The three true gods of space, you look at me, I look at you.

He looked extremely depressed.

For a while, none of the three people spoke.

They looked at each other quietly, communicating with each other in their eyes.

Thinking about how to get rid of Lin Hua now.

Time passed minute by minute, as if hundreds of millions of years had passed.

It seemed like a moment passed.

Okay! Lin Hua and we agreed! But you must not spread this matter to us! Otherwise we will treat it as if we have never seen you!

The three Space True Gods hurriedly added.

This is natural. Don't worry. I'm okay with you and everyone, right?

Lin Hua nodded,

He naturally understood that the three true gods in this space must be worried about something.

After all, he has been a human being for two lifetimes, so he still understands some things.


Hearing this, the three Space True Gods were also worried about something.

After all, he has lived in two lifetimes, so he still understands these things.

Hearing this, the three Space True Gods also let out a sigh of relief.

My mood just calmed down a little.

You...Lin Hua, have you always been thinking about this?

Looking at Lin Hua's expression at this time, any fool would know that he has always been a squire.

Looking at Lin Hua, his eyes were filled with sparkles.

His expression became clear instantly,

A look of grief appeared in each eye.


I saw that in the endless turbulence of the void, the three true gods of space formed a horn-like force with each other.

Lin Hua was placed in the center of the air, and power rippled around him, with the aura of space collapse.

There is also the aura of powerful Zerg power,

Only the Soul-eating Insect was not released.

With the sincere teachings of the three true gods.

Lin Hua's strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

There is no way ordinary true gods can compare with you.

At the same time, the Nine-Yao Divine Fire had been directly swallowed by Lin Hua.

A milky white light radiated from his body,

It obviously looks so terrifying,

But the temperature was comparable to that of Quyi and Lihuo Zhenshen.

Enough to destroy a true god.

The eyes of the three Space True Gods all showed endless shock,

I didn't expect Lin Hua's talent to be so high.

They just casually demonstrated their power;

He was directly taught by Lin Hua.

Faced with this situation,

The three Space True Gods can only try their best to improve their cultivation.

To avoid being crushed by Lin Hua,

Lin Hua did not use the soul-eating insects.

One against three, no one is left behind.

In the first few days, the three Space Gods clearly felt Lin Hua's lack of combat experience.

Lin Hua seemed to still be stuck in the battle experience of the pseudo-true god.

Your combat experience is indeed pitiful!

A look of disgust appeared in the eyes of the three Space True Gods!

It can be said that if they hadn’t trained with Lin Hua,

None of them knew that Lin Hua's thinking was stuck in such a long time ago.

Especially often,

He actually let his followers fight for him.

Uh! I accidentally got discovered by you! Almost! Apart from you, I have basically never been hungry after fighting!

Lin Hua said loudly without any concealment.

But no, when he killed the Fire Demon Pseudo God and the Wuji Fire Pseudo True God, he just let the Soul-Eating Insects fight.

There was no big move at all.

Naturally, this is the first battle.

How is this possible? How long have you been promoted to the pseudo-true god?

I saw the three false and true gods of space twitching their mouths together,

I originally came to laugh at Lin Hua, but I didn't expect Lin Hua to admit it directly.

Well! I've been promoted to the world for almost a month!

Lin Huaren said sincerely.

Ah? What did you say? Say something else?

How long did it take for you to be promoted from a high-level god to a pseudo-true god?

I saw the three true gods of space asking in a deep voice, thinking that there was nothing wrong with their ears.

A month! What's wrong?

Lin Hua looked at the three Space True Gods curiously and asked in confusion!

I don’t know what the three of them mean. Is it necessary?

Although my talent is relatively good,

It can be said that there is no one on the planet of gods who can compare with him.

But after all, this is in the Nether Realm. Since I can do it myself,

Thinking about this thing here, it must be very common!

Hearing this, the three Space True Gods immediately became completely confused.

I don’t dare to say it’s a waste. One by one, you look at me and I look at you.

It can be said that they looked at each other in complete disbelief.

How can this be?

It’s not that they don’t believe it, it’s that they can’t be made to believe it!

This means that no one will believe it even if it breaks through the sky!

In the core domain, it is considered a myth.

You know, as far as they know,

In the entire universe, being able to be promoted from a high-level god to a pseudo-true god,

Those who can reach Lin Hua's current spiritual level,

That means even the strongest person needs three years.

Don't say anything, now they have given Lin Hua countless resources!

What opportunities are not opportunities?

Every strong man who comes out of the god’s planet is not the proud son of that god’s planet.

Which one was not killed among countless people.

They all grew up on the basis of thousands of corpses.

Each one has massive resources.

Even in a barren place like the Netherworld,

It is simply impossible to have so many resources.

Are you sure you counted correctly? Did you really reach level 70 in just one month?

Yeah! Almost! If it's to be exact, three days ago, I was still in the forties? Now there are more opportunities in these three days. After all, I only came here in three days. The previous I have been in the planet of gods all the time.”

Lin Hua said quietly.

Oh My God!


The three Space Gods were completely speechless.

This is completely unimaginable.

Is this still the process of spiritual cultivation that they remember?

Co-author Lin Hua has no peace at all.

Putting everything aside, Lin Hua has also been promoted from a low-level pseudo-true god to a high-level pseudo-true god.

It only took three days.


The three Space Gods were all a little embarrassed for a while.

No, it should be that the entire world is feeling ashamed.

Co-authored what they have been practicing all these years.

Is it necessary?

Do people who are stronger than you work so hard?

For a moment, the entire void was filled with the heavy breathing sounds of the three true gods of space.

You, how old are you...

Finally, the True God of Space asked a question.

In fact, everyone among the gods rarely pays attention to the age of others.

Because this itself is meaningless.

After all, everyone's lifespan is extremely long.

In other words, after cultivating to a certain level,

The gods' planets don't have as long a life span as they do.

So no one ever cares about these things,

It makes absolutely no sense.

But it's different now,

The three Space True Gods all want to know how many years Lin Hua has been practicing until now.

In these three days, I jumped directly from the low-level pseudo-true god to the high-level pseudo-true god.

Isn't that just five or six days old?

Although that’s not what this says!

After all, getting started is the hardest part.

But for the three true gods of space,

Lin Hua is just like a child now.

And it's still no different from a newborn child.

Hmm~ Let me think about it!

Lin Hua was a little dazed for a moment and said in a deep voice.

Obviously now he really doesn't remember how old he is.

After all, no one asked him about this kind of thing!

Nothing is necessary!

Gods can completely control their own appearance.

Let your appearance be at the most beautiful moment of your youth.

These fancy things are of no use at all!


About twenty, twenty-three or four! I'm a bit old, so I can't remember!

Lin Hua said quietly,

As if he said a very common thing,

But the True God of Space just felt that Lin Hua had the words Versailles engraved on his head.


The three Space True Gods were instantly dumbfounded.

I can't believe my ears at all,

They all wondered if they were dreaming.

Good guy,

In your twenties?

A little big? ? ?

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