Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 282 The Dark God is reborn!

Still a little old for your twenties?

What about them?

Aren't they just specimens?

If you randomly take out a believer from their divine space,

Hundreds of thousands of them have been broken into pieces.

It can be said that the True Gods of Space have thought very clearly.

The idea that Lin Huanai is a thousand-year-old young man has already been prepared.

But I never expected that,

This man is only twenty-three or four years old.

In other words, I have just started practicing.

This is indeed a bit much!

I just saw the True God of Space. You look at me and I look at you.

There seemed to be a mouthful of congestion in his heart that was about to spit out.

True God Lihuo sat directly on the ground

I'm still here as Lin Hua's sparring partner.

What to be?

You have only been practicing for a few days?

where are they?

As a result, the current situation is

Fortunately, only a few of their Space True Gods are here.

If not, when the false god sees this scene,

I'm afraid those people are all ashamed of themselves.

What is this called crushing?

They finally deeply felt the feeling of being crushed.

Uh! What are you doing sitting here?

“Aren’t we all the proud sons of heaven?”

Lin Hua asked curiously.

Although Lin Hua didn’t know exactly how old these people were,

But it has always been similar to him,

Although not as scary as him,

But after all, a person who can become a true god must have had many adventures when he was young.

And the talents are beyond those of the entire planet.

As the only false god of the planet,

Lin Hua also has great respect for these people.

After all, it now seems that the strength of the True God of Space is just that.

There are indeed not many resources to search for.

He must be a little older than them,

It shouldn't be more than tens of thousands of years old.

Lin Hua also knows that his improvement in strength comes from the help of the system.

Another thing is the help of the soul-eating insect.

They would never dare to think of giving such an opportunity to others.

But tens of thousands of years has always been considered a similar age.

How much worse could it be.

Ahem! Yes! Almost!

Upon hearing this, the True God of Space and the others immediately started coughing violently.

Good guy, it’s really the same!

Um! From the time they started practicing, they were indeed pretty much the same.

For a moment, I saw the True God of Space and several people in the car completely silent!

Comparing people to each other will directly make people angry. There is no comparison at all.

Originally, the True Gods of Space were quite proud.

But at this moment, they're this or something.

Completely disappeared without a trace.

Now it seems that Lin Hua is completely superior to them!

Okay, stop talking nonsense!

Come for training!


The True God of Space and others laughed and said.

But no, he was instantly killed by Lin Hua.

They could only use this method to hide their inner embarrassment.

Here, the True God of Space and Lin Hua are constantly training.

The strength is also improving rapidly.

I saw that on the other side, the Frost Pseudo God and the others were so waiting that their hair turned white.

Completely unsure of where to go.

Let them stay here.

After waiting for so long, there is still no news.

As for the other fake gods, they have left this place long ago.

I don't want to stay here at all.

Anyway, their fate is limited to this last chance.

They are all here to be my little brother anyway, so it doesn’t matter.

When the time comes, it’s time to make offerings,

Whenever Lin Hua issues an order, just obey it.

Anyway, over the years, they have been following the orders of the True God of Space.

I'm used to this kind of life, so it doesn't matter anymore.

There are not many Duolinhuas, and there are not many Shaolinhuas.

The key is, it would be great if Lin Hua could protect the entire Nether Realm for them.

Should we go find the adults now?

The pseudo-true god of frost had an impatient look in his eyes.

Said loudly.

But I am a little worried in my heart!

After all, Lin Hua was chasing those Space True Gods out.

At that time, if Lin Hua is killed directly, where will they go?

They knew very well that their previous loyalty to Lin Hua was a little too high.

This means that the three of them have completely betrayed the True God of Space.

If Lin Hua and the True God of Space reconcile,

They have nothing to do with each other.

But once Lin Hua turns against the True God of Space,

Or just kill them directly.

Those Frost False Gods and others are destined to be eliminated by the Netherworld.

It was about their own Xiao Ming, and they had to treat it seriously.

After all, when they were under Lin Hua's hands,

It can be said that there is unbearable pressure at all times.

It seemed as if Lin Hua would swallow them up at any moment.

After all, they were the only ones who knew about the existence of Soul-Eating Insects in Lin Hua.

If this is spread,

He will definitely die.

If he were a normal pseudo-true god, he would go after those space true gods.

Totally looking for death. .

Frost Pseudo God naturally had no scruples.

But now, the situation is completely unclear.

It is difficult to judge who is more powerful between Lin Hua and the True God of Space.

Now they all suspect that the Space True God and others know that Lin Hua has the Soul-Eating Insect.

Only then did he desperately want to leave this place.

But how much does Lin Hua control over the Soul-eating Insect?

They don't know.

Hoo ho ho!

Both of them breathed extremely heavily.

Forget it, let's look for adults along the way!

In case the adults use us, we can also express our feelings in front of the adults. What's more, if the adults are really killed by a few people from the True God of Space, we might be able to pick something up from it.

I saw a bright light emerging from the eyes of the False God of the Witch Clan,

He said quietly.

All of them knew the power of the soul-eating insect.

Although I have never seen it before, I have seen the False God of Fire Demon before.

The scene of being swallowed,

They can be said to have fresh memories.

A demigod's Soul-eating Insect can do a lot of work.

It immediately swallowed up the strong man completely.

Perhaps the current pseudo-true god is completely unaware of how the pseudo-true god of endless flames died.

But they know clearly,

It was definitely the Soul-Eating Insect that did it!

Otherwise, with Lin Hua's strength, there would be no way at all.

Kill them as quickly as possible.

Phew! Hmm!

I saw the Frost Pseudo God and several other people nodded in unison, with a bright light emerging from their eyes.

That's right, facing the soul-eating insect, maybe not even the Space Gods can handle it.

That can be said to be the inheritance of a true god!

As for whether you dare or not?

Now the Frost Pseudo God and the others will never lack this thing.

After all, their finances clearly know that their power is not as good as that of Yanma False God, and the three of them will assassinate Yanma False God.

Isn't it just for the Nine-Yao Divine Fire?

The current situation between Lin Hua and the True God of Space makes them salivate even more.

Anyway, they are all people who have died several times.

Faced with this situation, they still felt it was worth it.

The more risks you take, the more benefits you can get.


The next moment, I saw the Frost Pseudo God, and the three of them were instigated by the flowing light, exuding a cold light and chasing in the direction of Lin Hua!

For a time, the place where the Nine-Yao Divine Fire was born was no longer empty.


And just after the three Frost False Gods left,

The place where the Nine-Yao Divine Fire was born actually caused ripples to appear again.

Collapsed whirlpools one by one,

Gradually it emerged.


Not long after, I saw a huge vortex emerging from the space.

The next moment, he saw a dark figure walking out of the void.

Haha, I finally came out, Jiuyao God? You used Jiuyao God's fire to seal me for hundreds of millions of years, so what?

Now, I have been reborn!

Ha ha!

I saw that dark figure, with an extremely deep light emanating from its eyes.

Rays of cold light bloomed out, and the hidden layer of this body was filled with extremely terrifying power.

Standing there seemed to be a controller of the dark night.

His name is the God of Darkness, and he is the true god who controls the way of darkness.

I once fought against the owner of the Jiuyao Divine Fire, the so-called Jiuyao God.

Sealed by Jiuyao Divine Fire.

Where do you want to be in the endless years,

Let the Jiuyao Divine Fire wipe out his aura.

I really never thought that the False True God of Flame Demon and Bing Shuang Wei Blessing would discover the location of Jiu Yao Divine Fire.

The power of the seal was accidentally opened,

Let the Nine-Yao Divine Fire appear in this world.

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