Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 278 Do you still call me True God? The character is broken!

Then don't leave, all of you.

The True God of Space, the expressions of the three of them changed instantly. Looking at the ripples in front of them, they all felt bad.

The powerful power of space,

Mixed with the power of multiple attributes,

Directly and chaotically flowing in the void,

Let them all click and pray,

It seems that the next one will be swallowed directly in the whirlpool.

They have a feeling.

If you charge directly,

It is very likely that you will be involved in this void turbulence.

, who knows where the next void turbulence will appear?

The gang's space collapsed, and the endless destructive power emanated from the hollow. For a moment, a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

It's not interesting. You are all willing to admit defeat.

Otherwise, you won't be able to leave.

Lin Hua said lightly, the true god of space. The three of them looked at each other. Although they were shocked by Lin Hua's power, who was the fool at this time and who was willing to admit defeat.

If all the resources in the body were given to Lin Hua,

Then whether they want to practice next will naturally not work.

This will literally cost them their lives.

The three of them have been together for countless years.

It can be said that they are connected with each other.


Suddenly, three figures flashed in the space,

The next circle of ripples appears,

He rushed directly to other places,

Since Lin Hua couldn't stop him on his way back,

Then just avoid it.

Anyway, the current situation requires them to directly suppress Lin Hua.

They can't do it either.


In the next moment, the endless void lingers,

Waves of waves rippled in circles. The three Space True Gods were in front, and Lianhua was chasing after them.

Why are you running? Are you really not going to fight?

Lin Hua's roaring body was full of light, dazzling and dazzling, exuding supreme power, and his whole body was like a startling rainbow speeding away.

Wherever the three Space Gods stopped, they all immediately turned on the full speed mode.

Rays of divine light rippled down from the whole body,

The structure became an order. The God King was in front of him and discussed the God of Space crazily. The three of them were unreasonable.

Don't think about it at all,

It makes no sense for Lin Huaduo to come here and talk nonsense.

Anyway, now Lin Hua has a request.

Let them spit out all their resources,

The cuteness of being a true god and actually breaking his promise.

They don't want to waste time either,

I know that whatever I say now is unreasonable.

Just running all the way, going around and around the three true gods of space and Lin Hua,

I don’t know how many times I went around in the endless chaos of the void,

Anyway, Lin Hua has been blocking the way forward for the three of them.

Now he has overcome thorns and obstacles all the way, breaking through Lin Hua's blocking power.

He rushed out and stood still for a while, but Huang couldn't beat him in the end.

The momentum of running away.

I thought it would be fine if I paid more attention to it next week.

But I didn’t expect that my space power would be greatly improved.

Lin Hua immediately chased after him. After all, the three Space Avatars were pretty good to him.

He didn’t say he was going to fight, shout, or kill.

And it also gave him a lot of resources, which at least saved him a lot of time in practice.

over time,

Lin Hua no longer needs to use all his power. He can only use the power of space. At the level of the pseudo-true god, sometimes just devouring resources cannot improve his fighting methods at all.

Resources improve cultivation,

It is impossible to sublimate your combat skills.

In this current situation.

Being promoted so much directly resulted in Lin Hua not having complete control over his own power.

, and this will indeed allow Lin Hua to use his power flexibly, although there are not too many attacks.

But when they hindered the actions of the three true gods along the way,

The mastery of the power of one's own space has increased steadily.

By then, you will be able to steadily improve your spatial power and flexibly master your future fighting skills.

When he was on the planet of gods, Lin Hua rarely had the opportunity to take action on his own.

Basically, it is the believers in the god's planet who are fighting. My control over my own power is the best among that god's planet.

But in this industry where true gods are true gods, the power of the lotus flower is still too small.

If there really was a fight, Lin Hua before,

Definitely no match for the True God of Wuji Fire,

Of course, leaving aside the Soul-eating Insect, it is indeed impossible to kill the False True God of Infinite Flame with its own power.

But things are different now.

Lin Hua's control of his own power has reached a new peak.

It can be said that they are getting stronger and stronger. The three true gods of space and Lin Hua have been shuttled in the endless void turbulence.

It can be said that there are many crises,

Although there are really three people leading the way in the space,

But the threat Lin Hua dealt with was also a big accident.

It also helped a lot to improve Lin Hua's strength.

The True God of Space went directly to another place the next moment. As time went by,

Their breathing became heavier and heavier. After all, they had been traveling through the endless void for a long time.

The power consumption for each of them is huge, and none of them can be freed from the turbulence of the void.

I told you that Soul Eater is not over yet. Don't prepare to continue like this. We will all be buried in the endless void turbulence.

Today the three of us really talked angrily,

At this moment they discovered what dog skin plaster is,

This Lin Hua can be said to be a genuine dog-skin plaster.

Once it's contaminated, you can't get rid of it.

Originally, they were thinking about another mere false god.

When the time comes, I will travel through the endless void for a while,

If Lin Hua cannot withstand the powerful consumption here, then Lin Hua will retreat without a fight.

The three True Gods of Space have made up their mind that they will never appear on the same frequency as Lin Hua in the future.

Anyway, they should stand farther away wherever Lin Hua is around, so as not to cause trouble.

There was no way, even though they just lost the bet directly,

But I never thought that Lin Hua's power would make it impossible for normal people to look at the three of them at this time.

Only then did I believe that this Lin Hua was truly capable of devouring so many resources, if nothing else.

Just some resources consumed,

How many pseudo-true gods can stay in books for such a long time, that is already very powerful.

I said you should stop chasing. Your power can already protect the Nether Realm. We were wrong. We underestimated you. You can just come to protect us now. There is no need to become a true god. We are going to the heavens and worlds now. Well, in addition, we will give you some resources, and then how about you slowly cultivate on your own?

The three True Gods of Space said helplessly one by one,

I was really scared of being chased by Lin Hua.

They didn't care, they were just worried that Lin Hua couldn't bear it.

After all, they didn't want to see Dao Linhua fall directly into the endless void turbulence.

At that time, it was the loss of the entire Netherworld.

They don't want to see that situation either.

Why did you say so well and I agreed, but you went back on your word? Don't think that just with such a painful process of guarding Netherworld Rain, you can let me guard your lair with just this little thing!

Uh! Lin Hua, what do you want?

I saw the god of space, Chen Sheng asked.

Help me become a true god and teach you your resources. Don't worry, after I become a true god, I will return your excess resources to you.

Lin Hua is still very realistic. It is much better to let the three gods of space help him to cultivate the power of space than to practice alone.

Hearing this, the three Space Gods let out a sigh of relief.

There really is no way, this lotus is completely soft and hard and don't go too far.

The key point is that Lin Hua is still very strong. They want to suppress it directly.

I guess there is no chance, and they will turn against each other when the time comes.

Naturally, they are unwilling to do this and want to cheat today.

Today, they ducked out of the space barrier one by one.

Hey! Don't run away, stop for me! You don't have martial ethics!

Lin Hua also chased after him.

At this moment, the false god is waiting for them to take their seats outside.

I originally planned to salute.


Back in the real world, the three True Gods of Space were like squids entering the sea, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

But if you want to escape Lin Hua’s pursuit,

That's impossible,

In addition, it was like a tracking missile, chasing behind the three Space True Gods.

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