Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 279 Don’t run! hand over your resources

The other pseudo-true gods present all blushed when faced with this situation.

what should we do?

My lord, I don't know where you are.

Are we going to wait?

Frost False God said.


This...shall we go back?

A look of helplessness appeared in the eyes of the False God of the Witch Clan,

Said leisurely.

It's not a good idea to go back. What if the three masters and the True God of Space come back by then? What if we disappear?


The last words of Frost False God were not spoken.

He believed that the remaining two had figured out their new clothes.

Being in the Nether Realm is different from other places.

The three Space True Gods here have absolute authority.

And where is Lin Hua in the hearts of Frost, False True God and the other three?

It has an unshakable position.

how to say.

Lin Hua did not invite them to come over.

It means they don't want to leave either. After all, the identities are different.

Others can ignore Lin Hua’s ascendancy;

But they can't.

Forget it, let's wait.

Even if we can find where the adults are, we are still no match for those true gods of space.

It's better to wait and see what happens.

True Frost God said.

Well, that's all.

The two people stood there and said.


That's all.

The two people stood motionless.

Just like a wooden pile.

People who don't know think they have become statues.



I saw that there was no longer a stable life in the Netherworld.

The three true gods of space dragged Lin Hua and ran around the entire Nether Realm.

Anyway, they just don't want to fulfill their bet.

In the hearts of the three True Gods of Space, this is not considered a broken promise.

It's entirely because of Lin Hua's problem.

Being too big is also a sin!

So in order to avoid Lin Hua's pursuit, the three of them ran all the way.

They didn't believe that Lin Hua could catch up with them now.

Moreover, even if Lin Huanai is the absolute strong one,

But if it consumes more power, it will naturally be impossible to compare with the three true gods.

At least, that's how they see it.

Just thinking about it would completely consume Lin Hua's power.

Lin Hua will not have time to chase them by then.

They can also relax.

After all, if they just consume resources now,

That makes no sense.

But this ability to maintain high-speed operation for a long time and control oneself with high intensity,

That is, it is easy for their soul power to become exhausted.

Power is gone and can be gained by devouring resources.

And if the power of the soul is not there, then you must rest.

Use time to repair.

Although there are naturally some powerful elixirs in this,

Or the soul resources can make up for it,

But the consumption of mental power is not so easy to recover easily.

The current thoughts of the three Space True Gods are to consume Lin Hua's soul power.

Indeed, I never expected that all their wishful thinking would be wrong.

Lin Hua really doesn't lack the power of the soul, but he lacks resources.

In an open field,

The three Space Gods stood over there panting.

A look of doubt about life appeared in each eye.

Looking at the person in front of him, the corners of his mouth were twitching constantly.

Don't know what to say at all.

Everyone was extremely shocked,

They have absolutely nothing to do with Lin Hua now.

Who can stand up to this guy if he doesn't take both soft and hard tactics?

The three true gods of space are really too lazy to run away.

It doesn't make any sense.

Now they are also desperate, knowing that it is impossible to do anything at this time.

He could only stare at Lin Hua in astonishment.

I'm all confused. The three Space Gods have been running around for a whole month.

I don’t know how much resources have been consumed.

I originally thought that I could directly let Lin Hua consume my resources.

But what I didn’t expect at all was that,

Lin Hua didn't react at all.

On the contrary, he became more energetic,

The extremes on them didn't react at all.

It's just that their spirits are a little flagging.

After all, in the past month,

Lin Hua is not just here to chase them,

They are also constantly blocking them and attacking them.

This is not just the consumption in the pursuit,

It was as if the battle had been going on for a whole month.

They were all a little helpless.

Three of you, run away!

Lin Hua still looked at the three Space True Gods with great interest and said loudly.

It can be said that now I wish the three Space Gods could continue running.

Lin Hua found that in the process of chasing them, he had better control over his power.

Basically it has reached a level of ease.

Everyone was extremely excited.

However, if they stopped running, he couldn't urge them to run away quickly.


These words reached the ears of the three true gods of space,

It became the mocking words.

But no, one by one you look at me, I look at you,

The corners of his mouth are all practicing.

Good guy, I'm really too lazy to move.

A waste of time and energy. I originally thought I could get rid of Lin Hua, but in the end, good guy,

It was quite tiring for the three of them.

The three Space Gods looked at each other,

They all saw the lonely look in each other's eyes.

At this moment they felt that a new star was rising,

And the era they ruled must eventually pass.

Even the three true gods of space now do not want to hand over the Nether Realm to Lin Hua.

That is also impossible.

It's definitely not what they can do now.

The three Space Gods took a deep breath,

A look of helplessness appeared in his eyes,

A dry laugh.

Lin Hua, what do you want?

The True God of Space said in a deep voice.

I've made it very clear.

Either you give me what you promised me.

Anyway, now I promise you to guard the Netherworld. As a true god, I can't keep my word.

Otherwise, I would have been with you all the time.

The True God of Space said helplessly,

It can be said that I am so angry that I want to write.

This Lin Hua still depends on it.

That won't work!

I just like to stick with it until the end. Since you have promised me something, I will also be a reporter.

Before, you three true gods of space said to leave it to me, and now you want to leave again. What's the reason for this?

Lin Hua said that the three true gods looked confused.

For a moment, the three true gods almost fainted when they heard this.

Good guy, this Lin Hua co-author is still a dog-skin plaster!

How come they didn't notice it before?


They had absolutely no idea what to say.

Everyone is quite helpless!

what should I do?

Lin Hua, you are really going too far!

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