God is thinking now.

Hmph! Lin Hua, I think this person is completely stubborn!

The two of us should work together to kill him!

The True God of Darkness said faintly.

He directly gave Lin Hua a color in actual combat.

That would be a head-on confrontation between himself and the God of the West. When the time comes, Lin Hua can just use the Soul-Eating Insect to sneak attack from behind.

After all, facing a powerful man like the God of the West who lived countless years ago,

It must be done so that no one is aware of it.

Once discovered, everything will be too late.

Lin Hua nodded slightly. Although he didn't know why the Dark God said this, it didn't matter.

Anyway, that's fine if the result is the same.

After all, Lin Hua doesn’t want to face off against the Western God right now.

We still have to rely on the True God of Darkness,

After all, once the soul-eating insects are dispatched and enter the mind of the Western God,

It is impossible to take it back. ,

Once the Soul-Eating Insect is devoured, it will remain alive forever.

In addition, Lin Hua still wants to let this Western God go to the five realms and conquer the heavens and worlds with him.

After all, if only one person can improve his strength without taking any measures,

By then, the news about the Soul-Eating Insect will be easily exposed.

At that time, I just can’t eat and walk around.

Lin Hua is not arrogant enough to directly challenge the world by himself.

How powerful were the soul-eating insects in the past? Wasn't Zui He directly killed by the powerful men from all over the world?

As long as the soul-eating worm is not used casually, it is enough.

As for what Xiao Jiujiu had in the heart of the True God of Darkness, Lin Hua was too lazy to pay attention.

It doesn't matter, anyway, what Lin Hua knows is that according to the method of the True God of Darkness, it is best to eat there.

Ha ha!

For a moment, the entire sealed land was filled with the wild laughter of the Western God.

The whole person looked up to the sky and screamed, as if he heard some school belle.

True God of Darkness? Haha! I didn't expect you to be reduced to such a situation! Hahaha! Do I want to praise you? Or do I want to scold you?

For a moment, the Western God could be said to be out of breath with laughter, and gasped.

But otherwise, he never expected that this true god of darkness would actually fall to this level.

It turned out that he had already begun to unite with a false god.

To be honest, the Western God really couldn't stand the compliment.

Of course, the current Western God is within that seal.

Although she felt the power and aura of the True God of Darkness, she could not tell where the specific strength of the True God of Darkness lay.

In his heart, the current True God of Darkness was actually subdued by Lin Hua.

How powerful can this power be?

Come on! True God of Darkness, don't you want to hit me? Come on!

Anyway, the God of the West looked at the True God of Darkness and said provocatively with a look that didn't deserve a beating.

It seems that now he is unable to attack at will within the seal, nor can he break out of the seal.

But if the True God of Darkness attacks from outside, it can easily break the power of this seal.

At that time, the Western God will be able to escape from this place with the help of the True God of Darkness.

Why not, coupled with the recognition of the Western God, in its heyday, the Western God and the Dark True God were basically about the same strength.

Over the years, the Western God's combat power has been weakened a lot in the seal. There is no doubt that the True God of Darkness has also been sealed in endless years by the Jiuyao God.

There is no doubt that the power is not much.

As for Lin Hua's words, Western God naturally ignored them.

After all, he is considered a junior, so he can just slap him casually.

A little fake god still wants to dance in front of him!

Isn't this funny?

Lin Hua! Open the seal!

A sneer appeared in the eyes of the True God of Darkness, and he said loudly.


Lin Hua nodded slightly, and saw a mysterious light emitting from her hand, and mysterious handprints emerged.

Lin Hua learned this special sealing technique when he received the inheritance from the Eastern God.

One is a method that can strengthen the seal, and the other is a method that can remove the seal.

It's just that Lin Hua's strength was not strong enough at the beginning.

There is no way to strengthen the seal at all.

And after endless years, the Western God will definitely not sit still and wait for death.

It is already constantly impacting the power of the seal, and this seal has been left behind for countless years.

If you want to continue to strengthen it, impeachment is easy.

The only thing is to wait for the birth of the Western God.

This is just a matter of time.

Even if Lin Hua reinforces it, it will be the same.

The seal has long been broken, and the Western God will come out sooner or later.

The only solution is to kill the Western God.

This is how we can avoid future troubles!

Boom! Buzz!

In an instant, he saw the mysterious power sealed in Lin Hua's hand.

For a moment, I felt that the entire seal formation was shaking violently.

Buzz! Boom!

I saw that the surrounding void debt composition was shaking slightly,

At the same time, in the planet of gods.

Countless gods all felt the turmoil here.

I saw the strong men of the Eastern Alliance raising their heads and looking at the sky with a look of horror in their eyes.

They didn't know what happened and thought it was a turmoil on the planet of gods.

It's like the world is annihilating.

The entire planet was shaking violently, and I didn't know how to resist it at all.

One by one, they were hiding and shivering. At this moment, they realized how weak their power was.

But this is definitely not an excuse to wait for death to come.

Everyone greeted them and set up a great formation to stabilize the planet. At the same time, the strong men all bloomed with dazzling light,

Lines of power crisscrossed each other, protecting the weak people around him.

At the same time, they were also ready to fight to the death,

They have no choice.


At that moment, the entire planet seemed to be turned upside down.

Everyone looked very nervous and did not dare to relax in any way.

Countless people are praying constantly,

The West hopes that Lin Hua can come back to help them solve this crisis.

Lord True God, please come back and see your people quickly. Lord True God, we will not be able to bear it anymore!

Lord True God, come back quickly!

For a time, the entire planet of gods was echoing with those loud shouts,

Each strong man prayed extremely devoutly.

At this moment, they had no choice but to hope that Lin Hua could come back.


Fortunately, all this turmoil did not last long and soon disappeared without a trace.

Many strong men shed tears.

Thank you, God, for beating me!

The true God has appeared!

Thank you, Lord True God!

For a moment, I saw the strong men all shouting with gratitude.

Each and every one of them prostrated themselves on the ground, and they all knelt down and worshiped with great piety.

They didn't know what else to do at this time.

Just knowing that they are safe at this moment!

And on the other side,

The Western God in the seal was released instantly.


In an instant, I saw the power all over the Western God blooming in an instant.

The god's position exudes accidental damage, and eternal rays of light ripple instantly.


Lin Hua had just released a little bit of the sealing power before, and the next moment, the God of the West rushed him away!


The Western God's entire body was instantly wiped out!

Haha! I'm finally out!

A sharp light burst out from the eyes of the Western God, and divine lights gathered around him, exuding supreme divine brilliance.

That kind of power that spanned the ages instantly rippled through the hearts of each of them.

Even the strong men in the god planet felt the power of the Western God.

This...what is this?

Seeing such a strong person in the god's planet, a look of horror instantly appeared in each of his eyes.

This power is already stronger than any power they have seen before.

I saw that the hearts of the strong men who had finally relaxed were suddenly lifted up again.

The strength of each one can be said to be a big formation that suppresses oneself at the bottom of the box.

At this moment, they didn't know what existed in the world outside.

But they knew they had to take up arms to protect themselves.

Otherwise, they might all be slaughtered!


At that moment, the entire planet of gods was instantly covered by defensive injections.

After all, they felt that the Western God was so powerful that they didn't know whether it was the enemy or one of their own.

Anyway, the only thing they have is that this is definitely not Lin Hua.

They can feel Lin Hua's power.

Moreover, the power of this Western god seems to be not only a little bit stronger than Lin Hua's power before.

They didn't know whether Lin Hua could withstand this strong man's attack.

They just think they are here to save themselves.

For a moment, the solemn sound of breathing was recalled in the planet of gods, and the belief in each one was extremely heavy.

What kind of hatred caused them to suffer such disaster?

They didn't know it at all. They were all hiding in the formation like the frightened birds.

Waiting quietly, they didn't know what the future would be like.

At this moment, everyone sees clearly that their future is uncertain.

It can't be put on any stage at all.


I saw that square formation instantly covering the entire planet of gods.

I have to say that the Eastern Alliance responded relatively quickly.

If Lin Hua stood in the sky and looked down at this moment, he would find that they were completely enveloped by the formation.

In fact, when they were massacred in the Western Alliance, everyone knew about it from Lin Hua's mouth.

There is still an existence in this world called the God of the West.

They knew that the Western God had been sealed, and the reason why Lin Hua went out was because he wanted to deal with the Western God.

At that time, they were ready to fight the Western God.

But they didn't expect this Western god to break through the seal so quickly.

A look of helplessness appeared on each cheek.

There is no better way, I can only do this, quietly waiting for the judgment of fate.

Now under the powerful pressure of this Western God,

They couldn't feel Lin Hua's power at all.

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