Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 275 Are you three really true gods?

Um, this...

The fake true gods among them all looked at the two true gods Li Huo and Wuying with shocked expressions.

None of them knew what to say. It seemed that now they had no choice but to accept their fate. Otherwise, how could they survive?

In fact, when I thought about it again, I also realized that the three true gods wanted to continuously appear for the true gods to work together for the safety of the Netherworld.

Isn’t that what it’s like now?

This Lin Hua's power is enough to prove that the future is very likely or already the true god.

For a moment, they also expressed their understanding, although they wanted Li Huo and Wuying True God, and the two of them beat Lin Hua severely.

I really want to think about it very much.

But if you don’t accept it now, there is no other way, because the three true gods have said so, what else can you do?

It would be more realistic than if the comrade among them who opposed Lin Hua died now.

The three true gods all agreed. This power was given to Lin Hua by the March True God, not by Lin Hua himself. If he left in the future and had other ideas, the three true gods could come and sanction him.

If we object now, the result will naturally be direct defeat by the three true gods of war.

Thinking of this, everyone fell to the ground and shouted.

See Soul Eater as the True God!

I said there are three true gods, do you take it seriously?

Lin Hua looked at the three true gods with a puzzled look, always feeling that there was something wrong with this.

Although I want to kill a true god, I don't have much confidence in facing three true gods.

But it doesn't mean that he will be deceived by the three people.

Lin Hua is not stupid.

, the three true gods heard Lin Hua’s question and felt that Lian Hua was a shrewd person. If he was not given a reasonable explanation, the guardianship mission of the Nether Realm would not be completed.

There is no way, they must find a reliable person for the Nether Realm before they can leave with peace of mind.

Otherwise, they would not even have time to cry when they left the Nether Realm and were slaughtered.

Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, we really don't mean any harm.

The three true gods intend to explain.

I believe you, you big-headed devil, you bad old man are very bad.

Lin Hua thought so in his heart.

We have good intentions, you can't say that about us, right?

The True God of Space, Chen Sheng, said this with a sincere look in his eyes, looking at Lin Hua faintly.

We really don't have soul-eaters. Don't you want to rule them? I just follow your wishes. Aren't you happy?

True God Lihuo also said in a deep voice.

This guy is awesome.

Forget it, if you don't want to tell me the actual situation, then I can just leave. I have other things to do.

It can be said that Lin Hua did not give any face to the three true gods.


Look at this scene directly,

You look at each one, I look at you,

Don't look shocked, you didn't expect Lin Hua to get three.

It's so recognized that I almost turn my back on him.

Why should I let him notify me?

When did the three true gods have such emotions?

Is it possible that this Lin Hua is sent from the core area?

That's not right, this isn't right either,

All the strong men in the past dealt with Lin Hua like this.

It's visible to them,

But I don’t know what happened later, which is considered to be a 180-degree change in the attitude of the True God.

Originally, all the powerful men were very familiar with the things here.

Knowing that it should be the three true gods who admire Lin Hua's ability very much,

That's why things like this happen,

But I never expected that,

Since this episode directly confused them,

Is this treating Lin Hua a little too well?

Oh, Soul Eater, what are you doing?

I saw the True God of Space directly reaching out to stop Li's words,

Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Hua to leave directly at this time.

The three true gods of the Chenghe system came here to announce the news that Lin Hua was their successor.

As a result, no one else said much at this time.

The successor became impatient.

The three Space Gods looked helpless.

I don’t understand at all what is in Lin Hua’s head.

Anyway, they are different from normal people,

But if any of the pseudo-true gods knew that the three true gods of Bes valued so much,

I must have knelt down immediately.

I wish I could kneel down and lick the three true gods,

But now not only did they not see Lin Hua kneeling and licking the Three True Gods,

And I still have to go,

For a while, the other three true gods came to try to save them.

If you don't tell me, you will leave eventually

Lin Hua asked in a deep voice, ready to fight at any time.

Although the three true gods believed in Lin Hua, Lin Hua did not believe in them at all.

Moreover, the true gods of space have briefly fought against each other. Although it was a trial, when it comes to the real fight, it is still unknown who will win and who will lose.

That is to say, there must be something fishy about someone who is evenly matched and suddenly develops such a strong impression on you.

I saw other pseudo-true gods seeing Lin Hua's actions. You looked at me and I looked at you, with expressions filled with emotion.

No, even though they couldn't figure out why the True God of Space and the three of them suddenly changed like this, they all knew in their hearts that it was impossible for the three True Gods of Space to have such a great performance for no reason.

The current situation is like the true god of space begging for Lin Hua.

He is obviously a fake god. Indeed, he looks very much like an uncle now. He can be said to be a heavenly being. As expected, he would not know how miserable he is if he doesn't go out and hang out. Only now do he know the difference between a god and a god. , that is bigger than the difference between humans and pigs.


The True God of Space also kept twitching the corners of his mouth and looking around.

Naturally, it is impossible to tell them the truth directly in front of all the pregnant women.

If the time comes, these powerful men will directly unite and wait until the three true gods leave.

Directly kill Lin Hua together. In the annexed void domain, who should the three of us talk to?

They know that Lin Hua's ability is extremely powerful, but they don't believe that Lin Hua can directly crush everyone present as a true god with his current strength.

Come here, borrow a step and talk over here.

The True God of Space said this, and waved his palm slightly, drawing a ripple in the void.

The next moment, a hole opened in the void barrier.

Seeing the familiar feeling, Lin Hua felt that the power of this space was similar to the collapse of his own space.

, but in the current space, the true god's space power is indeed stronger than him.

, but Lin Hua has nothing to envy. He is not trained by the power of space. He relies on the soul-eating worms and the original method of the God of Creation.

The power of space is also a powerful attribute of the Creator God.

Lin Hua glanced leisurely, outside the void,

I have already felt the powerful destructive aura of the endless void turbulence,

The true god of space stepped directly into it with one lift of his feet.

The two true gods, Li Huo and Wuying, were looking at Lin Hua from behind.

No need to ask, if Lin Hua doesn't go in now, the two of them will directly use force.

It seemed to have a bit of a threatening flavor, but more of it was that they wanted to test Lin Hua's courage.

, as a lord of the void domain, it naturally requires courage and ability.

Lin Hua didn't hesitate at all. If you are in a small place, it might be more convenient to use the Soul-Eating Insect yourself.

Now Lin Hua still doesn't know how powerful a single person is. Every time he lets them out in a battle, they always come out in groups.

But in this case, it will waste time and energy, and mainly in this era of soul-eating insects in the world, Lin Hua should keep a low profile in the future.

When he has the ability to fight against all the worlds, Lin Hua will choose to make the Soul-Eating Insect public and let him and the Creator God see the light of day again.

Accompanied by endless emptiness. Amidst the turbulent flow, Lin Hua saw lines of faint space power emerging from his body, protecting his body, and then he stepped forward and followed behind the True God of Space.

Well, it's okay. At least this person has good courage. It's worth cultivating.

Wuying and Lihuo nodded slowly, feeling quite satisfied with Lin Hua's performance.

Lin Hua's current performance is obvious. Completely in line with their inner thoughts.

This is the kind of leader a void domain should have.

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