Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 290 The Sorrow of the Dark God!

He knew this place before and knew it was the lair of the Soul-Eating Insect.

There are no soul-eating insects here at all, and even if there are soul-eating insects, there is no need to worry.

As for other creatures, needless to say, they are simply impossible.

In the place where the soul-eating insects devoured it, it is estimated that only the power of the soul is left, and nothing else is left.

When Lin Hua first discovered the Soul-Eating Insects, all of them were extremely hungry.

It’s like I’ve never seen rice before.


Lin Hua suddenly condensed his eyes,

Feeling the nervous look of the Dark God behind him, he understood instantly.

I am afraid that the Dark God has noticed the existence of Soul-Eating Insects here.

But what made Lin Hua curious was how this dark god knew that there were soul-eating insects here.

Went away not long ago.


The Dark God said softly.

Huh? What's wrong?

Lin Hua asked curiously.

Isn't it strange? Why is there no trace of the Soul-eating Insect? Is this impossible? It's obviously here!

Why is there no trace now? Where did it go?

I saw that the Dark God felt bad all over, and he muttered while looking at the surrounding environment.

He was not in the mood to pay attention to Lin Hua at all.

But no, I finally found the habitat of this soul-eating insect with great difficulty.

If you can get this soul-eating insect, you will be able to dominate the entire world in the future.

But now that’s all I can do, I’m not willing to give in!

After walking around this star, I still didn't find any trace.

It can be said that he understands the habits of the soul-eating insect very well.

But now, looking at the traces of the Soul-eating Insect's activities, it has been a while.

Obviously, he should be back!

The Dark God knew in his heart that the Soul-Eating Insect would definitely come back after a certain period of time.

No matter what happens, you will always come back.

Now this situation makes the Dark God a little confused.

Could it be that something unexpected happened to this soul-eating insect?

Or was it taken away by someone else?

The Soul-Eating Insect was originally discovered by the Evil God.

And only the evil god can control these soul-eating insects.

That's because the evil god has something called the Immaculate Divine Lotus.

Only then can this soul-eating insect be suppressed.

Now if someone can subdue the soul-eating insect,

There should be that artifact!

Was the output obtained by that person?

Thinking of this, the Dark God felt aggrieved,

But if I meet this person in the future,

I have to hide a little bit. With the blessing of these two artifacts,

How is it possible to survive the battle?

Watching a great opportunity disappear in front of him, the depression in his heart came out of the box.

The Immaculate Divine Lotus grows naturally from the gathering of heaven and earth.

It can be nourished in the divine space, and then it can continuously provide energy.

It was because of the powerful Immaculate Divine Lotus that the evil god was able to be proud of the sky in all the worlds.

He was also famous in the Nether Realm back then.

Basically no one dares to mess with it.

That is to say, the God of Darkness and Dongfang God dare to fight against the evil god.

Others simply don't have this qualification.

Seeing the angry look on the dark side, Lin Hua understood.

Are you looking for this?

Suddenly, Lin Hua had a Soul-Eating Insect in his hand and looked at the Dark God faintly.


You...this is?

The dark god was stunned at first, and then his whole person was slightly startled, unable to believe his eyes at all.

What the hell is this? Can you actually catch the Soul-Eating Insect?

Or did you grab it with your bare hands?


In an instant, the power of the Dark God surged out of his body, and levels of spiritual energy exploded.

But no! Soul-eating insects generally live in groups!

Now one suddenly appears, which means there is still a group of them.

But now it's in Lin Hua's hands in an orderly manner.

What kind of concept is this? For a moment, the Dark God regarded Lin Hua as the owner of the Evil God's Innocent Divine Lotus.

This volume made the Dark God panic.

After all, once there is this soul-eating insect, the combat effectiveness can no longer just be based on cultivation.

With the blessing of the Soul-eating Insect, this has no effect.

For a moment, the God of Darkness was envious and jealous, and everyone looked at Lin Hua in astonishment.

I don't know what to say,

I also understood why Lin Hua came here.

The Dark God didn't think much about it before, he was completely deceived by Lin Hua's appearance.

Lin Hua might just happen to be passing by.

Co-author, now this Lin Hua is here to kill him.

As for whether Lin Hua really controlled the Soul-Eating Insect, he had no intention of asking.

Since he didn't know whether the soul-eating insects were hiding around, the Dark God was also an old cannon who didn't dare to act casually.

Dark God, aren't you looking for the Soul-Eating Insect? Why are you so nervous now that you see the Soul-Eating Insect?

What are you afraid of? If you want, I can't play with you!

Lin Hua said faintly, and after saying this, he handed the Soul-eating Insect directly to the Dark God.

How could the God of Darkness dare to accept this thing? He couldn't help but take a big step back.

The distance between him and Lin Hua was instantly opened.

Who are you? Can you control this soul-eating insect? Have you obtained the Evil God's Innocent Divine Lotus?

I saw a look of doubt appearing in the eyes of the Dark God,

asked in a deep voice.

According to his perception, when Lin Hua controlled the Soul-eating Insect, he did not use any Innocent Divine Lotus at all.

But without the Innocent Divine Lotus, how could the Soul-eating Insect obey Lin Hua's orders in a well-behaved manner.

In fact, this Soul-Eating Insect is just the generation of small Soul-Eating Insects cultivated by Lin Hua.

At that time, Lin Hua himself did not dare to hold the batch of adult soul-eating insects in his hands. The relationship between the two parties had not yet reached that close level.

Haha, who am I? You will know later.

Lin Hua said quietly.

No, I'll take my leave now!

The corner of the Dark God's mouth twitched, and when he looked at the soul-eating insect, alarm bells were ringing in his heart.

I just felt that my Xiao Ming might not be able to save it, so how could he dare to say anything in front of Lin Hua.

He has not walked in other directions, and he is not sure whether the soul-eating insects are hidden there.

You can only go to the back.

Wait a minute! Did I let you go?

Lin Hua instantly waved his hand and released the soul-eating insects in the divine space.

Nowadays, apart from the first batch of adult Soul-Eating Insects, basically all these larvae know what Lin Hua means.

Lin Hua asks them to attack, and they will attack.

If you don't let them in, they won't attack.

But let Lin Hua be in the highest time flow rate in the divine space,

It can only be trained to this point.

If others want to train, they can only do it slowly.

Even so, Lin Hua was very tired.

It took a lot of effort to train them, and no one can understand the hardship of training Soul-Eating Insects.

If he hadn't seen the results now, Lin Hua might have to immerse himself in training again.

Uh? You...

At this moment, the God of Darkness felt as if a huge wave was rising in his heart.

Some don't know what to say.

This was a scene that he couldn't believe at all.

It is so powerful!

It's amazing, even though there is no such thing as the Innocent Divine Lotus, it can still control the Soul-eating Insect.

Moreover, the Dark God knew clearly that this soul-eating insect should have entered Lin Hua's divine space.

There are not even a few months.

But he still couldn't believe that Lin Hua could control the Soul-Eating Insect in such a short period of time.

Thinking back to the beginning, it was understandable that the evil god had this Innocent Divine Lotus and had control over it.

But you, a person who does not have these things, can do such a thing,

That is no longer incredible and can be described.

The Dark God felt that if the Evil God saw this scene with his own eyes, his jaw would drop.

I guess my three views have been completely overturned.

Forcibly taming the soul-eating insects, is this something a normal person can do?

No! If we have anything to say, we can talk. We don't have to fight to the death, don't you think?

The God of Darkness is no longer what he was before.

Completely scared.

In fact, he was not very afraid of Lin Hua but of the soul-eating insect.

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