Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 289 The grudges of the previous generation

Me? This is my territory. Who do you think I am?

Lin Hua looked at the Dark God with curiosity. This one seemed quite powerful.

How come you see yourself like this?

This seems inappropriate!

But no, Lin Hua saw the God of Darkness pouting here before, not knowing what he was studying.

I originally thought that the Dark God didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

That's why he acted like this,

That's why he interrupted.

If he knew that this dark god had not noticed his arrival at all, Lin Hua would probably have released the Soul-Eating Insects directly.

Just let this dark god and his countless stars be destroyed.

Although these death stars all look the same whether they exist or not, and it seems that this has nothing to do with Lin Hua.

But these death stars can be said to be barriers to the gods’ planets.

Hiding all the god planets in the void,

It was only when surrounded by these death stars that the strong men in the Netherworld did not discover this thing.

But now most of it has been destroyed by this dark god,

How could this happen?

If someone discovers him in the future, he will still protect him.

Now he can go out and wander around with confidence. By that time, maybe he will be like the three true gods of space.

You still have to find a successor to protect your Netherworld.

When the three true gods left before, they made a three-part agreement with Lin Hua.

That is, they will not pay attention to anything Lin Hua does in the Nether Realm.

Even if the Nether Realm is swallowed up, they don't care.

But the only thing is, don't devour their god's planet.

Although the three of them are incomparable people who resist the five major domains,

But Lin Hua didn't have much resistance.

After all, in their eyes, Lin Hua was originally from the Netherworld.

If you are completely swallowed by people from the Netherworld,

That makes sense.

Of course, they also knew that Lin Hua would not do such a thing.

Is it just that they may enslave these false gods in the Netherworld?

But for the three true gods, this doesn't matter, as long as they are willing to protect the entire Nether Realm.

But the planet of gods in the Sea of ​​Death does not need protection at all.

Because this death star is still around.

It makes people think that this place is completely lonely and has no resources!

There is no other inheritance,

So even if someone comes here, there is nothing to worry about.

But in the current situation, seeing such a scene, no one knew what to say.

Naturally, he was extremely angry.

However, in front of this dark god, Lin Huadao did not show anything obvious.

After all, he didn't know how powerful the Dark God was.

Anyway, Lin Hua was not sure now and killed the dark god directly.

You? This is yours? Who are you?

The God of Darkness was immediately confused by Lin Hua's words. What the hell was this? He was a little confused for a while.

In his opinion, if a person who can remain unnoticed appears next to him, he is either stronger than him or similar to him.

It is very possible that Lin Hua is the son of his former friend.

But you don’t seem to want to do this?

The God of Darkness was filled with suspicion for a moment, but he did not dare to make the slightest move.

The two of them looked at me, and I looked at you, with blank expressions on their faces.

This talk is completely out of the same channel.

Are you the descendant of the Eastern God?

At this time, a cold light appeared in the eyes of the Dark God, and he said in a deep voice.

Huh? You?

Lin Hua looked at the Dark God with a puzzled look on his face. A sword light appeared in his eyes. This man was actually able to reveal the origin of his inheritance with just one word.

It’s not simple. Could it be said that this person is a contemporary of Eastern God?

Maybe he is also acquainted with the Western God.

I am the God of Darkness!

The Dark God said loudly, with a hint of pride in his tone.

But no.

If he really were an Eastern God, he would be his own ugly man, and there would be no need for any humility.

The opponent must be completely killed!

Since the Eastern God has died here, killing his descendant can be regarded as a kind of revenge.

Dark God?

Lin Hua looked stunned, a little confused,

I still remember that when I accepted the inheritance, it was clearly stated that the God of Darkness had died due to a change.

How come the dead are resurrected?

For a moment, all kinds of momentum around Lin Hua also spurted out, directly covering his whole body.

Haha? Little baby? I am not in the mood to kill you right now! Don't be afraid, is the Eastern God still alive?

A meaningful smile appeared in the eyes of the Dark God, and he spoke loudly.

Seeing Lin Hua's blooming strength, he relaxed instead.

The Dark God guessed that he might be too obsessed with the Soul-eating Insect.

And let down his guard.

He died a long time ago. Since the senior is from the same era as the Eastern God, I wonder why the senior came here?

A coldness appeared in Lin Hua's eyes and he said in a deep voice.

After all, this dark god directly destroyed many death stars, and Lin Hua was also unhappy.

But if you can't stand up to someone else's strength, you can't just take action directly.

Without that kind of power, it would be impossible.

But now I am extremely vigilant.

Knowing that the God of Darkness and the God of the East are enemies,

An ancient true god from that era, and he had absolutely no sealing power to suppress it!

Lin Hua didn't dare to let anyone down.

Didn't I just come here to kill them?

It's a pity that none of them are very upbeat. It's a pity. They are lucky, otherwise I would make their lives worse than death.

A cold look appeared in the eyes of the Dark God, and he said in a deep voice.


The corner of Lin Hua's mouth twitched for an instant, and he was muttering in his heart.

How many sad people have come out of this Eastern God!

There is a Western God over there who has not yet dealt with it! As a result, another dark god popped up here.

Good guy, I have to deal with the funeral directly!

If Lin Hua is now a genuine god, there will be no need to talk about it.

The problem is that he can feel that he is no match for the Dark God now.

Of course, if this includes the combat power of the Soul-Eating Insects, then this is not necessarily the case.

Now Lin Hua can't see it, which proves that this dark god far exceeds his spiritual level.

You! Come here and walk in front!

The Dark God originally wanted to kill Lin Hua directly and collect some small interest from the Eastern God.

But on second thought, it seems that we haven’t reached that time yet.

There is no need,

Didn’t you come here to find the Soul-eating Insect?

Then simply let Lin Hua explore the path ahead, which would also reduce the risk factor that he may encounter.


A look of astonishment appeared in Lin Hua's eyes.

He didn't know what the Dark God wanted to do,

He directly felt the powerful spiritual power of the Dark God, crushing him down.

It is extremely deep, as vast as the abyss, and has reached level 300. This is a ceiling-level existence!


I saw Lin Hua's legs weakening in an instant, and his body seemed to be unable to hold on.

He glanced at the God of Darkness faintly, and felt an awe-inspiring killing intent in his heart. He thought about releasing the soul-eating worm directly.

But even if a method is found, it is basically impossible to kill him directly.

Knowing that I still need to find another opportunity,

Just pretend it's all going now.

We also want to see what this dark god wants to do?

Senior, what do you mean? The grievances and grudges of the previous generation are none of my business. Senior, please don't bully the younger ones!

Lin Hua suddenly screamed, as if he was extremely frightened.

Don't give me crap!

The Dark God showed a look of disdain and said coldly.

Hurry up, walk ahead!

The Dark God said angrily, how dare a little pseudo-true God speak so much in front of his eyes.

You die so quickly!

Lin Hua just shrugged when he heard this and didn't say much.

It's just that I regard this dark god as a dead person in my heart.

Hoo ho ho!

For a while, Lin Hua walked quietly in front. .

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